打开modelsim,在底部输入命令:vsim -help,能够打印相关的命令

# Usage: vsim [options] [[<library>.]<primary>[(<secondary>)]]...
#    -default_radix radix|radix_flag[,radix_flag...] Set default radix and radix flags.
#                            Specifying just a radix will clear all radix flags. Specifying
#                            just radix flags will set the flags but leave the default radix unchanged.
#    -help                   Print this message
#    -version                Print the version of the simulator
#    -32                     Run in 32-bit mode
#    -64                     Run in 64-bit mode
#    <library_name>.<design_unit>
#                            Specifies a library and associated design unit; multiple library/design unit
#                            specifications can be made. If no library is specified, the work library is
#                            used.
# --------------------------- VHDL and Verilog options ---------------------------
#    -assertcover            Keep assertion counts for coverage statistics
#    -assertdebug            Keep data for debugging assertion failures
#    -assertfile <filename>  Alternative file for recording assert messages
#    -msgfile <filename>     Alternative file for recording non-assert messages
#    -assume                 Simulate PSL and Verilog assume directives same as assert directives
#    -autoexclusionsdisable=fsm|assertions|all|none
#                            Turns on/off automatic fsm or assertions code coverage exclusions
#    -autoprofile[=<profile_database>]
#                            Automatically collect profile data without requiring the use of profile
#                            commands. Specifying a profile database name is optional
#    -attemptedimmedcovers   Exclude unattempted immediate covers to participate in coverage calculations
#    -batch                  Batch mode
#    -c                      Command line mode
#    -capacity               Enable fine grain capacity analysis
#    -colormap new           Specifies that the window should have a new private colormap instead of
#                            using the default colormap for the screen.
#    -compress_elab          In conjunction with -elab, enables compression of
#                            the elab file
#    -codelink=<path>        Specify the path to CODELINK_HOME directory
#    -nocodelink             Ignore the CODELINK_HOME environment variable and
#                            disable codelink loading.
#    -coverage               Allows enabled coverage statistics to be kept
#    -coverenhanced          Enables functionality which may change the appearance or content of coverage
#                            metrics. A detailed list of these changes can be found by searching in the
#                            release notes for 'coverenhanced'. This option only takes meaningful effect in
#                            letter releases (e.g. 10.2b). It has no effect in initial major releases (e.g. 10.2).
#    -covercountnone         Disables the default behavior to increment the count of all matching rows in
#                            condition and expression coverage UDP tables. Has no effect on FEC coverage.
#    -coverstore <path>      Specifies the path where coverage data will be dumped during exit
#                            of a simulation run. The -testname argument is required for this
#                            option to specify a testname for the current simulation run.
#    -do "<command>"         Execute <command> on startup; <command> can be
#                            a macro filename
#    -display <display-spec> Specifies the name of the display to use.
#                            Does not apply to Windows platforms.
#    -displaymsgmode <mode>  Controls transcripting of display system task messages.
#                            Messages will appear in transcript and/or MsgViewer (.wlf file)
#                            Valid modes - tran, wlf, both (Default: tran)
#    +delayed_timing_checks  Causes timing checks to be performed on the delayed versions of input ports
#    +dumpports+direction    Provide port direction info in VCD file for dumpports
#    +dumpports+unique       Provide unique Extended VCD identifier for each port
#    +dumpports+no_strength_range
#                            Ignore strength range when resolving conflicts
#    +dumpports+collapse     Collapse dumpport vectors into single VCD ids
#    +dumpports+nocollapse   Don't collapse dumpport vectors into single VCD ids
#    +dumpports+force_direction
#                            Ignore driver location. Use port direction for input and output ports
#    -elab <filename>        Elaborate a design into a file
#    -elab_cont <filename>   Elaborate a design into a file and simulate
#    -elab_defer_fli         Defer calling FLI initialization routines
#    -error <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]  Change the severity of the listed
#                            messages to Error
#    -f <filename>           Read command line arguments from <filename>
#    -optionset <optionset_name>
#                            Calls an option set in modelsim.ini.
#    -fatal <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]  Change the severity of the listed
#                            messages to Fatal
#    -feccountlimit [<n> | 0 ]  Limits the number of counts that are tracked for
#                            Focused Expression Coverage.
