
Google Chrome extensions that say “Installed by Enterprise Policy” do not let you uninstall them because they install with elevated permissions. If you’re part of an Enterprise or business, your administrator installed these. If you aren’t part of such an organization, here’s how to remove them.

标有“由企业策略安装”的Google Chrome扩展程序不允许您将其卸载,因为它们以提升的权限进行安装。 如果您是企业或企业的一部分,则管理员会安装这些。 如果您不属于此类组织,请按照以下步骤将其删除。

“通过企业策略安装”是什么意思? (What Does “Installed by Enterprise Policy” Mean?)

When a Google Chrome extension says that it’s “Installed by Enterprise Policy,” “Installed by Your Administrator,” or “Managed by Your Organization,” all it means is that when the extension is installed, it was done so with elevated permissions and can’t be removed in the standard way. In most cases, anybody that’s part of an enterprise, business, school, workplace, etc., will have a system administrator who manages these types of settings and extensions on your machine.

当Google Chrome扩展程序说“由企业策略安装”,“由管理员安装”或“ 由您的组织管理 ”时,仅表示在安装扩展程序时,它是使用提升的权限来完成的,并且可以不能以标准方式删除。 在大多数情况下,属于企业,企业,学校,工作场所等的任何人都将拥有系统管理员,该管理员可以管理您计算机上的这些类型的设置和扩展。

Unfortunately, if you aren’t part of an enterprise, or don’t have an administrator who manages your computer, these extensions can find other ways onto your system and grant themselves elevated status.


You see, sometimes when you download free software from the internet, it can come with an added piece of bonus software that isn’t adequately disclosed (or technically was but in a misleading TOS) when running the installer—this is commonly known as adware or malware. The unwanted software embeds itself into your list of browser extensions, and you don’t realize it until Chrome redirects to some shady looking website or pops up annoying ads.

您会看到,有时当您从互联网上下载免费软件时,它可能会附带一个额外的赠品软件,该赠品软件在运行安装程序时并未充分披露(或从技术上讲是误导性的TOS),这通常称为广告软件或恶意软件。 不需要的软件会自动将其嵌入到您的浏览器扩展列表中,直到Chrome重定向到一些阴暗的网站或弹出令人讨厌的广告时,您才意识到这一点。

These extensions leverage a Chrome policy that’s intended for system administrators but sometimes exploited by malware, which gives it immunity from being removed from your browser via Google Chrome’s extensions page. To remove an extension “Installed by Enterprise Policy,” you need to find and delete the policy that this harmful extension added.

这些扩展程序利用了专为系统管理员设计的Chrome策略,但有时会被恶意软件利用,从而使其免受通过Google Chrome扩展程序页面从浏览器中删除的攻击。 要删除扩展“由企业策略安装”,您需要找到并删除此有害扩展添加的策略。

If you suspect the extension to be malicious, the first order of operation should be to run antimalware software to see if it can search and destroy the problem automatically for you. Otherwise, continue below and follow the steps listed.

如果您怀疑扩展名是恶意的,则操作的首要步骤应该是运行反恶意软件,以查看其是否可以为您自动搜索并消除问题。 否则,请继续下面的操作,并按照列出的步骤进行操作。

如何删除“由企业策略安装”扩展名 (How to Remove an “Installed by Enterprise Policy” Extension)

Extensions like this can often—but, unfortunately, not always—be removed by modifying the Windows registry. Here’s how.

通过修改Windows注册表,经常可以(但不幸的是,并非总是如此)删除此类扩展名。 这是如何做。

First, fire up Chrome, type chrome://extensions into the Omnibox, and then hit Enter.

首先,启动Chrome,在多功能框中输入chrome://extensions ,然后按Enter。

At the top of the page, toggle the switch that reads “Developer Mode” to the “On” position. This lets you view a bit more information about each extension that we need for the steps below.

在页面顶部,将显示“ Developer Mode”的开关切换到“ On”位置。 这使您可以查看有关以下步骤所需的每个扩展的更多信息。

Scroll down until you find the extension added by policy—look for the one you can’t remove normally from the Extensions page. Highlight the extension’s ID, and hit Ctrl+C to copy it to your clipboard.

