如果使用的是Eclipse2.x, 安装方法如下:

Open the Window menu, then Open Perspective -> Install/Update
Click with the right mouse button on the Feature Updates view, then select New -> Site Bookmark
In the displayed dialog box, type "FreeMarker" for Name and "http://www.freemarker.org/eclipse/update" for URL. Leave the "Bookmark type" radio buttons on "Eclipse update site".
Click Finish
Open the tree node under the newly created update site named "FreeMarker", select the "FreeMarker X.Y.Z" feature, and install it using the Install now button in the preview pane.

如果使用的是Eclipse3.x, 方法如下:

Help -> Software updates -> Find and install....
Choose "Search for new features to install".
Click Add Update Site..., and type "FreeMarker" for Name and "http://www.freemarker.org/eclipse/update" for URL.
Check the box of the "FreeMarker" feature.
"Next"-s until it is installed...

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