
  • 为什么要做图像篡改识别
  • 图像篡改的类型
  • 不同篡改类型的训练和测试结果
    • 代码框架以及通用的实验参数
    • 高斯模糊
    • 高斯噪音
    • 中值滤波
    • 二次JPEG压缩
    • 亮度
    • 对比度
    • 实验总结






  • 一、图像内容的修改,比如前面提到的通过PS换脸或者合同文字的修改
  • 二、能够间接表达第一类篡改嫌疑的操作。比如为了遮掩第一类篡改痕迹而做的中值滤波、平滑、模糊、加噪音等等,以及再次保存图像而产生的二次JPEG压缩。前面所述都是一些传统的数字图像处理操作,除此之外,还有一种非常难以识别的遮掩方式:重新拍摄,把经过修改的图像在显示器上打开并重新拍摄,这样就不会留下明显的数字图像处理的“痕迹”
  • 三、可能“美颜”也是一种“篡改”,但目前美颜似乎不太会出现在司法领域,本文档不针对这种情况讨论



  • 一是使用算法很随意地进行图像拼接,并辅以一些数据增强方法。这种方式可以生成无限多的数据,然而都假得非常明显,训练出的模型往往无法应对经过精细PS的图像
  • 二是使用人工PS的方式制造数据。这种方式产生的数据质量可能比较高,但是效率实在是太低,对于训模型而言几乎不可行。


下面的部分主要针对第二类篡改进行叙述。第一类比较难搞,不是一个人在家里拿着1050ti随便搞搞就能搞定的,所以本文档就不在这方面搞事情了…然而如果实在对第一类篡改有兴趣的话,可以参考一下adobe 2019的创意者大会。








一、util.py里面是一些辅助函数,包括了部分篡改类型,随机获取用于训练的图像块(image patches)等等操作,具体原理可以参考下面两个文档:

  • 图像的退化方式及python实现
  • 随机从图像中获取多个patch

二、generate_train_test_data.py用于制作训练数据,因为这里只是做个简单的实验,使用的数据并不多,所以可以一次性加载入内存中,因此数据保存为numpy的.npy格式。数据包括训练集的60张图片和测试集的30张图片,均使用手机随意拍摄得到(没有开美颜),用于拍摄的手机型号有三种:荣耀10,荣耀30,mate 30。用于训练的图像块大小是28*28,训练集截取了约30万个图像块,测试集截取了约15万个图像块。该代码文件中用于生成tampered_image部分代码可以进行修改,以测试各种篡改方式。另外如果不做额外说明,下面实验中日志的结果反映的就是代码中的数据篡改参数。


  • 网络结构:6层卷积,非常简单的VGG风格,每2层一个pooling
  • 优化器:Adam
  • epoch数量:10
  • 学习率:如果不做额外说明,那就是前5个epoch学习率1e-4,后5个是1e-5
  • batch_size:50