#    -filemap_elab <HDLfilename>=<NEWfilename>
#                            Define a mapping used during -load_elab
#    -fsmdebug               Enables visualization of FSMs in the GUI.
#    -g<Name>=<Value>        Specify generic/parameter default Value for Name
#    -g <Name>=<Value>       Alternate way to specify generic/parameter default Value for Name
#    -G<Name>=<Value>        Override generic/parameter with specified Value
#    -G <Name>=<Value>       Alternate way to override generic/parameter with specified Value
#    -geometry <geometry_spec> Specifies the size and location of the main window.
#                            Where <geometry_spec> is of the form: WxH+X+Y
#    -gui                    Open the GUI without loading a design
#    -i                      Force interactive mode
#    -ignoreinilibs          Ignore the libraries specified with the 'LibrarySearchPath' variable in the vsim
#                            section of the ini file
#    -immedassert            Enable SystemVerilog and VHDL immediate assertions
#    -infacthome  <path>     Location of inFact installation.
#                            Overrides 'InFactHome' modelsim.ini setting
#    -keeploaded             Prevent the simulator from unloading/reloading
#                            shared libraries
#    -keeploadedrestart      Prevent the simulator from unloading/reloading
#                            shared libraries during restart
#    -keepstdout             Do not redirect stdout to transcript window
#    -l <filename>           Write simulation log to <filename>
#                            (Default: transcript)
#    -learn <fname>          Learn the names of objects externally accessed at runtime
#                            (by methods such as PLI, VPI, Signal Spy, or CLI).
#                            <fname>.ocf, <fname>.ocm and <fname>.acc files created
#    -lib <libname>          Load top-level design units from <libname>
#                            (Default: work)
#    -lic_nomti              Do not look for Model Technology Licenses
#    -lic_noqueue            Do not wait in the license queue when a license
#                            is not available
#    -lic_plus               Immediately reserve a VHDL and Verilog license
#    -lic_vhdl               Immediately reserve a VHDL license
#    -lic_vlog               Immediately reserve a Verilog license
#    -lic_no_slvhdl          Disable checkout of qhsimvh and vsim single
#                            language VHDL license features
#    -lic_no_slvlog          Disable checkout of qhsimvl and vsimvlog
#                            single language Verilog license features
#    -lic_no_mix             Disable checkout of msimhdlmix and hdlmix
#                            second language only license features
#    -lic_no_lnl             Disable checkout of msimhdlsim and hdlsim
#                            language neutral license features
#    -lic_mixed_only         Disable checkout of qhsimvh,qhsimvl,vsim,
#                            vsimvlog single language license features
#    -lic_lnl_only           Disable checkout of qhsimvh,qhsimvl,vsim,
#                            vsimvlog,msimhdlmix,hdlmix license features
#    -load_elab <filename>   Load simulation from previous elaboration
#    -logfile <filename>     Write simulation log to <filename>
#                            (Default: transcript)
#    -memprof                Collect memory allocation profile data for use with
#                            current simulation
#    -memprof+call           Unwinds the call stack and collects the call tree information.
#    -memprof[+file=<filename>]
#                            Collect memory allocation profile data for use with
#                            current simulation and copy raw data to <filename>
#    -memprof[+fileonly=<filename>]
#                            Collect memory allocation profile data in raw format
#                            to <filename>
#    -modelsimini <modelsim.ini>
#                            Specify path to the modelsim.ini file
#    -mlopt                 Optimize mixed language nets
#    -multisource_delay min|max|latest
#                            Controls annotation of SDF INTERCONNECT construct
#                            (Default: max)
#    +multisource_int_delays Enable multisource interconnect delays
#                            for both Verilog and VHDL
#    -msglimit [all,|none,][-|+]<msgNumber>[,[-|+]<msgNumber>...]
#                            Limit the listed messages to display five times
#    -msglimitcount <limit_value> -msglimit [all,|none,][-|+]<msgNumber>[,[-|+]<msgNumber>...]
#                           Limit the reporting of listed messages to user defined count
#    -msgmode <mode>         Controls transcripting of elaboration/runtime messages.
#                            Messages will appear in transcript and/or MsgViewer (.wlf file)
#                            Valid modes - tran, wlf, both (Default: tran)
#    -multicount <covtypes>  Specifies the single-bit or multi-bit count modes for bins of
#                            different coverage types
#    -mvchome  <path>        Location of Questa Verification IP installation.
