自定义启动 android

One of the many ways you can customize your Android home screen is by replacing it entirely. Android developers can create their own software to replace your home screen — Facebook Home is just one of many options.

您可以自定义Android主屏幕的多种方法之一是完全替换它。 Android开发人员可以创建自己的软件来替换您的主屏幕-Facebook主页只是众多选择之一。

Most custom Android launchers are currently focused on providing options, changing your home screen’s theme and icons, and generally tweaking the default interface. With Facebook Home’s release, developers may become even more creative in offering alternatives to Android’s home screen.

当前,大多数自定义Android启动器都专注于提供选项,更改主屏幕的主题和图标,以及通常对默认界面进行调整。 随着Facebook Home的发布,开发人员在提供替代Android主屏幕的替代方案时可能会变得更有创造力。

Android主屏幕的工作方式 (How Android’s Home Screen Works)

When you press the Home button on your Android phone or tablet, you see your home screen, which is filled with the app shortcuts and widgets you’ve placed there. However, unlock on competing mobile platforms like Apple’s iOS and Microsoft’s Windows Phone, the home screen is basically just another app.

当您按下Android手机或平板电脑上的主屏幕按钮时,您会看到主屏幕,其中充满了您放置在此处的应用快捷方式和小部件。 但是,在竞争激烈的移动平台(如Apple的iOS和Microsoft的Windows Phone)上解锁后,主屏幕基本上只是另一个应用程序。

When you press your home utton, you can have Android launch a third-party app that behaves as a home screen, replacing the default home screen. Such pieces of software are often referred to as launchers or home-screen replacements.

按下主菜单按钮时,您可以让Android启动充当主屏幕的第三方应用,替换默认主屏幕。 此类软件通常称为启动器或主屏幕替代品。

第三方启动器可以做什么 (What Third-Party Launchers Can Do)

Third-party launchers replace your entire home screen, which means they can change the home screen as well as the app drawer. For example, launchers could include themes that affect the look of your home screen and the icons in your app drawer. They could change the look and organization of the app drawer entirely, offering categories and different methods of sorting your installed apps. They could change the graphical effects that occur when swiping around, add a variety of options for tweaking the interface just how you like, and change what taps and swipes on your home screen do.

第三方启动器会替换您的整个主屏幕,这意味着它们可以更改主屏幕以及应用程序抽屉。 例如,启动器可能包含影响主屏幕外观和应用程序抽屉中图标的主题。 他们可以完全改变应用程序抽屉的外观和组织,从而提供分类和不同方法来对已安装的应用程序进行排序。 它们可以更改在滑动时发生的图形效果,添加各种选项来调整界面的方式,以及您在主屏幕上的点击和滑动操作。

The above explanation describes how most third-party launchers currently work, anyway. Facebook Home goes in a different direction by using its control over your home screen to eliminate widgets and place app icons aside, focusing on the latest content from your Facebook friends. Other third party launchers could do similar, moving further away from the standard “home screen with widgets plus app drawer” interface.

无论如何,以上说明描述了大多数第三方启动器当前的工作方式。 Facebook Home通过使用其对您的主屏幕的控制来消除小部件并将应用程序图标放在一边,从而朝着不同的方向发展,专注于Facebook朋友的最新内容。 其他第三方启动器可以做类似的事情,远离标准的“带有小部件和应用程序抽屉的主屏幕”界面。

使用自定义启动器 (Using Custom Launchers)

After installing a custom launcher from Google Play, tapping the Home button will bring up an app chooser. You can select your new home screen and tap Just onceto use it once, or tap Always to make it your new default home screen that appears whenever you tap the Home button.

从Google Play安装自定义启动器后,点击“主页”按钮将弹出一个应用选择器。 您可以选择新的主屏幕,然后单击“仅一次”以使用一次,或单击“始终”以使其成为您的新默认主屏幕,只要单击“主屏幕”按钮,它就会出现。

You’ll see this option again whenever you install a new custom launcher, allowing you to select your preferred app.


