
I've been playing with IoT stuff on my vacation. Today I'm looking at an Onion Omega. This is a US$19 computer that you can program with Python, Node.js, or C/C++. There's a current IndieGogo happening for the Onion Omega2 for $5. That's a $5 Linux computer with Wi-Fi. Realistically you'd want to spend more and get expansion docks, chargers, batteries, etc, but you get the idea. I got the original Omega along with the bluetooth dongle, Arduino compatible base, tiny OLED screen. A ton of stuff to play with for less than $100.

我在度假时一直在玩物联网的东西。 今天我正在看洋葱欧米茄。 这是一台19美元的计算机,您可以使用Python,Node.js或C / C ++进行编程。 目前,IndieGogo正在以5美元的价格出售Onion Omega2 。 那是一台售价5美元的带Wi-FiLinux计算机。 实际上,您希望花费更多,并获得扩展坞,充电器,电池等,但是您明白了。 我得到了原始的Omega以及蓝牙加密狗,与Arduino兼容的底座,小的OLED屏幕。 一吨不到100美元的东西就可以玩。

Note that I am not affiliated with Onion at all and I paid for it with my own money, to use for fun.


One of the most striking things about the Onion Omega line is how polished it is. There's lots of tiny Linux Machines that basically drop you at the command line and say "OK, SSH in and here's root." The Onion Omega is far more polished.

关于洋葱欧米茄系列最引人注目的事情之一是它的抛光程度。 有很多小Linux机器,它们基本上会在命令行中显示“ OK,SSH in and roots”。 洋葱欧米茄(Omega)要抛光得多。

The Omega can do that for you, but if you have Bonjour installed (for zeroconf networking) and can SSH in once to setup Wi-Fi, you're able to access this lovely web-based interface.


This clean, local web server and useful UI makes the Onion Omega extremely useful as a teaching tool. The Particle line of IoT products has a similarly polished web-interfaces, but while the Onion uses a local web server and app, the Particle Photon uses a cloud-based app that bounces down to a local administrative interface on the device. There's arguments for each, but I remain impressed with how easy it was for me to update the firmware on the Omega and get a new experience. Additionally, I made a few mistakes and "bricked" it and was able - just by following some basic instructions - to totally reflash and reset it to the defaults in just about 10 minutes. Impressive docs for an impressive product.

这种干净的本地Web服务器和有用的UI使Onion Omega作为教学工具极为有用。 IoT产品的Particle系列具有类似的抛光Web界面,但是Onion使用本地Web服务器和应用程序时,Particle Photon使用基于云的应用程序,该应用程序可以跳回到设备上的本地管理界面。 每种都有争论,但是我对Omega上的固件更新和获得新体验的简易性印象深刻。 另外,我犯了一些错误并“变砖”了它,只需遵循一些基本说明,就可以在大约10分钟内完全重新刷新并将其重置为默认值。 令人印象深刻的产品的令人印象深刻的文档。

通过NightScout实现基于洋葱Omega的葡萄糖显示 (Onion Omega based Glucose Display via NightScout)

So it's a cool product, but how quickly can I do something trivial, but useful? Well, I have a NightScout open source diabetes management server with an API that lets me see my blood sugar. The resulting JSON looks like this:

所以这是一个很酷的产品,但是我多快可以完成一些琐碎但有用的事情? 好吧,我有一个NightScout开源糖尿病管理服务器,该服务器带有一个API,可让我查看血糖。 生成的JSON如下所示:

[     {        "_id":"5851b235b8d1fea108df8b",      "sgv":135,      "date":1481748935000,      "dateString":"2016-12-14T20:55:35.000Z",      "trend":4,      "direction":"Flat",      "device":"share2",      "type":"sgv"   }]

That number under "sgv" (serum glucose value) is 135 mg/dl. That's my blood sugar right now. I could get n values back from the WebAPI and plot a chart, but baby steps. Note also the "direction" for my sugars is "flat." It's not rising nor falling in any major way.

