
作者: 字体:[增加 减小] 类型:转载 时间:2013-04-02
Linux挂载U盘步骤如下: 1:将U盘插入USB接口,检查是否插好 2:用fdisk命令检查分区和USB设备信息
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[root@wgods ~]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 13 104391 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 14 121601 976655610 8e Linux LVM

Disk /dev/sdb: 4012 MB, 4012900352 bytes
223 heads, 55 sectors/track, 639 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 12265 * 512 = 6279680 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 * 56 640 3580928 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
Partition 1 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
phys=(42, 17, 40) logical=(55, 23, 1)
Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
phys=(487, 222, 55) logical=(639, 6, 31)


[root@wgods ~]# fdisk -l | grep FAT32
/dev/sdb1 * 56 640 3580928 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)


[root@wgods ~]# cd /mnt/
[root@wgods mnt]# mkdir usb

[root@wgods mnt]# mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb



执行umount命令卸载U盘时,报如下错误“device is busy”,可以用参数l解决问题。当然你也可以用fuser命令解决问题。如下所示

[root@wgods ~]# umount /mnt/usb
umount: /mnt/usb: device is busy
umount: /mnt/usb: device is busy

[root@wgods ~]# umount -f /mnt/usb
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /mnt/usb: device is busy
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /mnt/usb: device is busy

[root@wgods ~]# umount -l /mnt/usb



[root@wgods usb]# umount /mnt/usb
umount: /mnt/usb: device is busy
umount: /mnt/usb: device is busy
[root@wgods usb]# fuser -m /mnt/usb
/mnt/usb: 21123c 21158c 21180c 21182c 21223c
[root@wgods usb]# ps -auxw | grep 21123
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ
root 21123 0.0 0.0 3784 672 pts/2 T 15:10 0:00 more 12.sql
root 21346 0.0 0.0 3920 696 pts/2 S+ 15:52 0:00 grep 21123

[root@wgods usb]# fuser -kvm /mnt/usb

/mnt/usb: root 21123 f.c.. more
root 21158 ..c.. man
root 21180 ..c.. sh
root 21182 ..c.. less
root 21223 ..c.. bash

[etl@wgods ~]$ umount /mnt/usb
umount: /mnt/usb is not in the fstab (and you are not root)
[etl@wgods ~]$ su - root
[root@wgods ~]# umount /mnt/usb

6: 删除usb目录
[root@wgods ~]# umount -l /mnt/usb
[root@wgods ~]# rm -rf /mnt/usb


[root@wgods ~]# mount -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,codepage=uft8 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

[root@wgods ~]# mount -t vfat -o iocharset=cp936,codepage=936 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb



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