Computer Music

计算机音乐/Ji4 Suan4 Ji1 Yin1 Yue4




This term covers a broad range of music created through the use of one or more computers. The computer may work as (assistant) composer. In this case one speaks of algorithmic composition. Alternatively the computer can be used as an instrument; that is, the computer is the place where the sounds are to be generated. Here one speaks of sound synthesis. The computer is sometimes brought on stage to create and manipulate sounds made during performance. Finally, the computer may analyse incoming performance information and "reply" in what is known as interactive composition. The former two possibilities sometimes necessitate a good deal of compilation time; the latter two belong to the category of real-time. More recently, music making has witnessed the extensive use of networked computers.

This term covers a broad range of music created through the use of one or more computers.

The computer may work as (assistant) composer, as in Algorithmic music.

Alternatively the computer can be used as an instrument; that is, the computer is the place where the sounds are to be generated, for example sound synthesis.

The computer is sometimes brought on stage to create and manipulate sounds made during performance.

Finally, the computer may analyse incoming performance information and ‘reply’ in what is known as interactive composition.

The former two possibilities sometimes necessitate a good deal of compilation time; the latter two belong to the category of real time. More recently, music making has witnessed the extensive use of networked computers. [Landy 1994, 127–128, EARS] The International Computer Music Association’s Annual conference, ICMC extends this definition to include things ranging from computer-aided cognition, analysis, information retrieval and much more thus going well beyond the act of music making. Much computer music therefore has little to do with sound-based music.

参看其它/See Also

术语翻译/Terms Translator

术语校对/Terms Proofreader

术语顾问/Consultant to terminology



Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-Century of Music第12章;音色与织体:电子音乐Chapter 12; Timbre and Texture: Electronic

Computer Music Tutorial


题目Title时间/Start Time

Making Things Talk -- Network Music2018-3-1 0:00:00

Establishing a Creative Environment for Technology, Music, and Art2012-5-25 0:00:00

Perspectives on Music, Performance, and Technology2012-5-25 0:00:00

The Design of Intermeida Sound Art Work2012-5-24 0:00:00

University of Oregon Summer Academy of Computer Music2011-7-18 0:00:00

on Musical Grounds2009-3-27 10:00:00


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