

  • Sina wb
  • Xiao hs

参考资料: r2wiki、enovella wiki


0x1 安装



frida-ls-devices工具获取 usb device id

接着用frida-ps -U | grep xhs获取完整包名

然后根据idpackage nameradare连接frida:

r2 frida://c0e668cc/com.xingin.xhs


❯ r2 frida://c0e668cc/com.xingin.xhs
WARNING: r_bin_open_buf: assertion '(st64)opt->sz >= 0' failed (line 250)-- SSAbotage from ISIL

0x2 使用

0x2.1> help

首先介绍怎么使用help;对了,要使用r2frida的命令,得在命令的前面加上 \=!;比如获取help

# =!? or \?
[0x00000000]> =!?
r2frida commands available via =! or \ prefix
. script                   Run scriptfrida-expression         Run given expression inside the agent
/[x][j] <string|hexpairs>  Search hex/string pattern in memory ranges (see search.in=?)
/v[1248][j] value          Search for a value honoring `e cfg.bigendian` of given width
/w[j] string               Search wide string
<space> code..             Evaluate Cycript code
?                          Show this help
?V                         Show target Frida version
chcon file                 Change SELinux context (dl might require this)
d.                         Start the chrome tools debugger
db (<addr>|<sym>)          List or place breakpoint
db- (<addr>|<sym>)|*       Remove breakpoint(s)
dc                         Continue breakpoints or resume a spawned process
dd[j-][fd] ([newfd])       List, dup2 or close filedescriptors (ddj for JSON)
di[0,1,-1] [addr]          Intercept and replace return value of address
dk ([pid]) [sig]           Send specific signal to specific pid in the remote system
dkr                        Print the crash report (if the app has crashed)
dl libname                 Dlopen a library (Android see chcon)
dl2 libname [main]         Inject library using Frida's >= 8.2 new API
dm[.|j|*]                  Show memory regions
dma <size>                 Allocate <size> bytes on the heap, address is returned
... 有点长

这是获取所有命令的帮助,如果想要获取某个字母有哪些命令只需要在其后面加 ? 即可


[0x00000000]> \i?i    dump infoi* dump info r2iAE list all exportsiAE*    list all exports r2iAEj list all exports jsoniAn    list all classes nativesiAs list all symbolsiAs*    list all symbols r2iAsj list all symbols jsoniE list exportsiE* list exports r2iE.  lookup symbol hereiEa   lookup exportiEa*   lookup export r2...

0x2.2> dm

简单介绍下常用命令。首先是获取so的信息命令 dm,比如地址。这里用到的匹配符~,这个符号类似grep命令

[0x00000000]> \dm~shield
0xc5a1a000 - 0xc5a95000 r-x /data/app/com.xingin.xhs-9gUqbwWzalUnAgU88apeTQ==/lib/arm/libshield.so
0xc5a95000 - 0xc5a99000 r-- /data/app/com.xingin.xhs-9gUqbwWzalUnAgU88apeTQ==/lib/arm/libshield.so
0xc5a99000 - 0xc5a9a000 rw- /data/app/com.xingin.xhs-9gUqbwWzalUnAgU88apeTQ==/lib/arm/libshield.so

你也可以以radare的格式输出,只需要在命令后面加个 * 符号

[0x00000000]> \dm*~shield
f map.0xc5a1a000 = 0xc5a1a000 # r-x /data/app/com.xingin.xhs-9gUqbwWzalUnAgU88apeTQ==/lib/arm/libshield.so
f map.0xc5a95000 = 0xc5a95000 # r-- /data/app/com.xingin.xhs-9gUqbwWzalUnAgU88apeTQ==/lib/arm/libshield.so
f map.0xc5a99000 = 0xc5a99000 # rw- /data/app/com.xingin.xhs-9gUqbwWzalUnAgU88apeTQ==/lib/arm/libshield.so


[0x00000000]> \dmj~shield
Do you want to print 1 lines? (y/N) y
[{"base":"0x12c00000","size":3145728,"protection":"rw-","file":{"path":"/dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (region space) (deleted)","offset":0,"size":0}},{"base":"0x12f00000","size":4456448,"protection":"---","file":{"path":"/dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (region space) (deleted)","offset":3145728,"size":0}},{"base":"0x13340000","size":262144,"protection":"rw-","file":{"path":"/dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (region space) (deleted)","offset":7602176,"size":0}},{"base":"0x13380000","size":262144,"protection":"---","file":{"path":"/dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (region space) (deleted)",...