  • 数据自己拿手机随便去拍,原始大图分别放到两个文件夹内
  • 修改路径相关的变量


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import cv2
import numpy as npdef uniform_random(low, high, shape=None):"""Get uniform random number(s) between low and highParameters----------low: low limit of random number(s)high: high limit of random number(s)shape: shape of output array. A single number is returned if shape is NoneReturns-------Uniform random number(s) between low and high"""return np.random.random(shape) * (high - low) + lowdef add_gaussian_noise(image, mean_ratio, std_ratio, noise_num_ratio=1.0):"""Add Gaussian nosie to image.Parameters----------image: image data read by opencv, shape is [H, W, C]mean_ratio: ratio with respect to image_mean for mean of gaussian randomnumbersstd_ratio: ratio with respect to image_mean for std (scale) of gaussianrandom numbersnoise_num_ratio: ratio of noise number with respect to the total number ofpixels, between [0, 1]Returns-------noisy_image: image after adding noise"""if std_ratio < 0:raise ValueError('std_ratio must >= 0.0')if not 0.0 <= noise_num_ratio <= 1.0:raise ValueError('noise_num_ratio must between [0, 1]')# get noise shape and channel numbernoise_shape = get_noise_shape(image)channel = noise_shape[2]# compute channel-wise mean and stdimage_mean = np.array(cv2.mean(image)[:channel])mean = image_mean * mean_ratiostd = image_mean * std_ratio# generate noisenoise = np.random.normal(mean, std, noise_shape)noisy_image = image.copy().astype(np.float32)if noisy_image.ndim == 2:noisy_image = noisy_image[..., np.newaxis]  # add channel axis# add noise according to noise_num_ratioif noise_num_ratio >= 1.0:noisy_image[:, :, :channel] += noiseelse:row, col = get_noise_index(image, noise_num_ratio)noisy_image[row, col, :channel] += noise[row, col, ...]# post processingnoisy_image = float_to_uint8(noisy_image, scale=1.0)noisy_image = np.squeeze(noisy_image)return noisy_imagedef float_to_uint8(image, scale=255.0):"""Convert image from float type to uint8, meanwhile the clip between [0, 255]will be done.Parameters----------image: numpy array image data of float typescale: a scale factor for image dataReturns-------image_uint8: numpy array image data of uint8 type"""image_uint8 = np.clip(np.round(image * scale), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)return image_uint8def get_noise_index(image, noise_num_ratio):"""Get noise index for a certain ratio of noise numberParameters----------image: numpy array image datanoise_num_ratio: ratio of noise number with respect to the total number ofpixels, between [0, 1]Returns-------row: row indexescol: column indexes"""image_height, image_width = image.shape[0:2]noise_num = int(np.round(image_height * image_width * noise_num_ratio))row = np.random.randint(0, image_height, noise_num)col = np.random.randint(0, image_width, noise_num)return row, coldef get_noise_shape(image):"""Get noise shape according to image shape.Parameters----------image: numpy array image dataReturns-------noise_shape: a tuple whose length is 3The shape of noise. Let height, width be the image height and width.If image.ndim is 2, output noise_shape will be (height, width, 1),else (height, width, 3)"""if not (image.ndim == 2 or image.ndim == 3):raise ValueError('image ndim must be 2 or 3')height, width = image.shape[:2]if image.ndim == 2:channel = 1else:channel = image.shape[2]if channel >= 4:channel = 3noise_shape = (height, width, channel)return noise_shapedef jpeg_compression(image, quality_factor):"""Apply jpeg compression to image without saving it to disk.Parameters----------image: image data read by opencv, shape is [H, W, C]quality_factor: jpeg quality factor, between [0, 1]. Higher value meanshigher quality imageReturns-------jpeg_image: jpeg compressed image"""compression_factor = int(quality_factor)compression_param = [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, compression_factor]image_encode = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image, compression_param)[1]jpeg_image = cv2.imdecode(image_encode, -1)return jpeg_imagedef