react jsoneditor 的使用

  • npm 的地址
    • 具体使用
    • 然后发现各种的问题,so 手动修改了一下源代码
  • 相关链接

npm 的地址


  • 在npm 上面还有一个效果配图


 import JSONInput from 'react-json-editor-ajrm';import locale    from 'react-json-editor-ajrm/locale/en';<JSONInputid          = 'a_unique_id'placeholder = { sampleObject }colors      = { darktheme }locale      = { locale }height      = '550px'/>

然后发现各种的问题,so 手动修改了一下源代码

  • 之后的效果图


/** @license react-json-editor-ajrm v2.5.9* #d4d4d4 => #010101** This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.*/
import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread";
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import themes from './themes';
import { identical, getType } from './mitsuketa';
import err from './err';
import { format } from './locale';
import defaultLocale from './locale/en';class JSONInput extends Component {constructor(props) {super(props);this.updateInternalProps = this.updateInternalProps.bind(this);this.createMarkup = this.createMarkup.bind(this);this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);this.onBlur = this.onBlur.bind(this);this.update = this.update.bind(this);this.getCursorPosition = this.getCursorPosition.bind(this);this.setCursorPosition = this.setCursorPosition.bind(this);this.scheduledUpdate = this.scheduledUpdate.bind(this);this.setUpdateTime = this.setUpdateTime.bind(this);this.renderLabels = this.renderLabels.bind(this);this.newSpan = this.newSpan.bind(this);this.renderErrorMessage = this.renderErrorMessage.bind(this);this.onScroll = this.onScroll.bind(this);this.showValue = this.showValue.bind(this);this.tokenize = this.tokenize.bind(this);this.onKeyPress = this.onKeyPress.bind(this);this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this);this.onPaste = this.onPaste.bind(this);this.stopEvent = this.stopEvent.bind(this);this.refContent = null;this.refLabels = null;this.updateInternalProps();this.renderCount = 1;this.state = {prevValue: '',markupText: '',plainText: '',json: '',jsObject: undefined,lines: false,error: false};if (!this.props.locale) {console.warn("[react-json-editor-ajrm - Deprecation Warning] You did not provide a 'locale' prop for your JSON input - This will be required in a future version. English has been set as a default.");}}updateInternalProps() {let colors = {},style = {},theme = themes.dark_vscode_tribute;if ('theme' in this.props) if (typeof this.props.theme === 'string') if (this.props.theme in themes) theme = themes[this.props.theme];colors = theme;if ('colors' in this.props) colors = {default: 'default' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.default : colors.default,string: 'string' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.string : colors.string,number: 'number' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.number : colors.number,colon: 'colon' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.colon : colors.colon,keys: 'keys' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.keys : colors.keys,keys_whiteSpace: 'keys_whiteSpace' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.keys_whiteSpace : colors.keys_whiteSpace,primitive: 'primitive' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.primitive : colors.primitive,error: 'error' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.error : colors.error,background: 'background' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.background : colors.background,background_warning: 'background_warning' in this.props.colors ? this.props.colors.background_warning : colors.background_warning};this.colors = colors;if ('style' in this.props) style = {outerBox: 'outerBox' in ? : {},container: 'container' in ? : {},warningBox: 'warningBox' in ? : {},errorMessage: 'errorMessage' in ? : {},body: 'body' in ? : {},labelColumn: 'labelColumn' in ? : {},labels: 'labels' in ? : {},contentBox: 'contentBox' in ? : {}};else style = {outerBox: {},container: {},warningBox: {},errorMessage: {},body: {},labelColumn: {},labels: {},contentBox: {}}; = style;this.confirmGood = 'confirmGood' in this.props ? this.props.confirmGood : true;const totalHeight = this.props.height || '610px',totalWidth = this.props.width || '479px';this.totalHeight = totalHeight;this.totalWidth = totalWidth;if (!