
[root@jenkins data]# rm -f /etc/sysconfig/jenkins


[root@jenkins data]# yum install jenkins-2.204.5-1.1.noarch.rpm
stat: cannot stat ‘/var/cache/jenkins’: No such file or directory
stat: cannot stat ‘/var/log/jenkins’: No such file or directory
stat: cannot stat ‘/var/lib/jenkins’: No such file or directory
error: %pre(jenkins-2.204.5-1.1.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Error in PREIN scriptlet in rpm package jenkins-2.204.5-1.1.noarchVerifying  : jenkins-2.204.5-1.1.noarch                                                                    1/1 Failed:jenkins.noarch 0:2.204.5-1.1

2.报错关键:PREIN scriptlet
就是 preinstall scriptlet,这是rpm在安装前执行的一段shell脚本,那么就查看执行的脚本是否能定位问题

[root@jenkins data]# rpm --scripts -qp jenkins-2.204.5-1.1.noarch.rpm > jenkins.log
[root@jenkins data]# ls
jenkins-2.204.5-1.1.noarch.rpm  jenkins.log


[root@jenkins data]# cat jenkins.log
preinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
...if [ -f "/etc/sysconfig/jenkins" ]; thenlogger -t jenkins.installer "Found previous config file /etc/sysconfig/jenkins". "/etc/sysconfig/jenkins"stat --format=%U "/var/cache/jenkins" > "/tmp/jenkins.installer.cacheowner"stat --format=%U "/var/log/jenkins"  >  "/tmp/jenkins.installer.logowner"stat --format=%U ${JENKINS_HOME:-/var/lib/jenkins}  > "/tmp/jenkins.installer.workdirowner"elselogger -t jenkins.installer "No previous config file /etc/sysconfig/jenkins found"fi

这段的意思:如果/etc/sysconfig/jenkins文件存在,执行下面一系列操作(stat …),应该是为了重复安装写的。

4.通过 ls /etc/sysconfig/jenkins查看文件是否真的存在,结果再次安装时确实存在,因此rm删除此文件再重新安装即可.


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