
This is Recruit a New VBA Programmer Week, according to Dick Kusleika, so we'd better get moving. I haven't recruited anyone yet, have you?

根据Dick Kusleika的说法,这是招募新的VBA程序员周 ,所以我们最好动起来。 我还没有招人,对吗?

  • If you aren't a VBA programmer already, keep reading, and you can be my victim, errr, willing recruit. Don't be afraid – it won't hurt a bit. Or byte.如果您还不是VBA程序员,请继续阅读,您可以成为我的受害者,errr,愿意接受。 不要害怕-它不会有一点伤害。 或字节。
  • If you are a VBA programmer, just forward this post to a friend or co-worker, and you'll have completed your recruiting responsibilities.如果您是VBA程序员,只需将此帖子转发给朋友或同事,即可完成招聘职责。

VBA入门 (Getting Started With VBA)

If you don't know anything about Excel VBA, where should you start?

如果您对Excel VBA一无所知,应该从哪里开始?

  1. Understand what Excel can do without macros了解Excel在没有宏的情况下可以做什么
  2. Think of a simple, but boring, Excel task that you have to repeat every day考虑一下您每天必须重复执行的简单但无聊的Excel任务
  3. Use the Macro Recorder to automate that simple routine使用宏记录器自动执行该简单例程

Excel可以做什么? (What Can Excel Do?)

Excel can do all kinds of amazing things, without macros. Get to know Excel's built-in features, such as:

Excel无需宏即可完成各种令人惊奇的事情。 了解Excel的内置功能,例如:

  • Conditional Formatting


  • Data Validation


  • Pivot Tables


  • AutoFilters and Advanced Filters

    自动 过滤器和高级过滤器

If you use those features, you might not need a macro. For example, instead of checking each cell in a column, and colouring it red if it's over $100, use conditional formatting to highlight the cells automatically.

如果使用这些功能,则可能不需要宏。 例如,使用条件格式自动突出显示单元格,而不是检查列中的每个单元格,并在其超过$ 100时将其着色为红色。

识别要自动化的任务 (Identify a Task to Automate)

If you use Excel every day, you probably have a few tasks that you repeat regularly. To get started with Excel VBA, pick one of those tasks, to try and automate it.

如果每天使用Excel,则可能有一些任务需要定期重复执行。 要开始使用Excel VBA,请选择其中一项任务,然后尝试使其自动化。

Maybe you have a list of orders, and every day you filter that list to find orders for a specific product. Here are the steps that you follow every morning:

也许您有一个订单列表,并且每天都过滤该列表以查找特定产品的订单。 以下是每天早晨执行的步骤:

  1. Open the Orders file打开订单文件
  2. Filter the list for Product ABC筛选产品ABC的列表
  3. Copy the Product ABC orders复制产品ABC订单
  4. Create a new workbook创建一个新的工作簿
  5. Paste the Product ABC orders into the new workbook.将产品ABC订单粘贴到新工作簿中。

Instead of doing that task manually every day, you could automate it.


准备记录 (Get Ready to Record)

Once you've decide which task to automate, you'll use Excel's Macro Recorder tool to create the VBA code. Before you start recording, get everything into position. For example:

确定要自动化的任务后,将使用Excel的Macro Recorder工具创建VBA代码。 在开始录制之前,请准备好所有内容。 例如:

  • Do you want the macro to open a specific workbook, or will that workbook already be open?您是要宏打开一个特定的工作簿,还是要打开该工作簿?
  • Should you select a cell or worksheet before the macro runs, or will that be part of the macro?您应该在宏运行之前选择一个单元格或工作表,还是将其作为宏的一部分?

In our example, we want the macro to open a workbook for us, then filter and copy, so nothing needs to be open when we start recording.


开始录音 (Start Recording)

Once everything is in position, you can start recording.


