
(1)、WallFlower dataset 【链接】:

用于评价背景建模算法的好坏, Ground-truth foreground provided.

(2)、Foreground/Background segmentation and Stereo dataset 【链接】:

from Microsoft Cambridge.

(3)、VISOR: Video Surveillance Online Repositiory 【链接】:


(4)、3D Photography Dataset 【链接】

(5)、Multi-model, multi-camera meeting room dataset 【链接】

(6)、Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance 【链接】:


(7)、Caltech image collections 【链接】:


(8)、INRIA Datasets 【链接】:

车辆, 人, 马, 人类行为等

(9)、CAVIAR surveillance Dataset 【链接】

(10)、Videos for Head Tracking 【链接】

(11)、Pedestrian dataset from MIT 【链接】

(12)、Shadow detection datasets 【链接】

(13)、Flash and non-Flash dataset 【链接】

(14)、Experiments on skin region detection and tracking 【链接】:

包括一个ground-truthed dataset

(15)、MIT Face Dataset 【链接】

(16)、MIT Car Datasets 【链接】

(17)、MIT Street Scenes 【链接】:

CBCL StreetScenes Challenge Framework是一个图像、注释、软件和性能检测的对象集[cars, pedestrians, bicycles, buildings, trees, skies, roads, sidewalks, and stores]

(18)、LabelMe Dataset 【链接】:


(19)、MuHAVi 【链接】:

Multicamera Human Action Video Data,A large body of human action video data using 8 cameras. Includes manually annotated silhouette data. 用于测试人行为的数据集

(20)、INRIA Xmas Motion Acquisition Sequences (IXMAS) 【链接】:

Multiview dataset for view-invariant human action recognition.

(21)、i-LIDS datasets 【链接】:

UK Government benchmark datasets for automated surveillance.

(22)、The Daimler Pedestrian Detection Benchmark 【链接】:

contains 15,560 pedestrian and non-pedestrian samples (image cut-outs) and 6744 additional full images not containing pedestrians for bootstrapping. The test set contains more than 21,790 images with 56,492 pedestrian labels (fully visible or partially occluded), captured from a vehicle in urban traffic.

(23)、Stereo Pedestrian Detection Evaluation Dataset 【链接】:

a dataset for evaluating pedestrian detection using stereo camera images and video. 用于测试行人检测算法的数据集

(24)、Colour video and Thermal infrared datasets 【链接】:

Dataset of videos in colour and thermal infrared. Videos are aligned temporally and spatially. Ground-truth for object tracking is provided.










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