向下滚动,直到找到按策略添加的扩展名-从“扩展名”页面中查找通常无法删除的扩展名。 突出显示扩展名的ID,然后按Ctrl + C将其复制到剪贴板。

Extensions that are unable to uninstall often have the “Remove” button greyed out or missing entirely. So, be on the lookout for any extensions that prevent you from clicking the Remove button.

无法卸载的扩展程序的“删除”按钮通常显示为灰色或完全丢失。 因此,请注意所有阻止您单击“删除”按钮的扩展。

To remove an “Installed by Policy” Extension, you need to make a few edits in the Windows Registry.


Standard Warning: Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. This is a pretty simple registry edit, and as long as you stick to the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems. That said, if you’ve never worked with it before, consider reading about how to use the Registry Editor before you get started. And definitely back up the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes.

标准警告:注册表编辑器是一个功能强大的工具,滥用它会使您的系统不稳定甚至无法运行。 这是一个非常简单的注册表编辑,只要您按照说明进行操作,就不会有任何问题。 也就是说,如果您以前从未使用过它,请在开始之前考虑阅读有关如何使用注册表编辑器的信息 。 并在进行更改之前一定要备份注册表 (和您的计算机 !)。

Next, open the Registry Editor by hitting Start and typing “regedit.” Press Enter to open the Registry Editor and then permit it to make changes to your PC.

接下来,通过单击开始并键入“ regedit”来打开注册表编辑器。 按Enter打开注册表编辑器,然后允许它对您的PC进行更改。

In the Registry Editor, click “Edit” and then click “Find.”


Paste the ID from the extension we copied earlier by pressing Ctrl+V and then click “Find Next.”

通过按Ctrl + V,然后单击“查找下一个”,从先前复制的扩展名中粘贴ID。

When Registry Editor finds the ID, right-click the value containing that ID and then click “Delete.”


Note: Ensure you delete the whole registry value and not just the string inside it.


Click “Edit,” then “Find Next” to locate any other registry entries containing the extension’s ID and then delete them as well.


The two primary keys you want to look for will end in “ExtensionInstallForcelist,” and you’ll usually find them in the following locations:

您要查找的两个主键将以“ ExtensionInstallForcelist”结尾,通常可以在以下位置找到它们:

HKEY_USERS\Group Policy Objects\Machine\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist

You can now close Registry Editor and restart Chrome.


Head back to chrome://extensions and click the “Remove” button inside the extension you want to remove.

返回chrome://extensions ,然后在您要删除的扩展程序内单击“删除”按钮。

核选项:删除组策略 (The Nuclear Option: Delete Group Policies)

If you can’t remove the extension even after completing the steps above, or you weren’t able to find it in the Registry, you can take things one step further and remove all group policies on your machine using Command Prompt.


WARNING: This will delete all the group policies on your system! Do not do this if you’re on a domain that applies group policies to your system (in this case, there will likely be protections in place that prevent you from performing the procedure, anyway). Only do this if you’re on a home computer and you don’t have any group policies set. You may experience unintended consequences after running this command.

警告:这将删除系统上的所有组策略! 如果您在将组策略应用于系统的域中,请不要执行此操作(在这种情况下,很可能会有适当的保护措施阻止您执行此过程)。 仅当您使用家用计算机且没有设置任何组策略时,才执行此操作。 运行此命令后,您可能会遇到意想不到的后果。

To delete all the group policies associated with your machine, you must not be part of a group policy where a legitimate administrator is intentionally forcing these extensions on you. This fix is intended for people who have been duped into installing malicious extensions to their browser.

要删除与您的计算机关联的所有组策略,您不得成为组策略的一部分,在该组策略中,合法管理员有意强加您这些扩展名。 该修补程序适用于被欺骗在其浏览器中安装恶意扩展的人。

Fire up an elevated Command Prompt by hitting Start, type “command,” and you’ll see “Command Prompt” listed as the main result. Right-click that result and choose “Run as administrator.”