#                            Overrides 'MvcHome' modelsim.ini setting
#    -name <name>            Specifies the application name used by the interpreter for send commands.
#    -nocompress             Create/restore uncompressed checkpoint file
#    -nocoverage             Passed to vopt to turn off code coverage compile options
#    +no_notifier            Disable notifier toggling for timing constraint
#                            violations
#    -noappendclose          Do not physically close VHDL files when they are opened in append mode.
#    -noassertcover          Do not keep assertion counts for coverage statistics
#    -noassertdebug          Do not keep data for debugging assertion failures
#    -noassume               Do not simulate PSL and Verilog assume directives
#    -nocapacity             Do not display capacity related information
#    -noexcludehiz           Do not automatically exclude rows with Hi-Z for
#                            expression coverage
#    -noexcludeternary       Disables the automatic exclusion of UCDB coverage data rows resulting
#                            from ternary expressions for the entire design.
#    -nolog                  Do not generate a simulation log file
#    -nopsl                  Disable PSL assertions
#    -nostdout               Do not write transcript to stdout (batch mode only)
#    +no_tchk_msg            Disable timing constraint error messages
#    -note <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]  Change the severity of the listed
#                            messages to Note
#    +notimingchecks         Disable Verilog and VITAL timing checks
#    -novhdlvariablelogging  Disables higher performance VHDL variable logging
#    -nosyncio               Disables synchronization of I/O from different
#                            sources like C/C++ application(PLI,VPI,DPI)
#                            and GUI. vsim will perform better when it does
#                            not have to synchronize I/Os. This option is on
#                            by default with -batch
#    -novopt                 Force incremental mode (pre-6.0 behavior)
#    -nowiremodelforce       Restores the force command to previous usage (prior to version 10.0b)
#                            where an input port cannot be forced directly if it is mapped at a
#                            higher level in VHDL and mixed models. Signals must be forced at the
#                            top of the hierarchy connected to the input port.
#    -onfinish <mode>        Customize the kernel shutdown behavior at the end of simulation
#                            Valid modes - ask, stop, exit, final (Default: ask)
#    -pduignore[=<instpath>] Ignore Preoptimized Design Unit.
#                            If optional <instpath> is not specified all PDUs found in
#                            compiled libraries will be ignored. Otherwise the PDU
#                            specified by <instpath> will be ignored. This option may
#                            be specified multiple times with different <instpath>s.
#                            (Equivalent to the deprecated "-ignore_bbox" option).
#    -pa                     Enable PowerAware RTL mode
#    -pa_allowtimezeroevent[=all]
#                            Enable corruption, isolation, or release of signals at time 0 for
#                            the following events: pa_corrupt_register, pa_iso_on and pa_iso_off.
#    -pa_debugdir <directory> Specify the location for the writing and retrieval of post-simulation
#                            debug information for power aware simulations.
#    -pa_disabletimezeroevent Disable the default behavior of the -pa_allowtimezeroevent switch.
#    -pa_gls <testbench_top> Enables gate-level simulation for Power Aware, performed on the
#                            top-of-design test bench (testbench_top).
#    -pa_highlight           Enables visual indication (highlighting) of power states of signals viewed
#                            in the Wave window.
#    -pa_lib <libname>       Use PA specific dumps from <libname> library. (Default: work)
#    -pa_togglelimit=<n>     Instructs vsim to discontinue reporting an error (8906) for each signal
#                            that toggles during power off and issue note (8922) instead.
#                            The default value is 5.
#    -pa_top <dut path>      Allow vsim to use different top level hierarchy for PA
#                            (Example: -pa_top /tb2/dut_inst
#    -pa_zcorrupt            Change the default corruption value used at power-down from 'X' to 'Z'.
#    -debugdb[=<dbname>]     To create or use Schematic Debug database (Default: vsim.dbg)
#    -postsimdataflow        Needed with -debugdb, to enable post simulation dataflow
#    -pedanticerrors         Enforce strict language checks
#    -permissive             Relax some language error checks to warnings.
#    -printsimstats[=[val][v]] Print simstats results
#                            Possible values: 0 - disable simstats, 1 - end of simulation(default)
#                                             2 - end of each run command and simulation, v - verbose stats
#    -psl                    Enable PSL assertions
#    -psloneattempt          Force single PSL assertion coverage attempt
#    -pslinfinitythreshold   Redefine infinite clock tick for strong operators
#    -quiet                  Do not report 'Loading...' messages
#    -qwavedb=<options>...   