jquery 封装幻灯插件

21 jQuery Slideshow plugins


In today`s article I collected most attractive jQuery plugins which you can use for creating photo album or galleries. I used several of them in my projects. And can confirm – my members like this ;-) So, lets start:

在今天的文章中,我收集了最有吸引力的jQuery插件,您可以将它们用于创建相册或画廊。 我在项目中使用了其中的几个。 可以确认–我的成员是这样;-) 因此,让我们开始:

1. jQuery lightBox (1. jQuery lightBox)

jQuery lightBox plugin is simple, elegant, unobtrusive, no need extra markup and is used to overlay images on the current page through the power and flexibility of jQuery`s selector.

jQuery lightBox插件简单,优雅,醒目,不需要额外的标记,它用于通过jQuery选择器的功能和灵活性在当前页面上覆盖图像。

jQuery lightBox
jQuery lightBox

2. GalleryView (2. GalleryView)

GalleryView aims to provide jQuery users with a flexible, attractive content gallery that is both easy to implement and a snap to customize.



3. 大力水手 (3. Popeye)

Popeye generates an inline image gallery from an unordered list of images. The gallery features clever inline image enlargement, i.e. the enlarged image stretches out over the site content without adding a visual overlay of the whole site. It stays fixed with one edge to its original coordinates, so that a sense of cohesiveness is created in the user interface and interaction.

Popeye从无序的图像列表中生成一个嵌入式图像库。 画廊具有巧妙的内联图像放大功能,即,放大的图像可以在网站内容上延伸,而无需添加整个网站的视觉覆盖。 它的一条边固定在其原始坐标上,因此在用户界面和交互中产生了凝聚力。


4. Pikachoose (4. Pikachoose)

Pikachoose is a lightweight Jquery plugin that allows easy presentation of photos with options for slideshows, navigation buttons, and auto play. Pikachoose is designed to be easily installed, easy to setup, and well… all around easy, and if you need help, I can install PikaChoose on your website for you.

Pikachoose是一个轻量级的Jquery插件,它允许通过幻灯片,导航按钮和自动播放选项轻松呈现照片。 Pikachoose的设计易于安装,易于安装,并且非常……容易。如果需要帮助,我可以在您的网站上为您安装PikaChoose。


5. 环球免税店 (5. Galleria)

Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery unlike anything else. It can take a simple list of images and turn it into a foundation of multiple intelligent gallery designs, suitable for any project.

Galleria是一个JavaScript图像库,与其他所有图像库不同。 它可以获取简单的图像列表,并将其变成适用于任何项目的多种智能画廊设计的基础。


6. 加勒里菲奇 (6. Galleriffic)

Galleriffic is a jQuery plugin that provides a rich, post-back free experience optimized to handle high volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth. I am not so great at spelling, and it was much later that I realized that the more appropriate spellings would be Gallerific or Gallerrific, but is too late now for a name change, so Galleriffic remains.

Galleriffic是一个jQuery插件,可提供丰富的回发后免费体验,经过优化,可处理大量照片,同时节省带宽。 我不是很擅长拼写,很晚以后我才意识到更合适的拼写是Gallerific或Gallerrific,但现在为时已晚,无法更改名称,因此Galleriffic仍然存在。


7. jQZoom (7. jQZoom)

JQZoom is a javascript image magnifier built at the top of the popular jQuery javascript framework.jQzoom is a great and a really easy to use script to magnify what you want.

JQZoom是在流行的jQuery javascript框架顶部构建的javascript图像放大镜。jQzoom是一个很棒且非常易于使用的脚本,可以放大您想要的内容。


8. 超大 (8. Supersized)

Supersized is an image gallery built by buildinternet.com and it is able to slideshows the images with full screen. Besides that, it has navigation controls that allow for pause/play and forward/back. Maby available options present.

Supersized是由buildinternet.com构建的图像库,它可以全屏幻灯片显示图像。 除此之外,它还具有允许暂停/播放和前进/后退的导航控件。 Maby提供了可用的选项。


9. slideViewer (9. slideViewer)

slideViewer is a lightweight (3.5Kb) jQuery plugin wich allows to instantly create an image gallery by writing just few lines of HTML such as an unordered list of images.



10. 简易滑块 (10. Easy Slider)

Easy Slider 1.5 – another one slideshow. It have such features as auto slide, continuous sliding, vertical sliding and other.

Easy Slider 1.5 –另一个幻灯片放映。 具有自动滑行,连续滑行,垂直滑行等功能。


11.电子艺廊 (11. EOGallery)

EOGallery is a web animated slideshow gallery made with jQuery. It only uses basic jQuery functions and Cody Lindley’s Thickbox to display larger pictures.