通过单击开始,启动提升的命令提示符 ,键入“ command”,您将看到“ Command Prompt”列为主要结果。 右键单击该结果,然后选择“以管理员身份运行”。

Now that you have an elevated Command Prompt window open, enter the following commands, one at a time:


RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers"
RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy"

Here’s a quick overview of what those arguments do:


  • RD: Remove Directory command


  • /S switch: Removes all directories and files in the specified path

    / S开关:删除指定路径中的所有目录和文件

  • /Q switch: Removes everything in quiet mode, so that you aren’t prompted to confirm every file you’re deleting.

    / Q开关:在安静模式下删除所有内容,因此不会提示您确认要删除的每个文件。

After these two directories have deleted, you must run the following command to update your policy settings in the Registry:


gpupdate /force

The whole process looks like this when completed.


Afterward, you might need to restart your computer for everything to be updated and fully removed.


重新开始 (Start Fresh)

If you still see an extension that’s “Installed by Enterprise Policy,” then there’s only one last thing you can do: burn your computer and start fresh.


Just kidding. But it does involve starting from a fresh install of Chrome. Don’t worry though, because most of your information is synced up to your Google account anyway, which downloads when you sign in to Chrome.

开玩笑。 但这确实涉及从全新安装Chrome开始。 不过请不要担心,因为无论如何,您的大多数信息都会同步到您的Google帐户,该帐户会在您登录Chrome时下载。

First, you want to manage your sync settings through Chrome and disable syncing of extensions to other devices. You wouldn’t want all this progress to go out of the window as soon as you wipe Chrome clean, then have everything install all over again.

首先,您要通过Chrome管理同步设置,并禁用扩展程序与其他设备的同步。 您不希望所有这些进展都在擦拭Chrome干净后立即消失,然后再重新安装。

Fire up Chrome, click on your profile picture, and then click “Syncing to.” Alternatively, you can type chrome://settings/people into the Omnibox and hit Enter.

启动Chrome,单击您的个人资料图片,然后单击“同步到”。 或者,您可以在多功能框中输入chrome://settings/people ,然后按Enter。

Under the People heading, click on “Sync.”


On the next screen, everything that gets saved to your account and synced across all your devices is listed below. By default, “Sync Everything” is enabled. To manually toggle what information to sync to Chrome, you first have to turn off “Sync Everything,” then disable “Extensions” by toggling the switch across from it.

在下一个屏幕上,下面列出了保存到您的帐户并在所有设备上同步的所有内容。 默认情况下,“同步所有内容”处于启用状态。 要手动切换要同步到Chrome的信息,您首先必须关闭“同步所有内容”,然后通过切换开关来禁用“扩展”。

Now that we have extension syncing disabled and out of the way, it’s time to reset Chrome to its default state.


Note: By disabling extension sync, you will have to manually re-install any extensions you had before the fresh start. This may be a good time to list all the ones you’d like to keep for later reference.

注意:通过禁用扩展同步,您将必须手动重新安装在重新开始之前拥有的所有扩展。 这是列出所有您要保留的内容的好时机,以供以后参考。

You can reset Chrome by typing chrome://settings into your Omnibox and hitting Enter. Once in the Settings tab, scroll down to the bottom and click on “Advanced.”

您可以通过在多功能框中输入chrome://settings并点击Enter来重置Chrome。 进入“设置”标签后,向下滚动到底部,然后点击“高级”。

Scroll to the bottom, then click on “Restore settings to their original defaults,” located under the Reset and Clean Up heading.


A prompt will pop up warning you of the repercussions of resetting your browser. This will reset your startup page, new tab page, search engine, pinned tabs, installed extensions, and cookies. It won’t delete your bookmarks, browser history, or saved passwords. Click “Reset Settings” when you’re ready to continue.

将会弹出提示,警告您重置浏览器的后果。 这将重置您的启动页面,新标签页,搜索引擎,固定标签,已安装的扩展程序和cookie。 它不会删除您的书签,浏览器历史记录或保存的密码。 准备好继续时,请单击“重置设置”。

Hopefully, after all those trials and tribulations, you can finally return to browsing the internet in peace. Unfortunately, Google has made it more complicated than it should be.

希望在经历了所有这些磨难和磨难之后,您终于可以和平地浏览互联网。 不幸的是,谷歌使它变得比应有的复杂。




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