0x2.3> iE

然后是获取so文件的所有导出函数命令 iE,应该是 info exports (我猜的

[0x00000000]> \iE* libshield.so
f sym.fun._Znaj = 0xc5a3f8b5
f sym.fun._ZdaPv = 0xc5a3e579
f sym.fun._ZdlPv = 0xc5a3e575
f sym.fun.__cxa_begin_catch = 0xc5a3ebd5
f sym.fun._ZSt9terminatev = 0xc5a3f4bd
f sym.fun._Znwj = 0xc5a3f861
f sym.var._ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE = 0xc5a97290
f sym.fun.JNI_OnLoad = 0xc5a257a9
f sym.fun.__cxa_allocate_exception = 0xc5a3e655
f sym.fun.__cxa_throw = 0xc5a3f571
f sym.fun.__cxa_free_exception = 0xc5a3e6fd
f sym.fun.__cxa_rethrow = 0xc5a3f5f1
f sym.fun.__cxa_end_catch = 0xc5a3ec65
f sym.var._ZSt7nothrow = 0xc5a94138
f sym.fun._ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSsSt9_IdentityISsESt4lessISsESaISsEE5clearEv = 0xc5a36c99
f sym.fun._ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSsSt9_IdentityISsESt4lessISsESaISsEE16_M_insert_uniqueISsEESt4pairISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorISsEbEOT_ = 0xc5a36d3d
f sym.fun._ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSsSt9_IdentityISsESt4lessISsESaISsEE4findERKSs = 0xc5a38701
f sym.fun._ZNSt6vectorISsSaISsEED2Ev = 0xc5a2df71
f sym.fun._ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSsSt9_IdentityISsESt4lessISsESaISsEED2Ev = 0xc5a36f11
f sym.fun._ZNSt6vectorISsSaISsEE7reserveEj = 0xc5a32455
f sym.fun._ZNSt6vectorISsSaISsEE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJSsEEEvDpOT_ = 0xc5a39361
f sym.fun.__cxa_guard_acquire = 0xc5a3f665
f sym.fun.__cxa_guard_release = 0xc5a3f7dd
f sym.fun._ZNSt9exceptionD2Ev = 0xc5a3ed01

0x.24> \/

搜索内存中的数据 \/;首先看看help

[0x00000000]> \?~^/
/[x][j] <string|hexpairs>  Search hex/string pattern in memory ranges (see search.in=?)
/v[1248][j] value          Search for a value honoring `e cfg.bigendian` of given width
/w[j] string               Search wide string

基础使用方法:\/ keyword


[0x00000000]> \/ TracerPid
Searching 9 bytes: 54 72 61 63 65 72 50 69 64
Searching 9 bytes in [0x12c00000-0x15180000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0x151c0000-0x155c0000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0x15640000-0x15680000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0xff508000-0xffd07000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0xffff0000-0xffff1000]
hits: 12
0x14626d48 hit0_0 TracerPid:
0xab1108f4 hit0_1 TracerPid:
0xc2972232 hit0_2 TracerPid:
0xc4c1e76c hit0_3 TracerPid
0xc5aa7810 hit0_4 TracerPid:0
0xc5ab2da8 hit0_5 TracerPid
0xc8eb9c5e hit0_6 TracerPid:0Uid:10185101851018510185Gid:10185101851
0xcb15818c hit0_7 TracerPid:
0xd21ff45e hit0_8 TracerPid:0Uid:10185101851018510185Gid:10185101851
0xd21ff85e hit0_9 TracerPid:0Uid:10185101851018510185Gid:10185101851
0xd277b892 hit0_10 TracerPid:
0xdf57105d hit0_11 TracerPid:0Uid:10185101851018510185Gid:10185101851[0x00000000]>