get_random_patch_bboxes(image, bbox_size, stride, jitter, roi_bbox=None):"""Generate random patch bounding boxes for a image around ROI regionParameters----------image: image data read by opencv, shape is [H, W, C]bbox_size: size of patch bbox, one digit or a list/tuple containing twodigits, defined by (width, height)stride: stride between adjacent bboxes (before jitter), one digit or alist/tuple containing two digits, defined by (x, y)jitter: jitter size for evenly distributed bboxes, one digit or alist/tuple containing two digits, defined by (x, y)roi_bbox: roi region, defined by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], default is wholeimage regionReturns-------patch_bboxes: randomly distributed patch bounding boxes, n x 4 numpy array.Each bounding box is defined by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]"""height, width = image.shape[:2]bbox_size = _process_geometry_param(bbox_size, min_value=1)stride = _process_geometry_param(stride, min_value=1)jitter = _process_geometry_param(jitter, min_value=0)if bbox_size[0] > width or bbox_size[1] > height:raise ValueError('box_size must be <= image size')if roi_bbox is None:roi_bbox = [0, 0, width, height]# tl is for top-left, br is for bottom-righttl_x, tl_y = _get_top_left_points(roi_bbox, bbox_size, stride, jitter)br_x = tl_x + bbox_size[0]br_y = tl_y + bbox_size[1]# shrink bottom-right points to avoid exceeding image borderbr_x[br_x > width] = widthbr_y[br_y > height] = height# shrink top-left points to avoid exceeding image bordertl_x = br_x - bbox_size[0]tl_y = br_y - bbox_size[1]tl_x[tl_x < 0] = 0tl_y[tl_y < 0] = 0# compute bottom-right points againbr_x = tl_x + bbox_size[0]br_y = tl_y + bbox_size[1]patch_bboxes = np.concatenate((tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y), axis=1)return patch_bboxesdef _process_geometry_param(param, min_value):"""Process and check param, which must be one digit or a list/tuple containingtwo digits, and its value must be >= min_valueParameters----------param: parameter to be processedmin_value: min value for paramReturns-------param: param after processing"""if isinstance(param, (int, float)) or \isinstance(param, np.ndarray) and param.size == 1:param = int(np.round(param))param = [param, param]else:if len(param) != 2:raise ValueError('param must be one digit or two digits')param = [int(np.round(param[0])), int(np.round(param[1]))]# check data range using min_valueif not (param[0] >= min_value and param[1] >= min_value):raise ValueError('param must be >= min_value (%d)' % min_value)return paramdef _get_top_left_points(roi_bbox, bbox_size, stride, jitter):"""Generate top-left points for bounding boxesParameters----------roi_bbox: roi region, defined by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]bbox_size: size of patch bbox, a list/tuple containing two digits, definedby (width, height)stride: stride between adjacent bboxes (before jitter), a list/tuplecontaining two digits, defined by (x, y)jitter: jitter size for evenly distributed bboxes, a list/tuple containingtwo digits, defined by (x, y)Returns-------tl_x: x coordinates of top-left points, n x 1 numpy arraytl_y: y coordinates of top-left points, n x 1 numpy array"""xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = roi_bboxroi_width = xmax - xminroi_height = ymax - ymin# get the offset between the first top-left point of patch box and the# top-left point of roi_bboxoffset_x = np.arange(0, roi_width, stride[0])[-1] + bbox_size[0]offset_y = np.arange(0, roi_height, stride[1])[-1] + bbox_size[1]offset_x = (offset_x - roi_width) // 2offset_y = (offset_y - roi_height) // 2# get the coordinates of all top-left pointstl_x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, stride[0]) - offset_xtl_y = np.arange(ymin, ymax, stride[1]) - offset_ytl_x, tl_y = np.meshgrid(tl_x, tl_y)tl_x = np.reshape(tl_x, [-1, 1])tl_y = np.reshape(tl_y, [-1, 1])# jitter the coordinates of all top-left pointstl_x += np.random.randint(-jitter[0], jitter[0] + 1, size=tl_x.shape)tl_y += np.random.randint(-jitter[1], jitter[1] + 1, size=tl_y.shape)return tl_x, tl_y