('onKeyPressUpdate' in this.props) || this.props.onKeyPressUpdate) {if (!this.timer) this.timer = setInterval(this.scheduledUpdate, 100);} else if (this.timer) {clearInterval(this.timer);this.timer = false;}this.updateTime = false;this.waitAfterKeyPress = 'waitAfterKeyPress' in this.props ? this.props.waitAfterKeyPress : 1000;this.resetConfiguration = 'reset' in this.props ? this.props.reset : false;}render() {const id =,markupText = this.state.markupText,error = this.state.error,colors = this.colors,style =,confirmGood = this.confirmGood,totalHeight = this.totalHeight,totalWidth = this.totalWidth,hasError = error ? 'token' in error : false;this.renderCount++;return React.createElement("div", {name: "outer-box",id: id && id + '-outer-box',style: _objectSpread({display: 'block',overflow: 'none',height: totalHeight,width: totalWidth,margin: 0,boxSizing: 'border-box',position: 'relative'}, style.outerBox)}, confirmGood ? React.createElement("div", {style: {opacity: hasError ? 0 : 1,height: '30px',width: '30px',position: 'absolute',top: 0,right: 0,transform: 'translate(-25%,25%)',pointerEvents: 'none',transitionDuration: '0.2s',transitionTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0.5, 1)'}}, React.createElement("svg", {height: "30px",width: "30px",viewBox: "0 0 100 100"}, React.createElement("path", {fillRule: "evenodd",clipRule: "evenodd",fill: "green",opacity: "0.85",d: "M39.363,79L16,55.49l11.347-11.419L39.694,56.49L72.983,23L84,34.085L39.363,79z"}))) : void 0, React.createElement("div", {name: "container",id: id && id + '-container',style: _objectSpread({display: 'block',height: totalHeight,width: totalWidth,margin: 0,boxSizing: 'border-box',overflow: 'hidden',fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif'}, style.container),onClick: this.onClick}, React.createElement("div", {name: "warning-box",id: id && id + '-warning-box',style: _objectSpread({display: 'block',overflow: 'hidden',height: hasError ? '30px' : '0px',width: '100%',margin: 0,backgroundColor: colors.background_warning,transitionDuration: '0.2s',transitionTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0.5, 1)'}, style.warningBox),onClick: this.onClick}, React.createElement("span", {style: {display: 'inline-block',height: '30px',width: '30px',margin: 0,boxSizing: 'border-box',overflow: 'hidden',verticalAlign: 'top',pointerEvents: 'none'},onClick: this.onClick}, React.createElement("div", {style: {position: 'relative',top: 0,left: 0,height: '30px',width: '30px',margin: 0,pointerEvents: 'none'},onClick: this.onClick}, React.createElement("div", {style: {position: 'absolute',top: '50%',left: '50%',transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',pointerEvents: 'none'},onClick: this.onClick},/*React.createElement("svg", {height: "25px",width: "25px",viewBox: "0 0 100 100"}, React.createElement("path", {fillRule: "evenodd",clipRule: "evenodd",fill: "red",d: "M73.9,5.75c0.467-0.467,1.067-0.7,1.8-0.7c0.7,0,1.283,0.233,1.75,0.7l16.8,16.8  c0.467,0.5,0.7,1.084,0.7,1.75c0,0.733-0.233,1.334-0.7,1.801L70.35,50l23.9,23.95c0.5,0.467,0.75,1.066,0.75,1.8  c0,0.667-0.25,1.25-0.75,1.75l-16.8,16.75c-0.534,0.467-1.117,0.7-1.75,0.7s-1.233-0.233-1.8-0.7L50,70.351L26.1,94.25  c-0.567,0.467-1.167,0.7-1.8,0.7c-0.667,0-1.283-0.233-1.85-0.7L5.75,77.5C5.25,77,5,76.417,5,75.75c0-0.733,0.25-1.333,0.75-1.8  L29.65,50L5.75,26.101C5.25,25.667,5,25.066,5,24.3c0-0.666,0.25-1.25,0.75-1.75l16.8-16.8c0.467-0.467,1.05-0.7,1.75-0.7  c0.733,0,1.333,0.233,1.8,0.7L50,29.65L73.9,5.75z"})) */))), React.createElement("span", {style: {display: 'inline-block',height: '30px',width: 'calc(100% - 30px)',margin: 0,overflow: 'hidden',verticalAlign: 'top',position: 'absolute',pointerEvents: 'none'},onClick: this.onClick}, this.renderErrorMessage())), React.createElement("div", {name: "body",id: id && id + '-body',style: _objectSpread({display: 'flex',overflow: 'none',height: hasError ? 'calc(100% - 30px)' : '100%',width: '',margin: 0,resize: 'none',fontFamily: 'Roboto Mono, Monaco, monospace',fontSize: '11px',backgroundColor: colors.background,transitionDuration: '0.2s',transitionTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0.5, 1)'}, style.body),onClick: this.onClick}, React.createElement("span", {name: "labels",id: id && id + '-labels',ref: ref => this.refLabels = ref,style: _objectSpread({display: 'inline-block',boxSizing: 'border-box',verticalAlign: 'top',height: '100%',width: '44px',margin: 0,padding: '5px 0px 5px 10px',overflow: 'hidden',color: '#010101'}, style.labelColumn),onClick: this.onClick}, this.renderLabels()), React.createElement("span", {id: id,ref: ref => this.refContent = ref,contentEditable: true,style: _objectSpread({display: 'inline-block',boxSizing: 'border-box',verticalAlign: 'top',height: '100%',width: '',flex: 1,margin: 0,padding: '5px',overflowX: 'hidden',overflowY: 'auto',wordWrap: 'break-word',whiteSpace: 'pre-line',color: '#010101',outline: 'none'}, style.contentBox),dangerouslySetInnerHTML: this.createMarkup(markupText),onKeyPress: this.onKeyPress,onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown,onClick: this.onClick,onBlur: this.onBlur,onScroll: this.onScroll,onPaste: this.onPaste,autoComplete: "off",autoCorrect: "off",autoCapitalize: "off",spellCheck: false}))));}renderErrorMessage() {const locale = this.props.locale || defaultLocale,error = this.state.error,style =;if (!error) return void 0;return React.createElement("p", {style: _objectSpread({color: 'red',fontSize: '12px',position: 'absolute',width: 'calc(100% - 30px)',height: '30px',boxSizing: 'border-box',margin: 0,padding: 0,paddingRight: '10px',overflowWrap: 'break-word',display: 'flex',flexDirection: 'column',justifyContent: 'center'}, style.errorMessage)}, format(locale.format, error));}renderLabels() {const colors = this.colors,style =,errorLine = this.state.error ? this.state.error.line : -1,lines = this.state.lines ? this.state.lines : 1;let labels = new Array(lines);for (var i = 0; i < lines - 1; i++) labels[i] = i + 1;return => {const color = number !== errorLine ? colors.default : 'red';return React.createElement("div", {key: number,style: _objectSpread({}, style.labels, {color: color})}, number);});}createMarkup(markupText) {if (markupText === undefined) return {__html: ''};return {__html: '' + markupText};}newSpan(i, token, depth) {let colors = this.colors,type = token.type,string = token.string;let color = '';switch (type) {case 'string':case 'number':case 'primitive':case 'error':color = colors[token.type];break;case 'key':if (string === ' ') color = colors.keys_whiteSpace;else color = colors.keys;break;case 'symbol':if (string === ':') color = colors.colon;else color = colors.default;break;default:color = colors.default;break;}// 变成双引号if(type == "key") {if(!string.startsWith('"')) {string = '"' + string;}if(!string.endsWith('"')) {string = string + '"' ;}}if(type == "string") {if(string.startsWith("'")) {string = '"' + string.slice(1);}if(string.endsWith("'")) {string = string.slice(0, -1) + '"';}}if (string.length !== string.replace(/</g, '').replace(/>/g, '').length) string = '<xmp style=display:inline;>' + string + '</xmp>';return '<span type="' + type + '" vOrigin="' + string + '" depth="' + depth + '" style="color:' + color + '">' + string + '</span>';}getCursorPosition(countBR) {/*** Need to deprecate countBR* It is used to differenciate between good markup render, and aux render when error found* Adjustments based on coundBR account for usage of <br> instead of <span> for linebreaks to determine acurate cursor position* Find a way to consolidate render styles*/const isChildOf = node => {while (node !== null) {if (node === this.refContent) return true;node = node.parentNode;}return false;};let selection = window.getSelection(),charCount = -1,linebreakCount = 0,node;if (selection.focusNode && isChildOf(selection.focusNode)) {node = selection.focusNode;charCount = selection.focusOffset;while (node) {if (node === this.refContent) break;if (node.previousSibling) {node = node.previousSibling;if (countBR) if (node.nodeName === 'BR') linebreakCount++;charCount += node.textContent.length;} else {node = node.parentNode;if (node === null) break;}}}return charCount + linebreakCount;}setCursorPosition(nextPosition) {if ([false, null, undefined].indexOf(nextPosition) > -1) return;const createRange = (node, chars, range) => {if (!range) {range = document.createRange();range.selectNode(node);range.setStart(node, 0);}if (chars.count === 0) {range.setEnd(node, chars.count);} else if (node && chars.count > 0) {if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {if (node.textContent.length < chars.count) chars.count -= node.textContent.length;else {range.setEnd(node, chars.count);chars.count = 0;}} else for (var lp = 0; lp < node.childNodes.length; lp++) {range = createRange(node.childNodes[lp], chars, range);if (chars.count === 0) break;}}return range;};const setPosition = chars => {if (chars < 0) return;let selection = window.getSelection(),range = createRange(this.refContent, {count: chars});if (!range) return;range.collapse(false);selection.removeAllRanges();selection.addRange(range);};if (nextPosition > 0) setPosition(nextPosition);else this.refContent.focus();}update(cursorOffset = 0, updateCursorPosition = true) {const