public enum Include



* Value that indicates that property is to be always included,

* independent of value of the property.

* 包含所有属性,默认为ALWAYS




* Value that indicates that only properties with non-null

* values are to be included.

* 包含不为NUll的属性




* Value that indicates that properties are included unless their value

* is:





"absent" value of a referential type (like Java 8 `Optional`, or

* {link java.utl.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference}); that is, something

* that would not deference to a non-null value.


* This option is mostly used to work with "Optional"s (Java 8, Guava).


* @since 2.6




* Value that indicates that only properties with null value,

* or what is considered empty, are not to be included.

* Definition of emptiness is data type specific; see below

* for details on actual handling.


* Default emptiness for all types includes:



Null values.


"Absent" values (see {@link #NON_ABSENT})


* so that as baseline, "empty" set includes values that would be

* excluded by both {@link #NON_NULL} and {@link #NON_ABSENT}.


* Beyond this base, following types have additional empty values:



For {@link java.util.Collection}s and {@link java.util.Map}s,

* method isEmpty() is called;



For Java arrays, empty arrays are ones with length of 0



For Java {@link java.lang.String}s, length() is called,

* and return value of 0 indicates empty String



* and for other types, null values are excluded but other exclusions (if any).


* Note that this default handling can be overridden by custom

* JsonSerializer implementation: if method isEmpty()

* is overridden, it will be called to see if non-null values are

* considered empty (null is always considered empty).


* Compatibility note: Jackson 2.6 included a wider range of "empty" values than

* either earlier (up to 2.5) or later (2.7 and beyond) types; specifically:



Default values of primitive types (like 0 for `int`/`java.lang.Integer`

* and `false` for `bool`/`Boolean`)



Timestamp 0 for date/time types



* With 2.7, definition has been tightened back to only containing types explained

* above (null, absent, empty String, empty containers), and now

* extended definition may be specified using {@link #NON_DEFAULT}.




* Meaning of this setting depends on context: whether annotation is

* specified for POJO type (class), or not. In latter case annotation

* is either used as the global default, or as property override.


* When used for a POJO, definition is that only values that differ from

* the default values of POJO properties are included. This is done

* by creating an instance of POJO using zero-argument constructor,

* and accessing property values: value is used as the default value

* by using equals() method, except for the case where property

* has `null` value in which straight null check is used.


* When NOT used for a POJO (that is, as a global default, or as property

* override), definition is such that:



All values considered "empty" (as per {@link #NON_EMPTY}) are excluded


Primitive/wrapper default values are excluded


Date/time values that have timestamp (`long` value of milliseconds since

* epoch, see {@link java.util.Date}) of `0L` are excluded





* Pseudo-value used to indicate that the higher-level defaults make

* sense, to avoid overriding inclusion value. For example, if returned

* for a property this would use defaults for the class that contains

* property, if any defined; and if none defined for that, then

* global serialization inclusion details.


* @since 2.6






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