

#! /usr/bin/env python
# 获取今天、昨天和明天的日期
# 引入datetime模块
import datetime
today= datetime.date.today()
yesterday= today- datetime.timedelta(days= 1)
tomorrow= today+ datetime.timedelta(days= 1)
print(yesterday, today, tomorrow)



#! /usr/bin/env python
# 计算上一个的时间
import datetime,calendarlast_friday= datetime.date.today()
oneday= datetime.timedelta(days= 1) while last_friday.weekday() != calendar.FRIDAY: last_friday-= oneday print(last_friday.strftime('%A, %d-%b-%Y'))


#! /usr/bin/env python
# 借助模运算,可以一次算出需要减去的天数,计算上一个星期五
import datetime
import calendar today= datetime.date.today()
target_day= calendar.FRIDAY
this_day= today.weekday()
delta_to_target= (this_day- target_day)% 7
last_friday= today- datetime.timedelta(days= delta_to_target) print(last_friday.strftime("%d-%b-%Y"))


#! /usr/bin/env python
# 获取一个列表中的所有歌曲的播放时间之和
import datetime def total_timer(times): td= datetime.timedelta(0) duration= sum([datetime.timedelta(minutes= m, seconds= s)for m, sin times], td) return duration times1= [(2,36), (3,35), (3,45), ]
times2= [(3,0), (5,13), (4,12), (1,10), ] assert total_timer(times1)== datetime.timedelta(0,596)
assert total_timer(times2)== datetime.timedelta(0,815) print("Tests passed.\n""First test total: %s\n""Second test total: %s" % (total_timer(times1), total_timer(times2)))


#! /usr/bin/env python
# 以需要的时间间隔执行某个命令 import time, os def re_exe(cmd, inc= 60): while True: os.system(cmd); time.sleep(inc) re_exe("echo %time%",5)


#! /usr/bin/env python
import time, os, sched # 第一个参数确定任务的时间,返回从某个特定的时间到现在经历的秒数
# 第二个参数以某种人为的方式衡量时间
schedule= sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) def perform_command(cmd, inc): os.system(cmd) def timming_exe(cmd, inc= 60): # enter用来安排某事件的发生时间,从现在起第n秒开始启动 schedule.enter(inc,0, perform_command, (cmd, inc)) # 持续运行,直到计划时间队列变成空为止 schedule.run() print("show time after 10 seconds:")
timming_exe("echo %time%",10)


#! /usr/bin/env python
import time, os, sched # 第一个参数确定任务的时间,返回从某个特定的时间到现在经历的秒数
# 第二个参数以某种人为的方式衡量时间
schedule= sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) def perform_command(cmd, inc): # 安排inc秒后再次运行自己,即周期运行 schedule.enter(inc,0, perform_command, (cmd, inc)) os.system(cmd) def timming_exe(cmd, inc= 60): # enter用来安排某事件的发生时间,从现在起第n秒开始启动 schedule.enter(inc,0, perform_command, (cmd, inc)) # 持续运行,直到计划时间队列变成空为止 schedule.run() print("show time after 10 seconds:")
timming_exe("echo %time%",10)

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