Use qwavedb to log event data in place of wlf
#    -restore <filename>     Restore simulation from previous checkpoint
#    -runinit                Execute run -init before command prompt or running -do files.
#    -sdfmax[@<delayScale>] [<instance>=]<sdffile>
#                            Annotate VITAL or Verilog <instance> with maximum
#                            timing from <sdffile>, scaled by <delayScale>
#    -sdfmaxerrors <n>       Max number of missing instances reported (default is 5)
#    -sdfmin[@<delayScale>] [<instance>=]<sdffile>
#                            Annotate VITAL or Verilog <instance> with minimum
#                            timing from <sdffile>, scaled by <delayScale>
#    -sdfminr[@<delayScale>] [<instance>=]<sdffile>
#                            Specifies when an instance of a Preoptimized Design Unit
#                            (vopt -pdu) with an associated default SDF
#                            file is to be re-annotated with minimum, typical, or
#                            maximum timing from the specified SDF file.
#    -sdfnoerror             Treat SDF errors as warnings
#    -sdfnowarn              Disable warnings from SDF annotator
#    -sdfreport=<fileName>   Report unannotated/partially-annotated specify objects into <fileName>
#    +sdf_report_unannotated_insts Enable error messages for any un-annotated Verilog instances with
#                            specify blocks or VHDL instances with VITAL timing generics that are under
#                            regions of SDF annotation.
#    -sdftyp[@<delayScale>] [<instance>=]<sdffile>
#                            Annotate VITAL or Verilog <instance> with typical
#                            timing from <sdffile>, scaled by <delayScale>
#    +sdf_verbose            Display SDF annotator status messages
#    -showautoexcludprows    Display auto-excluded UDP rows of table, in expression coverage
#    -showlibsearchpath      Show all the libraries which will be searched for precompiled modules
#    -suppress <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]  Suppress the listed messages
#    -stats[=[+-]<args>]     Enables simulation statistics
#                            <args> are all,none,time,cmd,msg,perf,verbose,list,kb,eor
#    -sync                   Executes all X server commands synchronously, so that errors are reported
#                            immediately. Does not apply to Windows platforms.
#    -syncio                 Enable I/O synchronization with -batch option
#                            where I/O synchronization is disabled by default
#                            for optimal performance.
#    -undefsyms=[<args>]     Generate stubs for undefined symbols in the shared libraries being loaded
#                            <args> are on, off, verbose
#    -t [1|10|100]fs|ps|ns|us|ms|sec  Time resolution limit
#                            (VHDL default: resolution setting from .ini file)
#                            (Verilog default: minimum time_precision in the
#                            design)
#    -tag <string>           Set tag for FLI/PLI tracing to <string>
#    -notoggleints           Excludes VHDL integers from toggle coverage
#    -testname <name>        Specifies a testname for the current simulation run. Required
#                            only when coverage data is saved in a coverstore.
#    -togglemaxintvalues     Sets max number of values saved for VHDL integers
#    -togglemaxrealvalues    Sets max number of values saved for SystemVerilog reals
#    -togglemaxfixedsizearray <size>
#                            Sets the limit on the size of Verilog unpacked fixed-size arrays
#                            that are included for toggle coverage
#    -togglecountlimit       Sets max count saved for a toggle node
#    -togglewidthlimit       Sets max width for vectors counted for toggles
#    -togglevlogreal         Includes Verilog real type in toggle coverage
#    -togglefixedsizearray   Includes Verilog unpacked fixed-size arrays, VHDL multi-d arrays and VHDL arrays-of-arrays in toggle coverage
#    -togglevlogints         Includes Verilog integers for toggle coverage
#    -togglevhdlrecords      Includes VHDL records for toggle coverage
#    -notogglevlogints       Excludes Verilog integers from toggle coverage
#    -notogglevlogreal       Excludes Verilog real type in toggle coverage
#    -notogglefixedsizearray Excludes Verilog unpacked fixed-size arrays, VHDL multi-d arrays and VHDL arrays-of-arrays in toggle coverage
#    -notogglevhdlrecords    Excludes VHDL records from toggle coverage
#    -nowlfdeleteonquit      Preserve the current simulation WLF file (vsim.wlf) when the simulator exits.
#    -togglepackedasvec      Treat SystemVerilog packed structures and multi-d arrays as flattened vectors
#    -togglevlogenumbits     Treat SystemVerilog enums as reg-vectors for toggle coverage
#    -extendedtogglemode [1|2|3]
#                            Change the level of support for extended toggles.
#                            The levels of support are:
#                            1 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & any one 'Z' transition (to/from 'Z')
#                            2 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & one transition to 'Z' & one transition from 'Z'
