al06825 commented on Feb 19 : Question:

Hello… I upgraded ESP32 to 1.0.6 (latest). Keeps getting this error from your esp32cam.cpp.

\esp32cam-main\src\esp32cam.cpp: In member function ‘esp32cam::ResolutionList esp32cam::CameraClass::listResolutions() const’:
\esp32cam-main\src\esp32cam.cpp:30:3: error: ‘camera_sensor_info_t’ was not declared in this scope
camera_sensor_info_t* info = esp_camera_sensor_get_info(&sensor->id);
\esp32cam-main\src\esp32cam.cpp:30:25: error: ‘info’ was not declared in this scope
camera_sensor_info_t* info = esp_camera_sensor_get_info(&sensor->id);
\esp32cam-main\src\esp32cam.cpp:30:70: error: ‘esp_camera_sensor_get_info’ was not declared in this scope
camera_sensor_info_t* info = esp_camera_sensor_get_info(&sensor->id);

yoursunny commented on Feb 19:

The latest is ESP32 Arduino 2.0.2 based on ESP-IDF 4.4-beta1.

al06825 commented on Feb 20 Question:

Wow TQ all for quick replies. I will give the above all a try. Will update later.

HOURS LATER… The above error is gone with the upgrade of ESP32 2.0 firmware. Really appreciate the advice.

esp32cam.cpp:30:3: error: ‘camera_sensor_info_t’ was not declared in this scope camera_sensor_info_t相关推荐

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