[0x00000000]> x @ 0xc8eb9c5e
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF
0xc8eb9c5e  5472 6163 6572 5069 643a 0930 0a55 6964  TracerPid:.0.Uid
0xc8eb9c6e  3a09 3130 3138 3509 3130 3138 3509 3130  :.10185.10185.10
0xc8eb9c7e  3138 3509 3130 3138 350a 4769 643a 0931  185.10185.Gid:.1
0xc8eb9c8e  3031 3835 0931 3031 3835 0931 3031 3835  0185.10185.10185
0xc8eb9c9e  0931 3031 3835 0a46 4453 697a 653a 0935  .10185.FDSize:.5
0xc8eb9cae  3132 0a47 726f 7570 733a 0933 3030 3320  12.Groups:.3003
0xc8eb9cbe  3939 3937 2032 3031 3835 2035 3031 3835  9997 20185 50185
0xc8eb9cce  2039 3939 3039 3939 3720 0a56 6d50 6561   99909997 .VmPea
0xc8eb9cde  6b3a 0920 3234 3131 3832 3020 6b42 0a56  k:. 2411820 kB.V
0xc8eb9cee  6d53 697a 653a 0920 3233 3439 3730 3820  mSize:. 2349708
0xc8eb9cfe  6b42 0a56 6d4c 636b 3a09 2020 2020 2031  kB.VmLck:.     1
0xc8eb9d0e  3136 206b 420a 566d 5069 6e3a 0920 2020  16 kB.VmPin:.
0xc8eb9d1e  2020 2020 3020 6b42 0a56 6d48 574d 3a09      0 kB.VmHWM:.
0xc8eb9d2e  2020 3637 3539 3336 206b 420a 566d 5253    675936 kB.VmRS
0xc8eb9d3e  533a 0920 2035 3636 3431 3620 6b42 0a52  S:.  566416 kB.R
0xc8eb9d4e  7373 416e 6f6e 3a09 2020 3130 3630 3136  ssAnon:.  106016

xpx 命令的简写,这个命令作用是show hexdump。从上面可以明确的看到字符串;还可以用ps 命令直接输出pretty的字符串,当然得事先知道指定的地址内容存的是字符串,不然返回的就不知道是一堆啥玩意儿了,使用方法和px差不多

[0x00000000]> ps @ 0xc8eb9c5e
Groups:\x093003 9997 20185 50185 99909997
VmPeak:\x09 2411820 kB
VmSize:\x09 2358724 kB
VmLck:\x09     116 kB
VmPin:\x09       0 kB
VmHWM:\x09  675936 kB
VmRSS:\x09  522464 kB
RssAnon:\x09  100820


[0x00000000]> psj @ 0xc8eb9c5e
{"string":"TracerPid:\u00090\u000aUid:\u000910185\u000910185\u000910185\u000910185\u000aGid:\u000910185\u000910185\u000910185\u000910185\u000aFDSize:\u0009512\u000aGroups:\u00093003 9997 20185 50185 99909997 \u000aVmPeak:\u0009 2411820 kB\u000aVmSize:\u0009 2253264 kB\u000aVmLck:\u0009     116 kB\u000aVmPin:\u0009       0 kB\u000aVmHWM:\u0009  675936 kB\u000aVmRSS:\u0009   84988 kB\u000aRssAnon:\u0009       0","offset":3370884190,"section":"unknown","length":256,"type":"ascii"}


[0x00000000]> \/xj 547261636572506964
Searching 9 bytes: 54 72 61 63 65 72 50 69 64
Searching 9 bytes in [0x12c00000-0x12d80000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0x12f80000-0x12fc0000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0x13000000-0x13040000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0x13340000-0x13380000]
Searching 9 bytes in [0xffff0000-0xffff1000]
hits: 12

0x3 Dynamic



[0x00000000]> \d?db   breakpointdb-   breakpoint unsetdbj breakpoint jsondc   breakpoint continuedcu  breakpoint continue untildd list file descriptorsdd-    close file descriptorsddj   list file descriptors jsondi    intercept helpdi-1  intercept ret_1di0  intercept ret0di1   intercept ret1dis   intercept ret stringdk  send signaldl   dlopendm    list memory rangesdm*   list memory ranges r2dm.    list memory ranges heredma  alloc sizedma-  remove allocdmad    alloc dupdmal   list allocsdmas alloc stringdmh list malloc rangesdmh*  list malloc ranges r2dmhj   list malloc ranges jsondmhm list malloc mapsdmj list memory ranges jsondmm  list memory mapsdmm.    list memory ranges heredmp  change memory protectiondp  get piddpj  get pid jsondpt list threadsdptj    list threads jsondr dump registersdr*   dump registers r2dr8    dump register arenadrj  dump registers jsondrp  dump register profiledrr    dump registers recursivelydt    tracedt*    trace r2dt- clear tracedt-* clear all tracedt.  trace heredtf   trace formatdth trace hookdtj   trace jsondtl   trace log dumpdtl*  trace log dump r2dtl-   trace log cleardtl-*    trace log clear alldtlj trace log dump jsondtlq trace log dump quietdtq trace quietdtr  trace regsdts   stalk trace everythingdts*  stalk trace everything r2dts?   stalk trace everything helpdtsf stalk trace functiondtsf*   stalk trace function r2dtsfj    stalk trace function jsondtsj   stalk trace everything jsondxc  dx call[0x00000000]>

