

  • 本文环境:windows、idea、rebar3,搭建可以参考windows下idea使用rebar3
  • rebar3依赖相关文档连接
  • 本文使用的rebar3指令:rebar3 compile、rebar3 shell、rebar3 deps
  • 本文搭建内容为cowboy依赖后续,继续对test.app进行搭建,目的是使test.app能够便捷使用redis接口



  • eredis-1.2.0下载地址
  • 下载完压缩包,解压到deps文件夹下,改名为eredis


  • 修改test项目的rebar.config,在deps列表中添加eredis
{erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
{deps, [lager, protobuff, cowboy, eredis]}. %% 添加eredis{shell, [% {config, "config/sys.config"},{apps, [test]}
  • 修改test.app.src,在application列表中添加eredis
{application, test,[{description, "An OTP application"},{vsn, "0.1.0"},{registered, []},{mod, {test_app, []}},{applications,[kernel,stdlib,lager,protobuff,cowboy,eredis]},{env,[]},{modules, []},{licenses, ["Apache-2.0"]},{links, []}]}.


  • 修改test_path.erl,使得向服务器请求,服务器将redis中的数据取出并返回
-author("mechrevo").-export([init/2]).init(Req0, Opts) ->{ok, C} = eredis:start_link(),  %% 建立连接,默认ip127.0.0.1,默认端口6379Info = case eredis:q(C, ["GET", "info"]) of {ok, undefined} -> <<"redis no info">>;{ok, Value} -> Value;_ -> <<"redis get info error">>end,Req = cowboy_req:reply(200, #{<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>}, Info, Req0),{ok, Req, Opts}.



  • windows下使用redis,需要下载github下release的redis
  • 下载完,解压,启动redis-server.exe
  • 启动redis-cli.exe,添加set info test

2、执行rebar3 shell

"C:\Program Files\erl10.4\bin\escript.exe" E:\test\rebar3 shell
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling gpb
===> Compiling rebar3_gpb_plugin
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> App ranch is a checkout dependency and cannot be locked.
===> App goldrush is a checkout dependency and cannot be locked.
===> App cowlib is a checkout dependency and cannot be locked.
===> App lager is a checkout dependency and cannot be locked.
===> App eredis is a checkout dependency and cannot be locked.
===> App cowboy is a checkout dependency and cannot be locked.
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling cowlib
===> Compiling ranch
===> Compiling cowboy
===> Compiling goldrush
===> Compiling lager
===> Compiling eredis
===> Analyzing applications...
===> Compiling protobuff
===> Compiling test
Eshell V10.4  (abort with ^G)
1> 22:00:53.704 [info] test lager
1> 22:00:53.706 [info] person id 1 name "test" email "mahuateng@qq.com"
1> ===> Booted syntax_tools
1> ===> Booted compiler
1> ===> Booted goldrush
1> ===> Booted lager
1> ===> Booted protobuff
1> ===> Booted cowlib
1> ===> Booted ranch
1> ===> Booted cowboy
1> ===> Booted eredis
1> ===> Booted test

3、cmd执行 curl http:/localhost:8080/path,可以看到返回test

4、在redis-cli中删除info,执行del info,再在cmd执行curl,可以看到返回redis no info




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