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import cv2
import numpy as npfrom util import uniform_random
from util import get_random_patch_bboxes
from util import jpeg_compression
from util import add_gaussian_noiseROOT_FOLDER_TRAIN = r'F:\Forensic\train'
ROOT_FOLDER_TEST = r'F:\Forensic\test'
OUTPUT_FOLDER = r'F:\Forensic\noise'PATCH_SHAPE = (28, 28)
STRIDE = (64, 64)
JITTER = (32, 32)def make_data(root_folder, phase='train'):"""Make image patches and the corresponding labels, and then save them todisk. Half of the patches are original, the other half are tampered.Parameters----------root_folder: root_folder of original full imagephase: 'train' or 'test'"""files = os.listdir(root_folder)# make datareal_patches = []tampered_patches = []for i, file in enumerate(files):print(i + 1, file)image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(root_folder, file))# the following part can be modified to generate other types# of tampered_image''' Gaussian blur '''ksize = np.random.choice([3, 5, 7, 9], size=2)ksize = tuple(ksize)tampered_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, ksize,sigmaX=uniform_random(1.0, 3.0),sigmaY=uniform_random(1.0, 3.0))''' Gaussian noise '''# tampered_image = add_gaussian_noise(#     image,#     mean_ratio=0.0,#     std_ratio=uniform_random(0.01, 0.3))''' median blur '''# ksize = np.random.choice([3, 5, 7, 9])# tampered_image = cv2.medianBlur(image, ksize=ksize)''' JPEG compression '''# tampered_image = jpeg_compression(image, uniform_random(50, 95))''' brigntness '''# brightness = uniform_random(-25, 25)# tampered_image = np.float64(image) + brightness# tampered_image = np.clip(np.round(tampered_image), 0, 255)# tampered_image = np.uint8(tampered_image)''' contrast '''# contrast = uniform_random(0.75, 1.33)# tampered_image = np.float64(image) * contrast# tampered_image = np.clip(np.round(tampered_image), 0, 255)# tampered_image = np.uint8(tampered_image)patch_bboxes = get_random_patch_bboxes(image, PATCH_SHAPE, STRIDE, JITTER)blur_patch_bboxes = get_random_patch_bboxes(image, PATCH_SHAPE, STRIDE, JITTER)for bbox in patch_bboxes:xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bboxreal_patches.append(image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax])for bbox in blur_patch_bboxes:xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bboxtampered_patches.append(tampered_image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax])real_patches = np.array(real_patches)tampered_patches = np.array(tampered_patches)real_labels = np.ones(shape=real_patches.shape[0], dtype=np.int64)tampered_labels = np.zeros(shape=tampered_patches.shape[0], dtype=np.int64)patches = np.concatenate((real_patches, tampered_patches), axis=0)patches = patches.transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])labels = np.concatenate((real_labels, tampered_labels))# save dataos.makedirs(OUTPUT_FOLDER, exist_ok=True)np.save(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, '%s_data.npy' % phase), patches)np.save(os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, '%s_label.npy' % phase), labels)print('Total number of train samples is %d' % labels.shape[0])if __name__ == '__main__':make_data(ROOT_FOLDER_TRAIN, 'train')make_data(ROOT_FOLDER_TEST, 'test')