我挑几个我用的最频繁的命令,因为是在太多了。。。dm 上面已经用过了就不说了

说一下和 dm 在字母个数方面差不了多少的命令 dma,这个命令是分配内存大小用的。可以看它的详细help

[0x00000000]> \dma?dma    alloc sizedma-  remove allocdmad    alloc dupdmal   list allocsdmas alloc string[0x00000000]>

dma 分配内存大小
dma- 删除所有分配的内存
dmad … 没用过,翻译是重复分配
dmal 列出所有分配的内存的地址
dmas 分配字符串

0x3.1> dma

[0x00000000]> \dma 10
[0x00000000]> x @ 0xc09622b8
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF
0xc09622b8  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 c300 0000  ................


[0x00000000]> \dmas hellworld
[0x00000000]> ps @ 0xc3db1648
[0x00000000]> x @ 0xc3db1648
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF
0xc3db1648  6865 6c6c 776f 726c 6400 0000 1300 0000  hellworld.......


[0x00000000]> clear
[0x00000000]> \dmal
0xc09622b8  ""
0xc3db1648  "hellworld"[0x00000000]>


[0x00000000]> \dma-[0x00000000]> \dmal[0x00000000]>

3.2> dtf (trace function from address)

例子中,pp 是方法的参数个数和类型;^表示onEnter还是onExit,和Interceptor.attach 的回调一样

[0x00000000]> \dtf 0xd0c4a143 pp^
" 1: 0x1155f251)RACE] dt0xedb88eb9d0c4a1libart.so0: "0��0xb9eb9�00xd0c4a54d      libwbutil.so    0x454d0xd0c49d65      libwbutil.so    Java_com_sina_weibo_WeiboApplication_newCalculateS+0x640xd1130b25      base.odex       0xf9b25" 1: 0x1155f251)0xd0c4a10xedb88eb9: "0��libart.so       0xb9eb90xd0c4a54d      libwbutil.so    0x454d0xd0c49d65      libwbutil.so    Java_com_sina_weibo_WeiboApplication_newCalculateS+0x640xd1130b25      base.odex       0xf9b25

… 其他的命令等有空在补充吧,或者自己学习

0x4 Memory

以Share Weibo为例,改写内存数据,是改写,不是写入。


\dm~wbutil 中的 ~ 是通配符,如果你不太记得so的文件全名就可以用这个来匹配。

其中有 读和执行 权限的那条中的第一个地址 0xcdddc000 是我们要的

[0x00000000]> \dm~wbutil
0xcdddc000 - 0xcdde8000 r-x /data/app/com.hengye.share-xI074YHFAARyeqAB7fhP4w==/lib/arm/libwbutil.so
0xcdde8000 - 0xcdde9000 r-- /data/app/com.hengye.share-xI074YHFAARyeqAB7fhP4w==/lib/arm/libwbutil.so
0xcdde9000 - 0xcddea000 rw- /data/app/com.hengye.share-xI074YHFAARyeqAB7fhP4w==/lib/arm/libwbutil.so


需要在 native 方法 newCalculateS 中找到计算出加密字符串 s 的算法






下面的方法看了下有点复制,先看 newCalculateS 方法逻辑吧







0x4.1 getOriginalString




这里就是拼接字符串,g_pin + uid + g_from


Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName("libwbutil.so", "_ZN7_JNIEnv16CallObjectMethodEP8_jobjectP10_jmethodIDz"), {onEnter: function(args) {Java.perform(function() {var String = Java.use("java.lang.String");var ret = Java.cast(ptr(args[3]), String);console.warn("CallObjectMethod(".concat(args[0])+ ", ".concat(args[1])+ ", ".concat(args[2])+ ", ".concat(ret) + ")");});}


CallObjectMethod(0xccb76780, 0x119, 0x70dd9e70, 5l0WXnhiY4pJ794KIJ7Rw5F45VXg9sjo)
CallObjectMethod(0xccb76780, 0x119, 0x70dd9e70, 73586191xx)
CallObjectMethod(0xccb76780, 0x119, 0x70dd9e70, 109C0950xx)