“ sgv”(血清葡萄糖值)下的数字为135 mg / dl。 那是我现在的血糖。 我可以从WebAPI中获取n个值并绘制图表,但是很简单。 另请注意,我的糖的“方向”是“扁平”。 它没有以任何主要方式上升或下降。

Let's add the OLED Display to the Onion Omega and show my sugars. Since it's an OpenWRT Linux machine, I can just add Python!

让我们将OLED显示器添加到洋葱Omega并显示我的糖。 由于它是一台OpenWRT Linux计算机,因此我可以添加Python!

opkg updateopkg install python

Some may (and will) argue that for a small IoT system, Linux is totally overkill. Sure, it likely it. But it's also very productive, fun to prototype with, and functional. Were I to go to market for real, I'd likely use something more hardened.

有些人可能(并且会)争辩说,对于小型物联网系统,Linux完全过时了。 当然可以。 但这也非常有生产力,具有原型制作的乐趣并且功能强大。 如果我要真正进入市场,我可能会使用更坚固的东西。

As I said, I could SSH into the machine but since the Web UI is so nice, it includes an HTML-based terminal!

如我所说,我可以通过SSH进入计算机,但是由于Web UI非常好,因此它包含一个基于HTML的终端!

The Onion Omega includes not just libraries for expansions like the OLED Display, but also command-line utilities. This script clears the display, initializes it, and displays some text. The value of that text will come from my yet-to-be-written python script.

Onion Omega不仅包括用于OLED Display之类的扩展库,还包括命令行实用程序。 该脚本清除显示,对其进行初始化,并显示一些文本。 该文本的值将来自我尚未编写的python脚本。


oled-exp -c  

VAR=$(python ./sugar_script.py)

oled-exp -i  oled-exp write "$VAR"

Then in my Python script I could print the value that would be returned into VAR and then printed with the oled-exp command line utility.


OR, I can bypass the shell script entirely and use the Python Module for this OLED screen directly and do this. Grab the JSON, clean it up because apparently the json library sucks (?), then display it.

或者,我可以完全绕过shell脚本,并直接将Python模块用于此OLED屏幕并执行此操作。 抓取JSON,清理它,因为显然json库很烂(?),然后显示它。

#!/usr/bin/env python                                                                                                        

from OmegaExpansion import oledExp                                                                                           import urllib                                                                                                                import json                                                                                                                  

site="https://hanselmansugars.something/api/v1/entries/sgv.json?count=1"                                                jfile=urllib.urlopen(site)                                                                                                   jsfile=jfile.read()                                                                                                          jsfile=jsfile.replace("\n","")                                                                                               jsfile=jsfile.replace("/","")                                                                                                jsfile=jsfile.replace("]","")                                                                                                jsfile=jsfile.replace("[","")                                                                                                

a=json.loads(jsfile)                                                                                                         sugar=a['sgv']                                                                                                               direction=a['direction']                                                                                                     info="\n" + str(sugar)+" mg/dl and "+direction                                                                               

oledExp.driverInit()                                                                                                         oledExp.clear()                                                                                                              oledExp.write(info)    

Now here's a pic of my live blood sugar on the Onion Omega with the OLED! I could put this to run on a timer and I'm off to the races.

现在,这是我在带OLED的Onion Omega上的活血糖的照片! 我可以将其放在计时器上运行,然后开始比赛。

The next step might be to clean up the output, parse the date better, and perhaps even dynamically generate a sparkline and display the graphic on the small B&W OLED Screen.

下一步可能是清理输出,更好地解析日期,甚至可能动态生成迷你图,并在小型B&W OLED屏幕上显示图形。

Have you used a small Linux IoT device like the Onion Omega?

您是否使用过像Onion Omega这样的小型Linux IoT设备?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/playing-with-an-onion-omega-iot-device-to-show-live-blood-sugar-on-an-oled-screen


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