#                            3 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & all 'Z' transitions
#    -toggleportsonly        Enable toggle statistics collection only for ports
#    -toggledeglitch <period> Enable toggle deglitching. Require signal stable longer than period value
#                            <period> must be a time value with units
#    -title <string>         Optional title for the Main window
#    -trace_dpi <n>          Set DPI tracing to level <n>. The default is 0 which turns off tracing.
#                            The levels of support are:
#                            1 - turning on all tracing
#                            0 - turning off all tracing (default)
#                            i - turning on the tracing of DPI import call only
#                            e - turning on the tracing of DPI export call only
#                            a - turning on the tracing of DPI import/export call arguments only
#    -trace_foreign <n>      Set FLI/PLI tracing to level <n>
#    -ucdbteststatusmsgfilter <TCL style regular expression>
#                            Matching messages do not propagate their status to UCDB TESTSTATUS
#    -unattemptedimmed       Include immediate assertions to participate in assertion coverage calculations
#    -vcdstim [<instance>=]<filename>  Stimulate the top-level design or instances
#                            from an Extended VCD file
#    -vhdlmergepdupackage    VHDL packages with the same name and same library are shared between PDUs
#    -vhdlseparatepdupackage VHDL packages with the same name and same library are not shared between PDUs
#    -vhdlvariablelogging    Enables higher performance VHDL variable logging
#    -visual <visual>        Specify the visual to use for the window. Does not apply to Windows platforms.
#    -visualizer[=<bin-file><visualizer-options>...]  Visualizer interactive mode
#    -view [<dataset>=]<filename>  View the contents of a WLF file
#    -viewcov [<dataset>=]<ucdbfilename>  View the contents of the coverage ucdb file
#    -vopt                   Run vopt optimization before elaborating the simulator
#    -voptargs="<arglist>"   Pass the specified arguments to vopt
#    -vopt_verbose           Display verbose informational messages
#    -warning <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]  Change the severity of the listed
#                            messages to Warning
#    -warning error          Report all warnings as errors
#    -wlf <filename>         Specify the name of the WLF file (Default: vsim.wlf)
#    -wlfcompress            Create compressed WLF files.
#    -wlflock                Lock a WLF file.
#    -wlfopt                 Turn on WLF file optimizations (default)
#    -nowlfopt               Turn off WLF file optimizations
#    -nowlfcompress          Turn off WLF file compression
#    -nowlflock              Turn off WLF file locking
#    -wlfslim <size>         Specify maximum number of Megabytes to be saved in
#                            WLF file (Default: infinite)
#    -wlftlim <duration>     Specify maximum duration of time to be saved in
#                            WLF file (Default: all)
#    -wlfcachesize <n>       Specify WLF reader cache size (per WLF file.)
#                            (Default: no reader cache)
#    -wlfsimcachesize <n>    Specify WLF reader cache size for current simulation
#                            (Default: no reader cache)
#    -wlfdeleteonquit        Delete WLF file when simulation quits.
#    -nowlfcollapse          Log every item event and preserve event order.
#    -wlfcollapsedelta       Log item values only at end of iteration. (default)
#    -wlfcollapsetime        Log item values only at end of time step.
# --------------------------------- VHDL options ---------------------------------
#    -absentisempty          Treat non-existent VHDL files opened for read
#                            as empty
#    -accessobjdebug         Enable access value designated object debug features.
#    -defaultstdlogicinittoz Sets the default VHDL initialization of std_logic to "Z" (high impedance)
#                            for ports of type OUT and INOUT.