EOGallery是一个使用jQuery制作的网络动画幻灯片库。 它仅使用基本的jQuery函数和Cody Lindley的Thickbox来显示较大的图片。


12. jqGalScroll (12. jqGalScroll)

jQuery Gallery Scroller (jqGalScroll) takes list of images and creates a smooth scrolling photo gallery scrolling vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. The plugin will also create pagination to allow you to flow through your photos.

jQuery Gallery Scroller(jqGalScroll)获取图像列表,并创建一个平滑滚动的图库,该图库垂直,水平或对角滚动。 该插件还将创建分页,以允许您浏览照片。


13. prettyPhoto (13. prettyPhoto)

prettyPhoto is a jQuery lightbox clone. Not only does it support images, it also support for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes. It’s a full blown media lightbox.

prettyPhoto是jQuery灯箱克隆。 它不仅支持图片,还支持视频,Flash,YouTube,iframe。 这是一个功能强大的媒体灯箱。


14. 空间画廊 (14. Space Gallery)

Space Gallery is another jQuery photo gallery plugin. click on the image will make it fade away and the next image will move forward.

Space Gallery是另一个jQuery照片画廊插件。 点击图片将使其消失,下一张图片将向前移动。


15.图片幻灯片 (15. PictureSlides)

PictureSlides is a plugin for jQuery, and it is a highly customizable JavaScript-based way to easily turn your images into a collection viewable as a slideshow, and with fading effects, if desired. It can be a stand-alone slideshow or have a complete image library look with thumbnails, navigation buttons etc (an older version, which also works with DOMAssistant, is available as PictureSlides 1.0).

PictureSlides是jQuery的插件,它是一种基于JavaScript的可高度自定义的方法,可以轻松地将您的图像转换为可显示为幻灯片放映的集合,并在需要时具有渐变效果。 它可以是独立的幻灯片放映,也可以具有缩略图,导航按钮等的完整图像库外观(也可以与DOMAssistant一起使用的旧版本作为PictureSlides 1.0提供)。


16. 图库视图 (16. Gallery View)

GalleryView is a content-gallery plugin capable of displaying any HTML content in an animated gallery view. Visit the project home page for documentation and demonstrations.

GalleryView是一个内容画廊插件,能够在动画画廊视图中显示任何HTML内容。 访问项目主页以获取文档和演示。

Gallery View
Gallery View

17. S3滑块– jQuery图像库 (17. S3 Slider – jQuery Image Gallery)

s3Slider – jQuery Image Gallery Plugin. s3Slider jQuery Plugin – inspired by JonDesign’s Smooth SlideShow Library.

s3Slider – jQuery图像库插件。 s3Slider jQuery插件–受JonDesign的Smooth SlideShow Library启发。

S3 Slider – jQuery Image Gallery
S3 Slider – jQuery Image Gallery

18. 滑动图像库 (18. Sliding Image Gallery)

The idea behind this plug-in is to display a varying number of images in an attractive and easy to use manner. The inspiration for this plug-in this iTunes album viewer. The SlidingGallery plug-in will take a group of images and turn them into a cyclical gallery of images which the user can click through. One image will be centered on the screen, with two smaller images off to the sides.

该插件背后的想法是以有吸引力且易于使用的方式显示不同数量的图像。 此插件在iTunes专辑查看器中的灵感。 SlidingGallery插件将获取一组图像,并将其转换为用户可以单击的周期性图像库。 一幅图像将在屏幕上居中,而两幅较小的图像则偏向两侧。

Sliding Image Gallery
Sliding Image Gallery

19. Flickr画廊 (19. Flickr Gallery)

flickrGallery is an open-source photo gallery for jQuery that allows you to dynamically pull images from a photoset in Flickr.


Flickr Gallery
Flickr Gallery

20. 简单控件图像库 (20. Simple Controls Image Gallery)

Simple Controls Gallery rotates and displays an image by fading it into view over the previous one, with navigation controls that pop up when the mouse rolls over the Gallery.

Simple Controls Gallery通过在前一个图像上使其褪色进入视图来旋转并显示图像,并且当鼠标滑过Gallery时会弹出导航控件。

Simple Controls Image Gallery
Simple Controls Image Gallery

21. 平滑Div Scroll (21. Smooth Div Scroll)

Smooth Div Scroll generates an inline image gallery from an unordered list of images. The gallery features clever inline image enlargement, i.e. the enlarged image stretches out over the site content without adding a visual overlay of the whole site. It stays fixed with one edge to its original coordinates, so that a sense of cohesiveness is created in the user interface and interaction.

Smooth Div Scroll从无序列的图像列表中生成一个嵌入式图像库。 画廊具有巧妙的内联图像放大功能,即,放大的图像可以在网站内容上延伸,而无需添加整个网站的视觉覆盖。 它的一条边固定在其原始坐标上,因此在用户界面和交互中产生了凝聚力。

Smooth Div Scroll
Smooth Div Scroll

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/21-jquery-slideshow-plugins/

jquery 封装幻灯插件

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