
make menuconfig


It has from the beginning on been the intention, with the development of 'menuconfig', to create a simple yet powerful environment for the configuration of individual OpenWrt images. Menuconfig is more or less self-explanatory, and even the most specialized configuration needs can be solved with its help. Depending on the the particular target platform, package requirements and kernel module needs, the standard process of configuration will include modifying:





Target system is selected from the extensive list of supported platforms, with the numerous target profiles – ranging from specific devices to generic profiles, all depending on the particular device at hand. Package selection has the option of either 'selecting all package', which might be un-practical in certain situation, or relying on the default set of packages will be adequate or make an individual selection. It is here needed to mention that some package combinations might break the build process, so it can take some experimentation before the expected result is reached. Added to this, the OpenWrt developers are themselves only maintaining a smaller set of packages – which includes all default packages – but, the feeds-script makes it very simple to handle a locally maintained set of packages and integrate them in the build-process.


< > 该代码将不会被编译

该代码将被交叉编译,生成的ipk软件包将被放在 /buildsystem/bla/bla/bla, 但该软件包不会放入固件中

该代码将被放入固件中 (on the SqashFS partition)

The final step before the process of compiling the intended image(s) is to exit 'menuconfig' – this also includes the option to save a specific configuration or load an already existing, and pre-configured, version.

Exit the TUI, and choose to save your settings.

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