
笔记本的无线网卡驱动型号为:intel(R) wifi link 5100 AGN。


http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi  通过此网址进入页面。




The iwlwifi project can be found in kernels 2.6.24 and up. You thus do not need a driver from this site if you are using one of these kernels. If you are using an older kernel, or if you are interested in the latest driver development code, then you are in the right place.

Using latest development code

You can find our latest development in our  git repository  . Note that this repository contains the entire kernel. If you do not want to replace your kernel then refer to the next sections.

Using kernels 2.6.24 and up


These kernels have the iwlwifi driver included and the released drivers (available from this site under  download page ) do not  work with these kernels. If you want to run the latest (or very close to it) development code with your kernel then you should use the  compat-wireless project  that retrieves the latest driver development code from the  upstream repository . We do push our changes to this repository very frequently.

Using kernels older than 2.6.24


These kernels do not have the iwlwifi driver included. When using these kernels you have some options based on your requirements.

/*如果你想用一个发行版的驱动,点击“download page”进入到下载页面,你需要下载跟安装驱动(iwlwifi) 以及mac80211子系统*/

  • If you want to use a released driver, proceed to the download page. You will need to download and install a driver (iwlwifi) as well as the mac80211 subsystem (mac80211) available from this page.
  • /*如果你想用最近开发的代码,你可以使用“compat-wireless project”*/
  • If you wish to use the latest (or very close to it) development code then you can make use of the compat-wireless project.

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