To get the default launcher back, go into the Settings screen, tap Apps, tap your current launcher in the list of installed apps, and tap the Clear defaults button.


主屏幕替换示例 (Example Home Screen Replacements)

Here are a few of the more interesting third-party launchers available for Android:


  • Facebook Home – Facebook Home is very different from most home screen replacements. Most custom home screen replacements are for tweakers and replace Android’s home screen with an interface supporting many more options and themes. In contrast, Facebook Home goes a different direction and replaces your device’s home screen with content from your Facebook friends. It’s a good example of just how flexible Android’s interface is, and we may see more interfaces like it from other developers — Twitter has recently indicated a possible interest in releasing its own home screen replacement for Android.

    Facebook Home – Facebook Home与大多数主屏幕替换产品有很大不同。 大多数自定义主屏幕替代品都是针对调节器的,并以支持更多选项和主题的界面替代了Android的主屏幕。 相比之下,Facebook Home则朝着不同的方向发展,并用Facebook朋友的内容代替了设备的主屏幕。 这是一个很好的例子,说明了Android界面的灵活性,我们可能会从其他开发人员那里看到更多类似的界面-Twitter最近表示可能有兴趣发布自己的Android主屏幕替代品。

  • Nova Launcher – Nova Launcher supports Android 4.0 and above. It looks similar to Android’s default launcher, but adds a variety of additional options and effects, including the ability to use themes and create custom tabs to categorize the apps in your app drawer. Because it’s so similar to the default interface, it can be installed on a Samsung, HTC, or other manufacturers’ device and set as the default launcher, replacing the manufacturer’s Android skin with a a more stock Android-like experience.

    Nova Launcher – Nova Launcher支持Android 4.0及更高版本。 它看起来类似于Android的默认启动器,但是添加了许多其他选项和效果,包括使用主题和创建自定义标签以对应用程序抽屉中的应用程序进行分类的功能。 由于它与默认界面非常相似,因此可以将其安装在Samsung,HTC或其他制造商的设备上,并设置为默认启动器,从而用更丰富的类似Android的体验替换制造商的Android外观。

  • Holo Launcher – Holo Launcher works like Android 4.0’s default interface, but it also works on Android 2.2 and above. Holo Launcher can be used to get a more modern-looking home screen on devices running older versions of Android, making an old Android feel like new.

    Holo Launcher – Holo Launcher的工作方式类似于Android 4.0的默认界面,但也适用于Android 2.2及更高版本。 Holo Launcher可用于在运行旧版Android的设备上获得更具现代感的主屏幕,从而使旧版Android感觉像新版。

  • GO Launcher EX – GO Launcher EX supports over 5000 themes and its own GO widgets, as well as many included effects and options. If you want something that looks a bit different, you may want to give this a try.

    GO Launcher EX – GO Launcher EX支持超过5000个主题及其自己的GO小部件,以及许多随附的效果和选项。 如果您想要看起来有些不同的东西,则可以尝试一下。

  • Launcher 8 – Launcher 8 offers a Windows Phone 8-like layout for your home screen. It’s another good example of Android’s flexibility, although it won’t be as slick and integrated as a real Windows Phone experience.

    Launcher 8 – Launcher 8为您的主屏幕提供类似于Windows Phone 8的布局。 这是Android灵活性的另一个很好的例子,尽管它不会像真实的Windows Phone体验那样流畅和集成。

Facebook also recently introduced “chat heads,” floating chat windows that appear above any other app you’re currently using. However, chat heads aren’t the only floating app available for Android. We’ve covered a variety of floating apps you can use on any Android device for everything from chatting to taking notes, browsing the web, and watching videos.

Facebook最近还推出了“聊天头”,即浮动聊天窗口,出现在您当前正在使用的任何其他应用程序上方。 但是,聊天头并不是唯一可用于Android的浮动应用程序。 我们介绍了各种各样的浮动应用程序,您可以在任何Android设备上使用它来完成从聊天到做笔记,浏览网络和观看视频的所有操作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/161152/what-custom-android-launchers-are-and-why-you-might-want-to-use-one/

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