0x4.2 getKeyString



0x4.3 getIndex

这里稍微复杂点的就是do while;前面是将十六进制的key2转为bytearray

在do while里




4、当v9 == 32结束while



0x4.4 g_pin、g_from

回到最初到哪个newCalculateS方法,这里有个 app_setPin 方法很可疑,而且它的第二参数和上面的那串字符串参数的方法有关。

这个方法就是把 a2 设置为 g_pin

int __fastcall app_setPin(int result, int a2)
{if ( !g_pin ){result = _JNIEnv::NewGlobalRef(result, a2);g_pin = result;}return result;



function sh(a, s){console.error(hexdump(ptr(String(a)),{offset:0,length:s,header:true,ansi:false}))}
var base = Module.getBaseAddress("libwbutil.so");
Interceptor.attach(ptr(base.add(0x451c+1)), {onLeave: function(retval) {console.log('\n');sh(retval, 64); // hexdump}




[0x00000000]> \dm~wbutil
0xcddd0000 - 0xcdddc000 r-x /data/app/com.hengye.share-xI074YHFAARyeqAB7fhP4w==/lib/arm/libwbutil.so
0xcdddc000 - 0xcdddd000 r-- /data/app/com.hengye.share-xI074YHFAARyeqAB7fhP4w==/lib/arm/libwbutil.so
0xcdddd000 - 0xcddde000 rw- /data/app/com.hengye.share-xI074YHFAARyeqAB7fhP4w==/lib/arm/libwbutil.so
[0x00000000]> px @ 0xcddd0000+0xd0c4
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF
0xcdddd0c4  70dc 10e5 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  p...............


[0x00000000]> x @ 0xe510dc70
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF
0xe510dc70  356c 3057 586e 6869 5934 704a 3739 344b  5l0WXnhiY4pJ794K
0xe510dc80  494a 3752 7735 4634 3556 5867 3973 6a6f  IJ7Rw5F45VXg9sjo

不过这个地址貌似一直都有东西,所以首个if会不成立,直接调用 newCalculateS

这里可以尝试改指令,把指令直接改成BEQ,不过这样做会运行一会就闪退,所以这里我卡了一点时间,不过好在radare2 能改内存数据,而 frida 加上这个功能基本可以和 ida 刚了,我还觉得比ida好用。



[0x00000000]> wx?
Usage: wx[f] [arg]
| wx 9090     write two intel nops
| wxf -|file  write contents of hexpairs file here
| wxs 9090    write hexpairs and seek at the end


[0x00000000]> x 16 @ 0xcddd0000+0xd0c4
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF
0xcdddd0c4  a897 a1cb 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
[0x00000000]> wx 000000000000 @ 0xcddd0000+0xd0c4
[0x00000000]> x 16 @ 0xcddd0000+0xd0c4
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF
0xcdddd0c4  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................


           0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F  0123456789ABCDEF
c768dd98  35 6c 30 57 58 6e 68 69 59 34 70 4a 37 39 34 4b  5l0WXnhiY4pJ794K
c768dda8  49 4a 37 52 77 35 46 34 35 56 58 67 39 73 6a 6f  IJ7Rw5F45VXg9sjo
c768ddb8  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
c768ddc8  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................


0x4.5 sub_451C



var base = Module.getBaseAddress("libwbutil.so");
Interceptor.attach(ptr(base.add(0x4124+1)), {onEnter: function(args) {},onLeave: function(retval) {console.log('\n');sh(retval, 64);}


           0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F  0123456789ABCDEF
c5f4f140  37 30 34 65 36 63 31 62 00 00 6f 00 0a 16 00 00  704e6c1b..o.....
c5f4f150  61 73 73 65 74 73 2f 63 66 67 2e 6a 73 6f 6e 00  assets/cfg.json.
c5f4f160  2e 64 65 62 75 67 5f 6c 69 6e 65 00 01 00 00 00  .debug_line.....
c5f4f170  2e 64 65 62 75 67 5f 6c 69 6e 65 00 67 73 00 00  .debug_line.gs..


Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName("libwbutil.so", "mbedtls_decode"), {onEnter: function(args) {console.log('\n')console.warn('mbedtls_decode('.concat(Memory.readCString(args[0]))+ ", ".concat(args[1])+ ", ".concat(args[2])+ ", ".concat(args[3]) + ")");sh(args[2], 16);sh(args[3], 16);}


经过hook + 分析后可以断定这个方法的作用就是为了解密那串十六进制字符串;


从api解释可以看出这是一个des ecb模式加解密方法




是解密还是加密可以从上面的 mbedtls_des_setkey_dec 猜到,这是解密


Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName("libwbutil.so", "mbedtls_des_setkey_dec"), {onEnter: function(args) {sh(args[1], 16)}


           0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F  0123456789ABCDEF
cea66290  37 30 34 65 36 63 31 62 00 a5 e0 46 d9 fc a6 bd  704e6c1b...F....



0x5 算法还原



import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;class Demo {private static final char[] TEMP = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();private static final String KEY2 = "109C195010";private static final String UID = "7358119308";private static final String KEY1 = "5l0WXnhiY4pJ794KIJ7Rw5F45VXg9sjo" + UID + KEY2;public static void main(String args[]) {String key2_s = sha512(KEY2).toLowerCase();String key1_s = sha512(KEY1).toLowerCase();System.out.println("KEY1:" + key1_s + "(" + KEY1 + ")");System.out.println("KEY2:" + key2_s + "(" + KEY2 + ")");char bytes[] = key2_s.toCharArray();int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();do {k = converByte2Int(bytes[j]);System.out.println(k);j += k;sb.append(key1_s.charAt(j));i += 4;} while (i!=32);System.out.println(sb.toString());}public static int converByte2Int(int a) {if (a - 48 <= 9) return a - 48;if (a - 65 > 5) return a - 87;return a - 55;}public static String sha512(String text) {try {MessageDigest sha512 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");sha512.update(text.getBytes());String ret = bytes2hex(sha512.digest());return ret;} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {}return null;}public static String bytes2hex(byte[] bytes) {char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) {int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;hexChars[j * 2] = TEMP[v>>4];hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = TEMP[v&0x0f];}return new String(hexChars);}


package mainimport ("fmt""crypto/sha512""strconv")var KEY = "5l0WXnhiY4pJ794KIJ7Rw5F45VXg9sjo"
var UID = "1014653719052"
var KEY2 = "109A395010"
var KEY1 = KEY + UID + KEY2func enSha512(text string) string {return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha512.Sum512([]byte(text)))
}func getIndex(text string) string {var ret stringvar j intbytes := []byte(text)for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {k := converByte2Int(int(bytes[j]))j += kret += fmt.Sprintf("%x", k)}return ret
}func converByte2Int(b int) int {if b - 48 <= 9 { return b - 48 }if b - 65 > 5 { return b - 87 }return b - 55
}func main() {key1_s := enSha512(KEY1)key2_s := enSha512(KEY2)fmt.Printf("key1: %s(%s)\n", key1_s, KEY1)fmt.Printf("key2: %s(%s)\n", key2_s, KEY2)// key2_s byte arrayk2si_ba := getIndex(key2_s)var result stringvar j uint64 = 0for i := range k2si_ba {index, _ := strconv.ParseUint(string(k2si_ba[i]), 16, 32)j += indexresult += string(key1_s[j])}fmt.Println("s: ", result)


#include <iostream>
#include "sha512.h"using namespace std;
using namespace sw;const string UID = "5715174600";
const string FROM = "109C295010";
const string KEY = "5l0WXnhiY4pJ794KIJ7Rw5F45VXg9sjo" + UID + FROM;int converByte2Int(int b) {if (b - 48 <= 9) return b - 48;if (b - 64 > 5) return b - 87;return b - 55;
}int main() {const string k_s = sha512::calculate(KEY);const string f_s = sha512::calculate(FROM);int i = 0;int j = 0;int k = 0;do {k = converByte2Int(int(f_s[i]));i += k;j += 4;cout << k_s[i];} while(j != 32);cout << "\n";return 0;


import hashlibKEY2 = "109A395010"
UID = "1014653719052"
KEY1 = "5l0WXnhiY4pJ794KIJ7Rw5F45VXg9sjo%s%s" % (UID, KEY2)def converByte2Int(b):if b - 48 <= 9: return b - 48if b - 65 > 5: return b - 87return a - 55def main():key1_s = hashlib.sha512(KEY1.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()key2_s = hashlib.sha512(KEY2.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()print(f"KEY1: {key1_s} ({KEY1})")print(f"KEY2: {key2_s} ({KEY2})")ret = ""j = 0for _ in range(8):k = converByte2Int(ord(key2_s[j]))j += kret += key1_s[j]print(ret)if __name__ == "__main__":main()


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