#    -foreign "<C_init_func> <shared_lib>"  Load a foreign module
#    -nocollapse             Disable optimization of internal port map connections
#    -nofileshare            Do not share file descriptors for VHDL files opened
#                            for write or append that have identical names
#    -noglitch               Disable VITAL glitch generation
#    +no_glitch_msg          Disable glitch error messages
#    -oldvhdlforgennames     Enable the use of a previous style of naming in VHDL for...generate
#                            statement iteration names in the design hierarchy.
#    -stackcheck             Enable runtime stack usage sanity checking.
#    -std_input <filename>   Use filename for VHDL textio STD_INPUT file
#    -std_output <filename>  Use filename for VHDL textio STD_OUTPUT file
#    -strictvital            Sacrifice performance for strict VITAL compliance
#    -vcdread <filename>     Stimulate the VHDL top-level design from a VCD file
#    -vital2.2b              Select SDF mapping for VITAL 2.2b (Default: VITAL 95)
#    -vital_fix_negative_setup_hold_sum
#                            Set negative time to zero when setuphold sum is negative
# -------------------------------- Verilog options -------------------------------
#    +alt_path_delays        Use current output value instead of pending value
#                            when selecting inertial specify path output delay
#    +bitblast[=[iopath|tcheck]] Bit-blast Verilog specify paths and/or tchecks with wide ports.
#                            Without the optional qualifiers operates on specify paths and tchecks.
#                            +bitblast=iopath bit-blasts specify paths with wide ports.
#                            +bitblast=tcheck bit-blasts tchecks with wide ports.
#    -checkvifacedrivers 1|0 Include assignments through virtual interfaces in the multiple-driver analysis.
#    -classdebug             Enable class debug features.
#    -nocvgcollapseembeddedinstances
#                            Turning off the optimization of collapsing embedded covergroup
#                            instances when type_option.merge_instances is set to zero.
#    -cvgmaxrptrhscross      Set the maximum cross bin BINRHS terms in coverage report.
#    -cvgprecollect <ucdb_filename>
#                            Specify a UCDB file as optimization control for the current
#                            simulation. This switch can occur multiple times.
#    -cvgprecollectlog <log_filename>
#                            Specify the path of the log file where the precollect processing information
#                            will be written to.
#    -cvgperinstance         Force the option.per_instance control in all covergroup declarations to 1.
#    -cvgsingledefaultbin    Collapse a Covergroup default array bin into a scalar bin
#    -cvghaltillbin          Halt simulation when an illegal cover/cross bin gets hit
#    -cvgmergeinstances      Set the default value of covergroup type_option.merge_instances to 1
#    -cvgsparsecross         Force modelling of Covergroup cross bins in a sparse fashion.
#    -cvgsparsearraybin      Force modelling of Covergroup unsize array bins in a sparse fashion.
#    -cvgzwnocollect <1|0>   Turn on/off the coverage data collection of zero-weight coverage items.
#    -cvgbintstamp           Record simulation timestamp when a covergroup bin is covered during simulation run
#    -nocrossautobins        Avoid generating auto bins in cross coverage computation.
#    -dpicpppath </path/to/gcc> Specify desired GCC path for DPI compilation
#    -dpicppinstall <[gcc|g++] version>
#                            Specify the version of the desired GNU compiler supported and
#                            distributed by Mentor for the DPI compilation
#    -dpiexportcheckref      (Deprecated) Check the staleness of exportwrapper source file generated previously.
#    -dpiexportonly          (Deprecated) Quit simulation after exportwrapper compilation. This is to support locked work library flow.
