
Remy just posted about his Kindle breaking, and how he felt oddly affected by this:

雷米(Remy)刚刚发布了有关Kindle断裂的信息 ,以及他对此的奇怪影响:

Somehow, I felt weird about throwing away a bit of consumer technology. Except, the Kindle to me, wasn’t that at all. I hold a great fondness to this little device, and that’s an odd concept for me to grasp.

不知何故,我觉得扔掉一些消费类技术很奇怪。 除了Kindle,对我来说根本不是。 我非常喜欢这个小设备,这对我来说是一个奇怪的概念。

I can relate. I have had many conversations over the years where I’ve told people that out of all the devices and gadgets I own, my Kindle—one of the least powerful and cheapest devices—is the one that I am most protective of. I’ve never been entirely able to explain why that is.

我可以联系。 多年来,我进行了很多对话,我告诉人们,在我拥有的所有设备和小工具中,我的Kindle(功能最弱,最便宜的设备之一)是我保护得最多的设备。 我从来没有完全能够解释为什么会这样。

For Remy, his affection for his Kindle is pretty personal:


I’d struggled reading books in the past for a number of reasons: I used to use glasses to help my focus when reading (when I was 18), the size of the books were daunting to me (it took me 6 solid months to read Frankenstein on paperback), and all of this cumulative to a very slow and painful reading process, which put me off the entire experience.


The Kindle changed a few things for me: firstly, I had no idea the size of the book, and I’ve never really understood the percentage progress (or my thumb is over it intentionally). Secondly, I found that raising the font size and increasing the line height made the pages entirely readable for me.

Kindle为我带来了一些变化:首先,我不知道书的大小,而且我从来没有真正了解百分比的提高(或者我的拇指被故意忽略了)。 其次,我发现增大字体大小和增加行高使页面对我完全可读。

Since that December in 2016 and mid-2018, I’ve read nearly 50 books. This is a huge deal for me, and my Kindle was there for every page.

从2016年12月到2018年中,我已经阅读了近50本书。 这对我来说是一笔不小的数目,每页都有我的Kindle。

That last bit (emphasis mine) resonated with me and got me thinking again about why exactly I’m so attached to mine. I think it boils down to focus and deliberate intent.

最后一点(强调我的观点)引起了我的共鸣,让我再次思考为什么我如此依恋我。 我认为归结为重点和故意意图。

My laptop and phone are very powerful devices, but they’re not devices for focus.


I use my laptop for both work and play, and whenever it’s open, there is a myriad of different applications and processes I’m toggling between. I end up hopping between my browser, my editor, my calendar, my terminal session, Sketch if I’m doing front-end work and Slack when something comes up. I probably have music playing.

我使用笔记本电脑进行工作和娱乐,无论何时打开笔记本电脑,都可以在众多应用程序和过程之间进行切换。 我最终会在浏览器,编辑器,日历,终端会话,Sketch(如果我正在做前端工作)和Slack(出现问题)之间跳来跳去。 我可能正在播放音乐。

My phone is worse. Granted, it’s not as easy to hop between different applications as the laptop, but anyone with a smartphone knows “focused” would be the most inappropriate adjective to possibly apply to a smartphone. Most of the time, I pick up my phone because some notification somewhere sucked me in. I also use it when I have a few moments of downtime and am aimlessly searching for a distraction.

我的手机更糟。 诚然,在不同的应用程序之间切换不像在笔记本电脑上那样容易,但是任何拥有智能手机的人都知道“专注”可能是最不适用于智能手机的形容词。 大多数时候,我拿起电话是因为某处的通知吸引了我。在我停工一会儿并且漫无目的地寻找干扰时,我也会使用它。

With either device, there is always this sense that there is more I could be doing on that device. YouTube, Twitter, Slack—you name it—they all beckon for attention.

无论使用哪种设备,总会感觉到我可以在该设备上做更多的事情。 YouTube,Twitter,Slack(您将其命名)吸引了所有人的注意力。

But the Kindle is nothing like that.


When I pick up my Kindle, it’s always intentional. No notifications are pulling me in. It doesn’t buzz or light up. If I open my Kindle, it’s because I wanted to.

当我拿起Kindle时,它总是故意的。 没有通知吸引我。它不会嗡嗡响或不亮。 如果我打开Kindle,那是因为我想要。

And while you can use the eternally “experimental” browser or browse Goodreads on your Kindle, neither of those take center stage. The Kindle is a device that focuses on reading books (and, admittedly, on buying more books to read). So when I pick it up, I open the book I want to read, sit back and get immersed in it with nothing else to distract me.

而且,尽管您可以使用永恒的“实验性”浏览器或在Kindle上浏览Goodreads,但它们都不是中心。 Kindle是一种专注于阅读书籍的设备(当然,也可以购买更多书籍以供阅读)。 因此,当我拿起书时,会打开要阅读的书,坐在那里,然后沉浸在其中,这不会分散我的注意力。

It’s deliberate. It’s focused. It’s calm.

故意的 重点突出。 冷静

We’re increasingly surrounded by needy technology—technology that constantly tries to distract us in order to get our attention. There’s something refreshing and appealing about technology that is calm and focused.

我们越来越多地被需要的技术所包围,这些技术不断地试图分散我们的注意力以吸引我们的注意力。 平静而专注的技术让人耳目一新。




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