
  • 一、杂谈
  • ICAP原语的介绍
  • ICAPE2原语的介绍
  • ICAPE2原语的代码
  • 验证
  • 结束语







// ICAP_SPARTAN6 : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
//    Verilog    : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
//   instance    : in the body of the design code.  The instance name
//  declaration  : (ICAP_SPARTAN6_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
//     code      : parenthesis may be changed to properly reference and
//               : connect this function to the design.  All inputs
//               : and outputs must be connected.//  <-----Cut code below this line---->// ICAP_SPARTAN6: Internal Configuration Access Port//                Spartan-6// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 14.7ICAP_SPARTAN6 #(.DEVICE_ID(0'h4000093),     // Specifies the pre-programmed Device ID value.SIM_CFG_FILE_NAME("NONE")  // Specifies the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file to be parsed by the simulation// model)ICAP_SPARTAN6_inst (.BUSY(BUSY),   // 1-bit output: Busy/Ready output.O(O),         // 16-bit output: Configuartion data output bus.CE(CE),       // 1-bit input: Active-Low ICAP Enable input.CLK(CLK),     // 1-bit input: Clock input.I(I),         // 16-bit input: Configuration data input bus.WRITE(WRITE)  // 1-bit input: Read/Write control input);// End of ICAP_SPARTAN6_inst instantiation

1、DEVICE_ID:不同芯片的DEVICE_ID不相同,在使用该原语时,一定要查找对用芯片的ID,具体查找的数据手册UG380 ;








//   ICAPE2    : In order to incorporate this function into the design,
//   Verilog   : the following instance declaration needs to be placed
//  instance   : in the body of the design code.  The instance name
// declaration : (ICAPE2_inst) and/or the port declarations within the
//    code     : parenthesis may be changed to properly reference and
//             : connect this function to the design.  All inputs
//             : and outputs must be connected.//  <-----Cut code below this line---->// ICAPE2: Internal Configuration Access Port//         Artix-7// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2019.1ICAPE2 #(.DEVICE_ID(0'h3651093),     // Specifies the pre-programmed Device ID value to be used for simulation// purposes..ICAP_WIDTH("X32"),         // Specifies the input and output data width..SIM_CFG_FILE_NAME("NONE")  // Specifies the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file to be parsed by the simulation// model.)ICAPE2_inst (.O(O),         // 32-bit output: Configuration data output bus.CLK(CLK),     // 1-bit input: Clock Input.CSIB(CSIB),   // 1-bit input: Active-Low ICAP Enable.I(I),         // 32-bit input: Configuration data input bus.RDWRB(RDWRB)  // 1-bit input: Read/Write Select input);// End of ICAPE2_inst instantiation



`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author       : zhangningning
// Email        : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website      :
// Module Name  : top.v
// Create Time  : 2020-01-29 13:45:19
// Editor       : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date             By              Version                 Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX       zhangningning          1.0                        Original
// *********************************************************************************module top(input                   sclk            ,input                   rst_n           ,input                   key_i           ,output  wire    [ 3:0]  led
//**************Define Parameter and  Internal Signals**********************************
wire                        key_flag        ;//========================================================================================\
//**************     Main      Code        **********************************
//========================================================================================/led led_inst(.sclk                   (sclk                   ),.rst_n                  (rst_n                  ),.led                    (led                    )
);key key_inst(.sclk                   (sclk                   ),.rst_n                  (rst_n                  ),.key                    (~key_i                 ),.key_o                  (key_flag               )
);icap_start icap_start_inst(.sclk                   (sclk                   ),.rst_n                  (rst_n                  ),.icap_flag              (key_flag               ),.icap_done              (                       )


