
Java swing applications‘ menus do not integrate with Ubuntu‘s global menu until Ubuntu 15.04. A library calledJayatana is available to enable global menu support for Java swing applications in Ubuntu (From Ubuntu 15.04 Jayatana becomes a default library). There are hundreds of articles available about Jayatana, but this article has an additional hack to remove the irritating message, printed by Jayatana.

If you are an Ubuntu 15.04 user, jump here: Remove: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS Message

If you have not noticed any differences between Java swing applications and others, have a look at the following screenshots of Android Studio and Eclipse.

Android Studio without global menu support

Eclipse with global menu

To enable the global menu support, install the Jayatana using following commands in your terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T to start terminal).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danjaredg/jayatana

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install jayatana

Once you have successfully installed the software, logout and login to the system again. Now open any Java swing application, you will see the difference.

Remove: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS Message

Now open your terminal and enter the following command to check the version of Java.

java -version

You will get a message “Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar” just above the version information of Java. This message irritates me a lot, and confuses my students whenever I show practical demonstration to them in terminal. If this message does not bother you, simply ignore the rest of this article and spend your time in reading any other articles in this site.

The “Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS” message can be removed by a simple hack, but with a cost of disabling automatic support of Jayatana for all the Java applications. Lets dirt your hands...

Step 1:

Enter the following command in the terminal to remove the “ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar” message of Jayatana.

sudo rm /usr/share/upstart/sessions/jayatana.conf

Now logout and login to the system and execute the same command to print the version of Java.

java -version

This time you will not get that annoying message. But, if you run any Java swing application, it will be returned to its old swing menu. Now you need to enable the global menu support for all the Java swing applications manually.

Step 2:

IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio:

To enable the global menu support of Android Studio, enter the following command in terminal. In my case the Android Studio is installed in /opt/android-studio/ directory. Change the given command based on the location of your Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA.

For Ubuntu 32bit:

sudo gedit /opt/android-studio/bin/studio.vmoptions

For Ubuntu 64bit:

sudo gedit /opt/android-studio/bin/studio64.vmoptions

At the end of the opened file, add the following line and save the file.


After the modification, the file should look like this:


To enable the global menu for NetBeans, enter the following command in the Terminal. In my case the NetBeans is installed in /usr/local/netbeans-8.0.2 directory. Change the location in this command, based on the version and location of your NetBeans.

sudo gedit /usr/local/netbeans-8.0.2/etc/netbeans.conf

Search for netbeans_default_options in the opened file, and add the following statement at the end of the existing value. (Notice that the options are separated by space)


After the modification, the file should look like this:

Step 3:

Close the file and open your IDE (Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA or NetBeans), you will see the magic.

For any Java swing applications, use the following command to enable the global menu integration.

java -jar -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar

If you are using any other Java swing applications, change the configuration file of them by adding the command line parameter ‘-javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar‘ to enable the global menu.

picked up java_tool_options:_解决ubuntu中JDK的Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS提示问题。相关推荐

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