
  • Pre
  • 模拟SimpleDateFormate线程安全问题
  • LocalDate
  • LocalTime
  • LocalDateTime
  • Instant
  • Period
  • Duration
  • format
  • parse




package com.artisan.java8.testDate;import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.*;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.util.Date;/*** @author 小工匠* @version 1.0* @description: TODO* @date 2021/3/5 0:22* @mark: show me the code , change the world*/
public class DateInJava8 {public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, InterruptedException {Date date = new Date();System.out.println(date);/***  模拟SimpleDateFormat 的线程安全问题**  Exception in thread "Thread-30" java.lang.NumberFormatException: multiple points**  Exception in thread "Thread-24" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "E.250214E4"**/SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd");for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {new Thread(() -> {for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {try {String format = sdf.format(date);Date d = sdf.parse(format);System.out.println(d);} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}).start();}}}



LocalDate 是final修饰的不可变类 并且是线程安全的.

  • Java LocalDate is immutable class and hence thread safe.

  • LocalDate provides date output in the format of YYYY-MM-dd.

  • The LocalDate class has no time or Timezone data. So LocalDate is suitable to represent dates such as Birthday, National Holiday etc.

  • LocalDate class implements Temporal, TemporalAdjuster, ChronoLocalDate and Serializable interfaces.

  • LocalDate is a final class, so we can’t extend it.

  • LocalDate is a value based class, so we should use equals() method for comparing if two LocalDate instances are equal or not.

 public static void testLocalDate(){LocalDate x = LocalDate.now(); // 日期  2021-03-05System.out.println(x);LocalDate lo = LocalDate.of(2021,3,5);System.out.println(lo.getYear()); // 年  2021System.out.println(lo.getMonth()); // 月 MARCHSystem.out.println(lo.getDayOfMonth()); // 日 5System.out.println(lo.getDayOfYear()); // 一年中的第几天System.out.println(lo.getDayOfMonth());// 一个月中的第几天System.out.println(lo.getDayOfWeek());// 礼拜几System.out.println(lo.get(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH));}


  • LocalTime provides time without any time zone information. It is very much similar to observing the time from a wall clock which just shown the time and not the time zone information.

  • The assumption from this API is that all the calendar system uses the same way of representing the time.

  • It is a value-based class, so use of reference equality (==), identity hash code or synchronization on instances of LocalTime may have - unexpected results and is highly advised to be avoided. The equals method should be used for comparisons.

  • The LocalTime class is immutable that mean any operation on the object would result in a new instance of LocalTime reference.

private static void testLocalTime() {LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();System.out.println(time.getHour());System.out.println(time.getMinute());System.out.println(time.getSecond());}


  • Java LocalDateTime is an immutable class, so it’s thread safe and suitable to use in multithreaded environment.

  • LocalDateTime provides date and time output in the format of YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss.zzz, extendable to nanosecond precision. So we can store “2017-11-10 21:30:45.123456789” in LocalDateTime object.

  • Just like the LocalDate class, LocalDateTime has no time zone data. We can use LocalDateTime instance for general purpose date and time information.

  • LocalDateTime class implements Comparable, ChronoLocalDateTime, Temporal, TemporalAdjuster, TermporalAccessor and Serializable interfaces.

  • LocalDateTime is a final class, so we can’t extend it.

  • LocalDateTime is a value based class, so we should use equals() method to check if two instances of LocalDateTime are equal or not.

  • LocalDateTime class is a synergistic ‘combination’ of LocalDate and LocalTime with the contatenated format as shown in the figure above.

    private static void testLocalDateTime() {LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.now();LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(localDate, time);System.out.println(localDateTime.toString());LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();System.out.println(now);}


    private static void testInstant() throws InterruptedException {Instant start = Instant.now();Thread.sleep(1000L);Instant end = Instant.now();Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);System.out.println(duration.toMillis());}


    private static void testPeriod() {Period period = Period.between(LocalDate.of(2020, 5, 10),LocalDate.of(2021, 3, 4));System.out.println(period.getYears());System.out.println(period.getMonths());System.out.println(period.getDays());}


private static void testDuration() {LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();System.out.println(time);LocalTime beforeTime = time.minusHours(2);System.out.println(beforeTime);Duration duration = Duration.between(beforeTime,time );System.out.println(duration.toHours());}


    private static void testDateFormat() {LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.now();String format1 = localDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE);System.out.println(format1);DateTimeFormatter mySelfFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");String format = localDate.format(mySelfFormatter);System.out.println(format);}


  private static void testDateParse() {String date1 = "20210305";LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.parse(date1, DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE);System.out.println(localDate);DateTimeFormatter mySelfFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");String date2 = "2021-03-05";LocalDate localDate2 = LocalDate.parse(date2, mySelfFormatter);System.out.println(localDate2);}

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