1、Put their heads in their hands and cried 抱头痛哭
2、Walked to one of the big chairs, and suddenly fell into it. 朝其中一把大椅子走去,突然瘫倒在椅子里
3、He got quickly to his feet 他迅速站了起来
4、It is eight kilometers before a man on a bicycle can get near him. 走出8公里以后,骑着自行车的成年人才赶上他
5、We walked down to the road, and along to the Green Man Inn. 我们沿着那条路,朝林中人客栈走去
6、My foot! I can’t stand on it 我的脚!我站不住了。
7、Off the road and up the hill 离开大路往山上爬
8、Disappeared down the road 消失在路的尽头
9、Slept all night like a dead man 整夜睡得像个死人一样
10、I would like to have your cheque for six thousand pounds 我想向您索要一张6000英镑的支票
11、Gave a happy cry 发出一声欢呼
12、It changes nothing, but James can’t see that. 这并不能改变事实,但是詹姆斯不理解这一点。
13、He came to me at once, crying 立刻哭着来见我
14、Holmes wet his finger and ran it round the bottom of the shoe. 福尔摩斯把手指弄湿,顺着马蹄铁底部绕了一圈
15、The numbers changed quickly and Kiah’s eyes didn’t move. 那些数字飞快地变换着,凯眼睛都不眨一下
16、Earth stopped dying because of the AOL 因为有人工臭氧层地球菜幸免于难
17、Bring him over here 把他带到这儿来
18、Zadak looked at Kiah and then at Rilla with his blue eyes. 扎达克用他蓝蓝的眼睛看了看凯,又看了看瑞拉
19、She gave a cry and fell to the floor 她叫了一声就倒在了地板上。
20、And soon she was with Kiah again 很快瑞拉就回到了凯身边
21、Suddenly , Rilla felt ill. ‘I can’t eat now!’ she cried 突然瑞拉感到很难受。“我现在吃不下去!”她喊着
22、Raoul went quickly across the room and took her hand. 拉乌尔快步穿过房间,握住她的手
23、Christine could not speak. She wanted to scream, but no words cam. Then she found her voice again 克里斯廷说不出话来。她想尖叫,但发不出声音。接着她发现自己又能说话了。
24、A strange sound came from him, like laughing 发出一种奇怪的声音,像是在大笑
25、He tried to get down on his knees at the same time 同时他想要跪下
26、When he drove into Victoria the streets were busy, and suddenly he lost the blue car in front of him 当他开车到了维多利亚时,街上非常繁忙,他突然找不到前面那辆蓝色的车了
27、He looked up and down the room 他往屋里四处搜寻着
28、Abanazar ran to the fire and put more powder on it. 阿巴那扎尔气冲冲地跑到火边,又往里面撒了些药粉
29、She put her head on the ground at his feet 她俯首贴地拜倒在苏丹的脚前
30、I am in the next room and can be with you in a second 我就在隔壁的房间里,随时可以过来帮助你
31、Gog watched Rilla carefully 高格凝视着瑞拉
32、Walked quickly away from the house, down to the sea 快步离开木屋,朝海边走去
1、Surprised by the answer to this mystery 对这起神秘事件的答案大感意外
2、I was in love——oh, so much in love. 我坠入了情网——哦,很痴迷
3、But you are going to be sorry 可你们会后悔的
4、Take it easy, Commander 别太在意,司令
5、You are a lazy boy——a good-for-nothing! 你这个懒惰的孩子——真是没用
1、There is ivy all up the wall of the house 屋外的墙上爬满了常青藤
2、No other houses , until the Green Man Inn , along the Chesterfield road. 中途没有别的房子,只有切斯特菲尔德路边的林中人客栈。
3、One tyre makes a deeper track 其中一个轮胎的车辙印深一些
4、And through the window of the spaceship they saw the Moon before them , cold , white and beautiful 透过飞船的窗子,他们看到了眼下的月球:冰冷,皎洁,美丽
5、Some small bushes with yellow flowers on them 开着黄花的小灌木丛
6、They saw the dark smoke over Africa , and here and there , through the smoke , the red , angry fires. 他们看到了非洲上空的黑烟,以及黑烟下面到处肆虐着的愤怒的火红烈焰。
7、The pictures moved and danced in front of their eyes 这些图画在他们的眼前跳动着
8、The room was cold and dark , and there was a horrible smell in it. 房间又冷又暗,里面还有一股恶心的气味
9、The water in the stream made a beautiful noise , like singing 溪水声优美动听,就像一曲美妙的音乐
10、The candle died and it was dark 蜡烛灭了,屋里黑了
11、He felt the warm sun on his face. 阳光照在他的脸上,暖暖的
12、Victoria was a city of gardens and beautiful old buildings 维多利亚是个美丽的城市,有很多花园和漂亮的古建筑
1、Well-dressed , and important-looking 衣着考究,气宇轩昂
2、He was small , with blue eyes , and a watchful face 他身材瘦小,长着一双蓝眼睛,脸上带着警戒的神色
3、He had red hair , and a great red beard他留着一头红发,引人注目的胡须也是红色的
4、He was very , very dead 他已经死了
5、Mr. Hayes’s face went white , then red 海斯先生的脸色先是一阵苍白,接着变红了
6、Earth Commander is a difficult man. 地球司令是个不好相处的人
7、The cat was black and white 那是只黑白相间的猫
8、His eyes were cold and green 那是一双冷漠的绿眼睛
9、Zadak smiled , but his blue eyes were cold 扎达克笑了,可他的蓝眼睛里透着寒光
10、His face was tired and he looked ill 他面色疲惫,憔悴不堪
11、She was a fat motherly woman , with a red , happy face 她是一个肥胖的、慈母般的妇人,有一张红扑扑的、快乐的脸
12、Christine looked at him , and her blue eyes were afraid 克里斯廷看着他,她那蓝色的眼睛带着惊恐
13、She was eighteen years old and she was tall with long , dirty brown hair and a white hungry face 她那年18岁,个子高高的,棕色的长发脏乎乎的。她脸色苍白,饥肠辘辘。
14、His kind face and his warm brown eyes 他和善的面孔和充满热情的棕色眼睛
15、His eyes were dark and quiet 他双眼乌黑而沉静


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