`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author       : zhangningning
// Email        : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website      :
// Module Name  : icap_start.v
// Create Time  : 2020-01-29 13:02:26
// Editor       : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date             By              Version                 Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX       zhangningning          1.0                        Original
// *********************************************************************************module icap_start(input                   sclk            ,input                   rst_n           ,input                   icap_flag       ,output  reg             icap_done
//**************Define Parameter and  Internal Signals**********************************
wire                        csib            ;
reg                 [31:0]  con_data [ 7:0] ;
wire                [31:0]  con_data_r      ;
reg                 [ 2:0]  cnt             ;
reg                         busy_flag       ;
reg                         rdwrb           ;//========================================================================================\
//**************     Main      Code        **********************************
initial begincon_data[0]             =       32'hFFFF_FFFF;con_data[1]             =       32'hAA99_5566;con_data[2]             =       32'h2000_0000;con_data[3]             =       32'h3002_0001;con_data[4]             =       32'h00a0_0000;con_data[5]             =       32'h3000_8001;con_data[6]             =       32'h0000_000F;con_data[7]             =       32'h2000_0000;
assign      csib            =       ~busy_flag;
assign      con_data_r      =       {con_data[cnt][24],con_data[cnt][25],con_data[cnt][26],con_data[cnt][27],con_data[cnt][28],con_data[cnt][29],con_data[cnt][30],con_data[cnt][31],con_data[cnt][16],con_data[cnt][17],con_data[cnt][18],con_data[cnt][19],con_data[cnt][20],con_data[cnt][21],con_data[cnt][22],con_data[cnt][23],con_data[cnt][08],con_data[cnt][09],con_data[cnt][10],con_data[cnt][11],con_data[cnt][12],con_data[cnt][13],con_data[cnt][14],con_data[cnt][15],con_data[cnt][00],con_data[cnt][01],con_data[cnt][02],con_data[cnt][03],con_data[cnt][04],con_data[cnt][05],con_data[cnt][06],con_data[cnt][07]};always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)busy_flag           <=      1'b0;else if(icap_flag == 1'b1 && busy_flag == 1'b0)busy_flag           <=      1'b1; else if(cnt == 3'd7 && rdwrb == 1'b0)busy_flag           <=      1'b0;elsebusy_flag           <=      busy_flag;always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)cnt                 <=      3'd0;else if(busy_flag == 1'b1 && rdwrb == 1'b0)cnt                 <=      cnt + 1'b1;else if(cnt == 3'd7 && rdwrb == 1'b0)cnt                 <=      3'd0;elsecnt                 <=      cnt;always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)icap_done           <=      1'b0;        else if(cnt == 3'd7 && rdwrb == 1'b0)icap_done           <=      1'b1;elseicap_done           <=      1'b0;always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)rdwrb               <=      1'b1; else if(cnt == 3'd7 && rdwrb == 1'b0)rdwrb               <=      1'b1;       else if(busy_flag == 1'b1)rdwrb               <=      1'b0;elserdwrb               <=      rdwrb;ICAPE2 #(.DEVICE_ID          (32'h3631093        ),     // Specifies the pre-programmed Device ID value to be used for simulation// purposes..ICAP_WIDTH         ("X32"              ),         // Specifies the input and output data width..SIM_CFG_FILE_NAME  ("NONE"             )  // Specifies the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file to be parsed by the simulation
)ICAPE2_inst(.O                  (                   ),         // 32-bit output: Configuration data output bus.CLK                (sclk               ),     // 1-bit input: Clock Input.CSIB               (csib               ),   // 1-bit input: Active-Low ICAP Enable.I                  (con_data_r         ),         // 32-bit input: Configuration data input bus.RDWRB              (rdwrb              )  // 1-bit input: Read/Write Select input
//*******************************     Debug    **********************************
ila_0 ila_0_inst (.clk                (sclk               ), // input wire clk.probe0             (icap_flag          ), // input wire [0:0]  probe0  .probe1             (icap_done          ), // input wire [0:0]  probe1 .probe2             (csib               ), // input wire [0:0]  probe2 .probe3             (rdwrb              ), // input wire [0:0]  probe3 .probe4             (con_data_r         ) // input wire [31:0]  probe4


`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author       : zhangningning
// Email        : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website      :
// Module Name  : led.v
// Create Time  : 2020-01-30 11:47:29
// Editor       : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date             By              Version                 Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX       zhangningning          1.0                        Original
// *********************************************************************************module led(input                   sclk            ,input                   rst_n           ,output  reg     [ 3:0]  led
//**************Define Parameter and  Internal Signals**********************************
//**************     Main      Code        **********************************
always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)led         <=      4'b0000;else led         <=      4'b1010;endmodule


`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author       : zhangningning
// Email        : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website      :
// Module Name  : key.v
// Create Time  : 2020-01-05 13:49:36
// Editor       : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date             By              Version                 Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX       zhangningning          1.0                        Original
// *********************************************************************************module key(input                       sclk            ,input                       rst_n           ,input                       key             ,output  reg                 key_o
//**************Define Parameter and  Internal Signals**********************************
parameter       IDLE        =       4'b0001     ;
parameter       S1          =       4'b0010     ;
parameter       S2          =       4'b0100     ;
parameter       S3          =       4'b1000     ;reg                 [ 3:0]      state           ;
reg                 [ 9:0]      cnt             ;
reg                             key_r1          ;
reg                             key_r2          ;
reg                             key_r3          ;
reg                             nege_flag       ;
reg                             pose_flag       ;//========================================================================================\
//**************     Main      Code        **********************************
always @(posedge sclk)key_r1          <=      key;always @(posedge sclk)key_r2          <=      key_r1;always @(posedge sclk)key_r3          <=      key_r2;always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)nege_flag       <=      1'b0;else if(key_r3 == 1'b1 && key_r2 == 1'b0)nege_flag       <=      1'b1;elsenege_flag       <=      1'b0;always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)pose_flag       <=      1'b0;else if(key_r3 == 1'b0 && key_r2 == 1'b1) pose_flag       <=      1'b1;elsepose_flag       <=      1'b0;always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)state           <=      IDLE;else case(state)IDLE    :   if(nege_flag == 1'b1)state           <=      S1;elsestate           <=      IDLE;                        S1      :   if(cnt == 10'd999)state           <=      S2;else if(pose_flag == 1'b1)state           <=      IDLE;elsestate           <=      S1;                        S2      :   if(pose_flag == 1'b1)state           <=      S3;elsestate           <=      S2;                        S3      :   if(cnt == 10'd999)state           <=      IDLE;else if(nege_flag == 1'b1)state           <=      S2;elsestate           <=      S3;default :   state           <=      IDLE;endcasealways @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)cnt             <=      10'd0;else if(state != S1 && state != S3)cnt             <=      10'd0;elsecnt             <=      cnt + 1'b1;always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)key_o           <=      1'b0;else if(state == S1 && cnt == 10'd999) key_o           <=      1'b1;elsekey_o           <=      1'b0;endmodule


`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author       : zhangningning
// Email        : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website      :
// Module Name  : led.v
// Create Time  : 2020-01-30 11:47:29
// Editor       : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date             By              Version                 Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX       zhangningning          1.0                        Original
// *********************************************************************************module led(input                   sclk            ,input                   rst_n           ,output  reg     [ 3:0]  led
//**************Define Parameter and  Internal Signals**********************************
//**************     Main      Code        **********************************
always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)if(rst_n == 1'b0)led         <=      4'b0000;else led         <=      4'b1010;endmodule






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