#    -dpiexportobj <filename> (Deprecated) Generate specified DPI export object file then quit
#    -dpilib    <libname>    Specify the library that contains DPI exports and object files
#    -ldflags   <linkopts>   Specify in quotes the option for linking auto compiled DPI/PLI/VPI object files
#    -dpiforceheader         Force generation of dpi header file even when empty
#                            of function prototypes
#    -dpiheader <filename>   Generate specified DPI C header file
#    -dpioutoftheblue 1|0    Turn on/off DPI out-of-the-blue call from C function
#    -nodpiexports           (Deprecated) Turn off the exportwrapper generation.
#    -nodpimasking           Turn off masking of unused bits of bit vectors from user C data.
#    -enumfirstinit          Initializes enum variables in SystemVerilog using the leftmost value as
#                            the default. Argument must be used with the vlog command in order to
#                            implement this initialization behavior. Specify the EnumBaseInit variable
#                            as 0 in the modelsim.ini file to set this as a permanent default.
#    -extend_tcheck_data_limit <percent relaxation> Relax data limit for convergence
#    -extend_tcheck_ref_limit  <percent relaxation> Relax ref limit for convergence
#    +autofindloop           Find the infinite zero-delay loop when Iteration Limit is exceeded.
#                            This option should be used with full design visibility e.g. vopt +acc
#    -hazards                Enable hazard checking
#    +initmem+<seed>         Specify seed value to be used for randomizing
#                            fixed-size arrays marked for randomization by vlog/vopt.
#    +initreg+<seed>         Specify seed value to be used for randomizing
#                            variables marked for randomization by vlog/vopt.
#    -initreport <filename>  Report initial values generated due to
#                            applying +initreg/+initmem options to vlog/vopt
#    +initregNBA | +noinitregNBA
#                            Controls whether +initreg settings applied to registers
#                            of sequential UDPs should be non-blocking. This is useful when continuous
#                            assignments overwrite register initialization.
#                            +initregNBA -- (default) enables this functionality
#                            +noinitregNBA -- disables this functionality.
#    +int_delays             Optimize annotation of interconnect delays
#    -L <libname>            Search library for design units instantiated from
#                            Verilog and for VHDL default component binding
#    -Lf <libname>           Same as -L, but libraries are searched before `uselib
#    +maxdelays              Use maximum timing from min:typ:max expressions
#    +mindelays              Use minimum timing from min:typ:max expressions
#    +no_autodtc             Turn off auto-detection of optimized cells with negative timing checks
#                            and autoapplication of +delayed_timing_checks to those cells.
#    +no_cancelled_e_msg     Disable negative pulse warning messages
#    -noimmedca              Revert to pre-6.5 continuous assignment event ordering
#    +no_neg_tchk            Set negative timing check limits to zero
#    +no_path_edge           Ignore the input edge specification on path delays
#    +no_pulse_msg           Disable path pulse error warning messages
#    +nosdferror             Treat SDF errors as warnings
#    +nosdfwarn              Disable warnings from SDF annotator
#    +no_show_cancelled_e    Cancel negative pulse (Default)
#    +nospecify              Disable specify path delays and timing checks
#    +notiftoggle01[+<seed>] Use the metastable UDP evaluation of enabled Verilog cells in simulation.
#                            Default seed value is 0
#    -no_autoacc             Prevents vsim from automatically passing the +acc switch to vopt.
#    -nosva                  Disable SystemVerilog concurrent assertions
#    -noimmedassert          Disable SystemVerilog and VHDL immediate assertions
#    -nocvg                  Disable Covergroup object construction and builtin calls
#    -nocvgmergeinstances    Set the default value of covergroup type_option.merge_instances to 0
#    -nocvgperinstance       Force the option.per_instance control in all covergroup declarations to 0.
#    -nocvgzwopt             Enable sampling for zero weight covergroup items
#    -no_risefall_delaynets  Disables the rise/fall delay net delay negative timing check algorithm.
#    +nowarnBSOB             Disables run-time warning messages for bit-selects in initial blocks
#                            that are out of bounds
#    +nowarn<CODE | Number>  Disable specified warning message
#                            (Example: +nowarnTFMPC)
#    +ntc_warn               Enable warnings from negative timing constraint
#                            algorithm
#    +ntcnotchks             Disable timing checks while maintaining NTC delays
#    -pli "<object list>"    Load the list of PLI shared objects
#    -plicompatdefault [latest | 2009 | 2005 | 2001]
#                            Specify the VPI object model behavior within vsim. This switch applies
#                            globally, not to individual libraries.
#    +<plusarg>              Option accessible by PLI routine mc_scan_plusargs
#    +pulse_e/<percent>      Set path pulse error limit as percentage of
#                            path delay
#    +pulse_e_style_ondetect Drive pulse error state immediately on detection
#    +pulse_e_style_onevent  Drive pulse error state on time of pending event
#                            (Default)
#    +pulse_int_e/<percent>  Set interconnect pulse error limit as percentage
#                            of delay
#    +pulse_int_r/<percent>  Set interconnect pulse rejection limit as
#                            percentage of delay
#    +pulse_r/<percent>      Set path pulse rejection limit as percentage of
#                            path delay
#    +sdf_iopath_to_prim_ok  Prevent vsim from issuing an error when it cannot locate specify path
#                            delays to annotate
#    +sdf_nocheck_celltype   Disable check between SDF celltype name and
#                            module name
#    +show_cancelled_e       Drive pulse error state on negative pulse
#    -solvebeforeerrorseverity=<value>
#                            Specify error message severity for suppressible errors that
#                            are detected in a solve/before constraint
#                            Valid values:
#                              0 - no error
#                              1 - warning
#                              2 - error
#                              3 - failure
#                              4 - fatal
#    -solveengine <engine>   Use specified solver engine to evaluate randomize() scenarios
#                            Valid engines - auto, bdd, act
#    -solvefaildebug[=value] Display constraint conflicts on randomize() failure
#                            Valid values:
#                              0 - disable solvefaildebug
#                              1 - basic debug (no performance penalty)
#                              2 - enhanced debug (runtime performance penalty)
#                            If no value is specified, basic debug will be enabled.