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import time
import numpy as npimport torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
import torchsummaryDEVICE = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
EPOCH = 10
INPUT_SIZE = 28TRAIN_DATA_FILE = r'F:\Forensic\noise\train_data.npy'
TRAIN_LABEL_FILE = r'F:\Forensic\noise\train_label.npy'
TEST_DATA_FILE = r'F:\Forensic\noise\test_data.npy'
TEST_LABEL_FILE = r'F:\Forensic\noise\test_label.npy'MODEL_FOLDER = r'.\saved_model'def update_learing_rate(optimizer, epoch):"""Update learning rate stepwise for optimizerParameters----------optimizer: pytorch optimizerepoch: epoch"""learning_rate = 1e-4if epoch > 5:learning_rate = 1e-5for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:param_group['lr'] = learning_rateclass Model(nn.Module):"""6 layers plain model for forensic classification"""def __init__(self, input_ch, num_classes, base_ch):super(Model, self).__init__()self.num_classes = num_classesself.base_ch = base_chself.feature_length = base_ch * 4self.net = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(input_ch, base_ch, kernel_size=3, padding=1),nn.ReLU(),nn.Conv2d(base_ch, base_ch, kernel_size=3, padding=1),nn.ReLU(),nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),nn.Conv2d(base_ch, base_ch * 2, kernel_size=3, padding=1),nn.ReLU(),nn.Conv2d(base_ch * 2, base_ch * 2, kernel_size=3, padding=1),nn.ReLU(),nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),nn.Conv2d(base_ch * 2, self.feature_length, kernel_size=3,padding=1),nn.ReLU(),nn.Conv2d(self.feature_length, self.feature_length, kernel_size=3,padding=1),nn.ReLU(),nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(1, 1)))self.fc = nn.Linear(in_features=self.feature_length,out_features=num_classes)def forward(self, input):output = self.net(input)output = output.view(-1, self.feature_length)output = self.fc(output)return outputclass ForensicDataset(Dataset):"""Pytorch dataset for train and test"""def __init__(self, data, label):super(Dataset).__init__()self.data = dataself.label = labelself.num = len(label)def __len__(self):return self.numdef __getitem__(self, index):data = self.data[index]label = self.label[index]return data, labeldef load_dataset():"""Load train and test dataset"""# load train datasetdata = np.load(TRAIN_DATA_FILE).astype(np.float32)label = np.load(TRAIN_LABEL_FILE).astype(np.int64)data = torch.from_numpy(data)label = torch.from_numpy(label)train_dataset = ForensicDataset(data, label)# load test datasetdata = np.load(TEST_DATA_FILE).astype(np.float32)label = np.load(TEST_LABEL_FILE).astype(np.int64)data = torch.from_numpy(data)label = torch.from_numpy(label)test_dataset = ForensicDataset(data, label)return train_dataset, test_datasetif __name__ == '__main__':time_beg = time.time()train_dataset, test_dataset = load_dataset()train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset,batch_size=TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE,shuffle=True)test_loader = DataLoader(dataset=test_dataset,batch_size=TEST_BATCH_SIZE,shuffle=False)model = Model(input_ch=INPUT_CHANNEL, num_classes=2,base_ch=BASE_CHANNEL).cuda()torchsummary.summary(model, input_size=(INPUT_CHANNEL, INPUT_SIZE, INPUT_SIZE))criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())train_loss = []for ep in range(1, EPOCH + 1):update_learing_rate(optimizer, ep)# ----------------- train -----------------model.train()time_beg_epoch = time.time()loss_recorder = []for data, classes in train_loader:data, classes = data.cuda(), classes.cuda()optimizer.zero_grad()output = model(data)loss = criterion(output, classes)loss.backward()optimizer.step()loss_recorder.append(loss.item())time_cost = time.time() - time_beg_epochprint('\rEpoch: %d, Loss: %0.4f, Time cost (s): %0.2f' % (ep, loss_recorder[-1], time_cost), end='')# print train info after one epochtrain_loss.append(loss_recorder)mean_loss_epoch = torch.mean(torch.Tensor(loss_recorder))time_cost_epoch = time.time() - time_beg_epochprint('\rEpoch: %d, Mean loss: %0.4f, Epoch time cost (s): %0.2f' % (ep, mean_loss_epoch.item(), time_cost_epoch), end='')# save modelos.makedirs(MODEL_FOLDER, exist_ok=True)model_filename = os.path.join(MODEL_FOLDER, 'epoch_%d.pth' % ep)torch.save(model.state_dict(), model_filename)# ----------------- test -----------------model.eval()correct = 0total = 0for data, classes in test_loader:data, classes = data.cuda(), classes.cuda()output = model(data)_, predicted = torch.max(output.data, 1)total += classes.size(0)correct += (predicted == classes).sum().item()print(', Test accuracy: %0.4f' % (correct / total))print('Total time cost: ', time.time() - time_beg)