  1. In the Record Macro dialog box, type a one word name for the macro, e.g. CopyOrdersABC在“记录宏”对话框中,为宏键入一个单词名称,例如,CopyOrdersABC
  2. Select the workbook where you'd like to store the VBA code. In this example we'll store the code in a new workbook. Later, we can open that workbook every morning, to run the macro.选择您要在其中存储VBA代码的工作簿。 在此示例中,我们将代码存储在新的工作簿中。 稍后,我们可以每天早晨打开该工作簿以运行宏。
  3. (optional) Type a brief description of what the macro will do.(可选)键入有关宏将执行的操作的简短描述。
  4. Click OK, to start recording.单击确定,开始录制。

执行宏步骤 (Perform the Macro Steps)

While the Macro Recorder is on, perform the steps that you want to automate. In this example, these are the steps:

宏录制器打开时,执行要自动执行的步骤。 在此示例中,这些步骤是:

  1. Open the Orders file打开订单文件
  2. Filter the list for Product ABC筛选产品ABC的列表
  3. Copy the Product ABC orders复制产品ABC订单
  4. Create a new workbook创建一个新的工作簿
  5. Paste the Product ABC orders into the new workbook.将产品ABC订单粘贴到新工作簿中。

If you mess something up, don't worry about it. You can stop the recording, close files without saving, and start over again.

如果您搞砸了,不要担心。 您可以停止录制,不保存就关闭文件,然后重新开始。

停止录音 (Stop the Recording)

Once you finished all the steps, turn off the Macro Recorder.


  1. If you stored the macro in a new workbook, save that file (as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook *.xlsm) , so you can run the macro later.如果您将宏存储在新的工作簿中,请将该文件保存为Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook * .xlsm,以便以后可以运行宏。

准备测试宏 (Get Ready to Test the Macro)

To test the macro, get everything into position again. For example:

要测试宏,请重新放置所有内容。 例如:

  • If you saved the macro in a different file, make sure that workbook is open.如果您将宏保存在另一个文件中,请确保该工作簿处于打开状态。
  • If the macro will open a specific workbook, make sure that workbook is closed.如果宏将打开一个特定的工作簿,请确保该工作簿已关闭。

To run the macro, you can add the Developer tab to the Excel Ribbon, if it's not there already:


  1. Click the Microsoft Office Button, then click Excel Options.单击Microsoft Office按钮,然后单击Excel选项。
  2. Click the Popular category点击热门类别
  3. Add a check mark to Show Developer tab in the Ribbon在功能区中的“显示开发人员”选项卡上添加复选标记
  4. Click OK点击确定

If you haven't run macros before, you might need to change your macro security level. (You might have to clear this with your IT department.)

如果以前没有运行宏,则可能需要更改宏安全级别。 (您可能必须与IT部门联系。)

  1. On the Ribbon, click the Developer tab在功能区上,单击“开发人员”选项卡
  2. In the Code group, click Macro Security.在“代码”组中,单击“宏安全性”。
  3. In the Macro Settings category, under Macro Settings, click Disable all macros with notification在“宏设置”类别的“宏设置”下,单击“禁用所有带通知的宏”。
  4. Click OK.单击确定。
  5. If you changed the setting, close the workbook, then reopen it.如果更改了设置,请关闭工作簿,然后重新打开它。
  6. Then click Enable This Content, to allow the workbook's macros to run.然后单击“启用此内容”,以允许工作簿的宏运行。

测试宏 (Test the Macro)

Now, you can run the macro, to see if it works the way you want.


  1. On the Ribbon, click the Developer tab在功能区上,单击“开发人员”选项卡
  2. in the Code group, click Macros.在“代码”组中,单击“宏”。
  3. In the Macro dialog box, click the macro that you want to run.在宏对话框中,单击要运行的宏。
  4. Click Run.单击运行。

If you get an error message, click the End button, or click Debug, if you're feeling adventurous. A line of code should be highlighted in yellow, and that might give you a clue as to what went wrong.

如果收到错误消息,请在感觉冒险时单击“结束”按钮,或单击“调试”。 一行代码应以黄色突出显示,这可能会给您提供有关错误原因的线索。

If everything went as expected, great!


招聘完成 (Recruitment Completed)

Whether things went right or wrong, congratulations! You created an Excel macro. Consider yourself recruited, and welcome to the wonderful world of Excel programming.

不管事情是对还是错,恭喜! 您创建了一个Excel宏。 考虑自己被招募了,欢迎来到Excel编程的美好世界。

You're on your way to becoming a lean, mean VBA machine.


观看视频 (Watch the Video)

[updated 2009-Nov-26: Added video tutorial] To see the steps demonstrated, watch this video.



翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2009/11/20/lean-mean-vba-machine/




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