#    -solvefailtestcase[=filename]
#                            Upon encountering a randomize() failure, generate a
#                            simplified testcase that will reproduce the failure.
#                            Optionally output the testcase to the specified file.
#                            Testcases for 'no-solution' failures will only be
#                            produced if -solvefaildebug is enabled.
#    -solveprofile           Enable randomize() profiling (profile data included in solver report)
#    -solverev <version>     Specify random sequence compatibility with <version>
#                            (Example: -solverev 6.2a)
#    -solveverbose           Print information about randomize() call processing
#    -sv_lib <shared_obj>    DPI shared object, without extension
#    -sv_root <dirname>      Directory name to use as prefix for DPI
#                            shared object lookups
#    -sv_liblist <filename>  The name of a bootstrap file containing names
#                            of DPI shared objects to load
#    -sv_seed <seed>         Specify a seed for the Random Number Generator
#                            (RNG) of the root thread (SystemVerilog)
#    -sva                    Enable SystemVerilog concurrent assertions
#    -svext[=[+|-]<extension>[,[+|-]<extension>]*]
#                            Enable SystemVerilog language extensions.
#                            Valid extensions are:
#                            cfce  - Generate an error if $cast fails as a function.
#                            fmtcap - prints hapital hex digits with %X/%H in display calls.
#    -tab <filename>         Specify PLI TAB file
#    -tbxhvllint             Enables TBX to identify delays encountered at runtime, with file name
#                            line number and the delay maturity time. (This feature depends on
#                            libraries that have been compiled with -tbxhvllint specified to vlog)
#    +transport_int_delays   Use transport mode for interconnect delays
#    +transport_path_delays  Use transport mode for path delays
#                            (Default: inertial)
#    +typdelays              Use typical timing from min:typ:max expressions
#                            (Default)
#    -udpcountlimit [<n> | 0 ] Limit the number of counts that are tracked for UDP Coverage.
#    -usenonstdcoveragesavesysf Replaces implementation of the built-in, IEEE 1800 compliant
#                            system function with the non-standard variant, and thus affects all
#                            calls to $coverage_save().
#    -uvmcontrol=[all,disable,struct,msglog,trlog,certe]
#                            Control specific UVM-aware debug options (default: -uvmcontrol=struct)
#    +vlog_retain_on | +vlog_retain_off
#                            Enable or disable SDF RETAIN delay processing.
#                            +vlog_retain_on is the default behavior.
#    +vlog_retain_same2same_on | +vlog_retain_same2same_off
#                            Enable or disable SDF RETAIN delay processing of X insertion on outputs
#                            that do not change, but the causal inputs change.
#                            +vlog_retain_same2same_on is the default behavior.
#    -v2k_int_delays         Use Verilog 2000 style interconnect delays
#    -wreal_resolution <resolver>[,check|,nocheck ]
#                            Specify resolve behavior for AMS wreal net
#                            with multiple drivers, where <resolver> is
#                            default, 4state, sum, avg, min, or max.
#                           check/nocheck determine if compatibility with
#                           nettype real resolution functions is to be checked.
#    -wrealdefaultzero       Sets the default value for an undriven wreal net to zero (0).
#    -gconrun/-nogconrun     Enable/disable garbage collection after each simulation run command.
#    -gconstep/-nogconstep   Enable/disable garbage collection after each step command.
#    -gcthreshold <n>        Specify the threshold for Garbage Collection.
#                            The default size is 100.  (i.e. Garbage Collection will be
#                            triggered after every 100M byte of class object allocation.)
# -------------------------------- SystemC options -------------------------------
#    -cpppath </path/to/[gcc|g++]>
#                            Specify path to the desired GNU compiler.
#                            Use same compiler path as specified on the sccom
#                            command line.
#    -cppinstall <[gcc|g++] version>
#                            Specify the version of the desired GNU compiler
#                            supported and distributed by Mentor.
#                            Use same compiler path as specified on the sccom command line.
#    -noautoldlibpath        Disable setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH set internally.
#    -sc22                   Use the IEEE 1666-2005 standard (default: IEEE 1666-2011).
#    -sc_arg <arg>           Specify a SystemC command line argument
#                            accessible using sc_main(), sc_argc() and
#                            sc_argv()
#    -scdpidebug             Turn on debugging for SystemC DPI export function call
#    -sclib <libname>        Load the SystemC shared library from <libname>
#                            By default the systemc.so shared library is loaded
#                            from the library in which the top level SystemC design
#                            unit is compiled. This option should be used when systemc.so
#                            is not in the same library as the top level SystemC design unit.
#    -scstacksize <value>    Set SystemC thread stack size. The stack size is set as an integer
#                            number followed by the unit which can be Kb(Kilo-byte), Mb(Mega-byte) or
#                            Gb(Giga-byte). Examples: '1000 Kb', '1 Mb', '1 Gb'
#    -noscmainscopename      Strip sc_main() scope from the hierarchical path.


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