Epoch: 1, Mean loss: 0.3753, Epoch time cost (s): 59.67, Test accuracy: 0.9501
Epoch: 2, Mean loss: 0.0936, Epoch time cost (s): 58.75, Test accuracy: 0.9768
Epoch: 3, Mean loss: 0.0380, Epoch time cost (s): 58.66, Test accuracy: 0.9874
Epoch: 4, Mean loss: 0.0254, Epoch time cost (s): 58.72, Test accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch: 5, Mean loss: 0.0217, Epoch time cost (s): 58.69, Test accuracy: 0.9735
Epoch: 6, Mean loss: 0.0116, Epoch time cost (s): 58.67, Test accuracy: 0.9929
Epoch: 7, Mean loss: 0.0091, Epoch time cost (s): 60.25, Test accuracy: 0.9935
Epoch: 8, Mean loss: 0.0082, Epoch time cost (s): 62.64, Test accuracy: 0.9934
Epoch: 9, Mean loss: 0.0076, Epoch time cost (s): 62.41, Test accuracy: 0.9933
Epoch: 10, Mean loss: 0.0071, Epoch time cost (s): 59.13, Test accuracy: 0.9940




Epoch: 1, Mean loss: 0.1213, Epoch time cost (s): 58.44, Test accuracy: 0.9740
Epoch: 2, Mean loss: 0.0447, Epoch time cost (s): 58.80, Test accuracy: 0.9562
Epoch: 3, Mean loss: 0.0272, Epoch time cost (s): 58.91, Test accuracy: 0.9867
Epoch: 4, Mean loss: 0.0170, Epoch time cost (s): 59.00, Test accuracy: 0.9885
Epoch: 5, Mean loss: 0.0071, Epoch time cost (s): 58.94, Test accuracy: 0.9760
Epoch: 6, Mean loss: 0.0014, Epoch time cost (s): 58.97, Test accuracy: 0.9942
Epoch: 7, Mean loss: 0.0006, Epoch time cost (s): 59.03, Test accuracy: 0.9928
Epoch: 8, Mean loss: 0.0005, Epoch time cost (s): 58.99, Test accuracy: 0.9933
Epoch: 9, Mean loss: 0.0004, Epoch time cost (s): 59.05, Test accuracy: 0.9952
Epoch: 10, Mean loss: 0.0004, Epoch time cost (s): 58.71, Test accuracy: 0.9968





Epoch: 1, Mean loss: 0.4308, Epoch time cost (s): 59.61, Test accuracy: 0.8943
Epoch: 2, Mean loss: 0.1859, Epoch time cost (s): 58.92, Test accuracy: 0.9280
Epoch: 3, Mean loss: 0.1213, Epoch time cost (s): 59.03, Test accuracy: 0.9467
Epoch: 4, Mean loss: 0.0848, Epoch time cost (s): 59.04, Test accuracy: 0.9460
Epoch: 5, Mean loss: 0.0587, Epoch time cost (s): 59.03, Test accuracy: 0.9645
Epoch: 6, Mean loss: 0.0269, Epoch time cost (s): 59.00, Test accuracy: 0.9813
Epoch: 7, Mean loss: 0.0209, Epoch time cost (s): 59.27, Test accuracy: 0.9822
Epoch: 8, Mean loss: 0.0185, Epoch time cost (s): 59.06, Test accuracy: 0.9857
Epoch: 9, Mean loss: 0.0170, Epoch time cost (s): 59.00, Test accuracy: 0.9854
Epoch: 10, Mean loss: 0.0156, Epoch time cost (s): 59.02, Test accuracy: 0.9763


JPEG压缩相对而言稍微难识别一点,在训练过程中,学习率策略与其它有所不同,我使用了1e-4做了2个epoch的预热,然后3-7 epoch使用了1e-3, 8-9 epoch使用了1e-4,最后一个epoch使用了1e-5。训了好几次发现,如果只使用1e-4和1e-5的话准确率只能到0.90+。(哎,也没啥特别的道理,就是一顿乱试,不过这里还是有一点规律可循的,一般我们希望初期可以在不发散的情况下尽量尝试大一点的学习率,以期望网络能够覆盖更广阔的的搜索空间)



Epoch: 1, Mean loss: 0.6933, Epoch time cost (s): 58.97, Test accuracy: 0.5056
Epoch: 2, Mean loss: 0.5764, Epoch time cost (s): 58.88, Test accuracy: 0.7660
Epoch: 3, Mean loss: 0.3430, Epoch time cost (s): 58.83, Test accuracy: 0.7949
Epoch: 4, Mean loss: 0.1980, Epoch time cost (s): 58.88, Test accuracy: 0.8683
Epoch: 5, Mean loss: 0.1609, Epoch time cost (s): 58.88, Test accuracy: 0.9193
Epoch: 6, Mean loss: 0.1489, Epoch time cost (s): 58.85, Test accuracy: 0.9333
Epoch: 7, Mean loss: 0.1268, Epoch time cost (s): 58.81, Test accuracy: 0.9380
Epoch: 8, Mean loss: 0.0825, Epoch time cost (s): 58.95, Test accuracy: 0.9528
Epoch: 9, Mean loss: 0.0744, Epoch time cost (s): 59.06, Test accuracy: 0.9536
Epoch: 10, Mean loss: 0.0626, Epoch time cost (s): 58.83, Test accuracy: 0.9545


tampered_image=α∗image+βtampered\_image = \alpha *image + \beta tampered_image=α∗image+β



β\betaβ取值[−50,50][-50, 50][−50,50]时的日志如下:

Epoch: 1, Mean loss: 0.6558, Epoch time cost (s): 59.06, Test accuracy: 0.5207
Epoch: 2, Mean loss: 0.6231, Epoch time cost (s): 58.89, Test accuracy: 0.5444
Epoch: 3, Mean loss: 0.6063, Epoch time cost (s): 58.95, Test accuracy: 0.5833
Epoch: 4, Mean loss: 0.5933, Epoch time cost (s): 58.97, Test accuracy: 0.5988
Epoch: 5, Mean loss: 0.5839, Epoch time cost (s): 58.95, Test accuracy: 0.5981
Epoch: 6, Mean loss: 0.5628, Epoch time cost (s): 58.88, Test accuracy: 0.6009
Epoch: 7, Mean loss: 0.5582, Epoch time cost (s): 58.95, Test accuracy: 0.6037
Epoch: 8, Mean loss: 0.5556, Epoch time cost (s): 58.92, Test accuracy: 0.6018
Epoch: 9, Mean loss: 0.5535, Epoch time cost (s): 59.17, Test accuracy: 0.6007
Epoch: 10, Mean loss: 0.5515, Epoch time cost (s): 60.49, Test accuracy: 0.6016

β\betaβ取值[−25,25][-25, 25][−25,25]时的日志如下:

Epoch: 1, Mean loss: 0.6765, Epoch time cost (s): 59.06, Test accuracy: 0.5201
Epoch: 2, Mean loss: 0.6618, Epoch time cost (s): 58.56, Test accuracy: 0.5219
Epoch: 3, Mean loss: 0.6505, Epoch time cost (s): 58.81, Test accuracy: 0.5259
Epoch: 4, Mean loss: 0.6425, Epoch time cost (s): 58.94, Test accuracy: 0.5289
Epoch: 5, Mean loss: 0.6350, Epoch time cost (s): 58.85, Test accuracy: 0.5378
Epoch: 6, Mean loss: 0.6199, Epoch time cost (s): 58.75, Test accuracy: 0.5464
Epoch: 7, Mean loss: 0.6157, Epoch time cost (s): 58.70, Test accuracy: 0.5483
Epoch: 8, Mean loss: 0.6135, Epoch time cost (s): 58.75, Test accuracy: 0.5475
Epoch: 9, Mean loss: 0.6117, Epoch time cost (s): 58.88, Test accuracy: 0.5478
Epoch: 10, Mean loss: 0.6100, Epoch time cost (s): 58.41, Test accuracy: 0.5498




Epoch: 1, Mean loss: 0.6914, Epoch time cost (s): 59.21, Test accuracy: 0.4888
Epoch: 2, Mean loss: 0.6782, Epoch time cost (s): 58.85, Test accuracy: 0.5637
Epoch: 3, Mean loss: 0.6682, Epoch time cost (s): 58.85, Test accuracy: 0.5439
Epoch: 4, Mean loss: 0.6622, Epoch time cost (s): 58.89, Test accuracy: 0.5502
Epoch: 5, Mean loss: 0.6562, Epoch time cost (s): 58.78, Test accuracy: 0.5383
Epoch: 6, Mean loss: 0.6400, Epoch time cost (s): 58.87, Test accuracy: 0.5725
Epoch: 7, Mean loss: 0.6361, Epoch time cost (s): 58.92, Test accuracy: 0.5743
Epoch: 8, Mean loss: 0.6335, Epoch time cost (s): 58.80, Test accuracy: 0.5721
Epoch: 9, Mean loss: 0.6312, Epoch time cost (s): 58.78, Test accuracy: 0.5781
Epoch: 10, Mean loss: 0.6293, Epoch time cost (s): 58.81, Test accuracy: 0.5798



  • CNN天然是一种针对图像区块的操作,因为它具备一定的感受野,所以可以处理一定范围的领域,如果图像篡改也涉及了邻域操作,比如模糊、JPEG压缩等,那么就会容易被CNN识别出来。
  • 还是因为邻域的问题,如果图像块中存在一定的统计特征,如噪音分布,那么也容易被识别出来。
  • 但如果篡改行为是逐像素的,并且从结果得不到统计特征,比如对比度和亮度的改变,那么CNN可能就会无能为力。


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