container = this.refContent,data = this.tokenize(container);if ('onChange' in this.props) {// console.log("onChange", data)this.props.onChange({plainText: data.indented,markupText: data.markup,json: data.json,jsObject: data.jsObject,lines: data.lines,error: data.error});}let cursorPosition = this.getCursorPosition(data.error) + cursorOffset;this.setState({plainText: data.indented,markupText: data.markup,json: data.json,jsObject: data.jsObject,lines: data.lines,error: data.error});this.updateTime = false;if (updateCursorPosition) this.setCursorPosition(cursorPosition);}scheduledUpdate() {if ('onKeyPressUpdate' in this.props) if (this.props.onKeyPressUpdate === false) return;const {updateTime} = this;if (updateTime === false) return;if (updateTime > new Date().getTime()) return;this.update();}setUpdateTime() {if ('onKeyPressUpdate' in this.props) if (this.props.onKeyPressUpdate === false) return;this.updateTime = new Date().getTime() + this.waitAfterKeyPress;}stopEvent(event) {if (!event) return;event.preventDefault();event.stopPropagation();}onKeyPress(event) {const ctrlOrMetaIsPressed = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;if (this.props.viewOnly && !ctrlOrMetaIsPressed) this.stopEvent(event);if (!ctrlOrMetaIsPressed) this.setUpdateTime();}onKeyDown(event) {const viewOnly = !!this.props.viewOnly;const ctrlOrMetaIsPressed = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;switch (event.key) {case 'Tab':this.stopEvent(event);if (viewOnly) break;document.execCommand("insertText", false, "  ");this.setUpdateTime();break;case 'Backspace':case 'Delete':if (viewOnly) this.stopEvent(event);this.setUpdateTime();break;case 'ArrowLeft':case 'ArrowRight':case 'ArrowUp':case 'ArrowDown':this.setUpdateTime();break;case 'a':case 'c':if (viewOnly && !ctrlOrMetaIsPressed) this.stopEvent(event);break;default:if (viewOnly) this.stopEvent(event);break;}}onPaste(event) {if (this.props.viewOnly) {this.stopEvent(event);} else {event.preventDefault();var text = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, text);}this.update();}onClick() {if ('viewOnly' in this.props) if (this.props.viewOnly) return;}onBlur() {if ('viewOnly' in this.props) if (this.props.viewOnly) return;this.update(0, false);}onScroll(event) {this.refLabels.scrollTop =;}componentDidUpdate() {this.updateInternalProps();this.showValue();}componentDidMount() {this.showValue();}componentWillUnmount() {if (this.timer) clearInterval(this.timer);}showValue() {const valueDoesNotExist = !('value' in this.props);if (valueDoesNotExist) return;const {value} = this.props;const valueHasEmptyValues = [undefined, null].indexOf(value) > -1;if (valueHasEmptyValues) return;const {prevValue,jsObject} = this.state;const {resetConfiguration} = this;const valueDataType = getType(value);const unexpectedDataType = ['object', 'array'].indexOf(valueDataType) === -1;if (unexpectedDataType) err.throwError('showValue', 'value', 'either an object or an array');const sameValueValues = identical(value, prevValue); // Component will always re-render when new value vOrigin is any different from previous value vOrigin.let componentShouldUpdate = !sameValueValues;if (!componentShouldUpdate) {if (resetConfiguration) {/*** If 'reset' property is set true or is truthy,* any difference between value and current vOrigin* should trigger component re-render*/if (jsObject !== undefined) componentShouldUpdate = !identical(value, jsObject);}}if (!componentShouldUpdate) return;const data = this.tokenize(value);this.setState({prevValue: value,plainText: data.indentation,markupText: data.markup,lines: data.lines,error: data.error});}tokenize(something) {if (typeof something !== 'object') return console.error('tokenize() expects object type properties only. Got \'' + typeof something + '\' type instead.');const locale = this.props.locale || defaultLocale;const newSpan = this.newSpan;/***     DOM NODE || ONBLUR OR UPDATE*/if ('nodeType' in something) {const containerNode = something.cloneNode(true),hasChildren = containerNode.hasChildNodes();if (!hasChildren) return '';const children = containerNode.childNodes;let buffer = {tokens_unknown: [],tokens_proto: [],tokens_split: [],tokens_fallback: [],tokens_normalize: [],tokens_merge: [],tokens_plainText: '',indented: '',json: '',jsObject: undefined,markup: ''};for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {let child = children[i];let info = {};switch (child.nodeName) {case 'SPAN':info = {string: child.textContent,type: child.attributes.type.textContent};buffer.tokens_unknown.push(info);break;case 'DIV':buffer.tokens_unknown.push({string: child.textContent,type: 'unknown'});break;case 'BR':if (child.textContent === '') buffer.tokens_unknown.push({string: '\n',type: 'unknown'});break;case '#text':buffer.tokens_unknown.push({string: child.wholeText,type: 'unknown'});break;case 'FONT':buffer.tokens_unknown.push({string: child.textContent,type: 'unknown'});break;default:console.error('Unrecognized node:', {child});break;}}function quarkize(text, prefix = '') {let buffer = {active: false,string: '',number: '',symbol: '',space: '',delimiter: '',quarks: []};function pushAndStore(char, type) {switch (type) {case 'symbol':case 'delimiter':if ( buffer.quarks.push({string: buffer[],type: prefix + '-' +});buffer[] = ''; = type;buffer[] = char;break;default:if (type !== || [buffer.string, char].indexOf('\n') > -1) {if ( buffer.quarks.push({string: buffer[],type: prefix + '-' +});buffer[] = ''; = type;buffer[] = char;} else buffer[type] += char;break;}}function finalPush() {if ( {buffer.quarks.push({string: buffer[],type: prefix + '-' +});buffer[] = ''; = false;}}for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {const char = text.charAt(i);switch (char) {case '"':case "'":pushAndStore(char, 'delimiter');break;case ' ':case '\u00A0':pushAndStore(char, 'space');break;case '{':case '}':case '[':case ']':case ':':case ',':pushAndStore(char, 'symbol');break;case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':if ( === 'string') pushAndStore(char, 'string');else pushAndStore(char, 'number');break;case '-':if (i < text.length - 1) if ('0123456789'.indexOf(text.charAt(i + 1)) > -1) {pushAndStore(char, 'number');break;}case '.':if (i < text.length - 1 && i > 0) if ('0123456789'.indexOf(text.charAt(i + 1)) > -1 && '0123456789'.indexOf(text.charAt(i - 1)) > -1) {pushAndStore(char, 'number');break;}default:pushAndStore(char, 'string');break;}}finalPush();return buffer.quarks;}for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_unknown.length; i++) {let token = buffer.tokens_unknown[i];buffer.tokens_proto = buffer.tokens_proto.concat(quarkize(token.string, 'proto'));}function validToken(string, type) {const quotes = '\'"';let firstChar = '',lastChar = '',quoteType = false;switch (type) {case 'primitive':if (['true', 'false', 'null', 'undefined'].indexOf(string) === -1) return false;break;case 'string':if (string.length < 2) return false;firstChar = string.charAt(0), lastChar = string.charAt(string.length - 1), quoteType = quotes.indexOf(firstChar);if (quoteType === -1) return false;if (firstChar !== lastChar) return false;for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {if (i > 0 && i < string.length - 1) if (string.charAt(i) === quotes[quoteType]) if (string.charAt(i - 1) !== '\\') return false;}break;case 'key':if (string.length === 0) return false;firstChar = string.charAt(0), lastChar = string.charAt(string.length - 1), quoteType = quotes.indexOf(firstChar);if (quoteType > -1) {if (string.length === 1) return false;if (firstChar !== lastChar) return false;for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {if (i > 0 && i < string.length - 1) if (string.charAt(i) === quotes[quoteType]) if (string.charAt(i - 1) !== '\\') return false;}} else {const nonAlphanumeric = '\'"`.,:;{}[]&<>=~*%\\|/-+!?@^ \xa0';for (var i = 0; i < nonAlphanumeric.length; i++) {const nonAlpha = nonAlphanumeric.charAt(i);if (string.indexOf(nonAlpha) > -1) return false;}}break;case 'number':for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {if ('0123456789'.indexOf(string.charAt(i)) === -1) if (i === 0) {if ('-' !== string.charAt(0)) return false;} else if ('.' !== string.charAt(i)) return false;}break;case 'symbol':if (string.length > 1) return false;if ('{[:]},'.indexOf(string) === -1) return false;break;case 'colon':if (string.length > 1) return false;if (':' !== string) return false;break;default:return true;break;}return true;}for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_proto.length; i++) {let token = buffer.tokens_proto[i];if (token.type.indexOf('proto') === -1) {if (!validToken(token.string, token.type)) {buffer.tokens_split = buffer.tokens_split.concat(quarkize(token.string, 'split'));} else buffer.tokens_split.push(token);} else buffer.tokens_split.push(token);}for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_split.length; i++) {let token = buffer.tokens_split[i];let type = token.type,string = token.string,length = string.length,fallback = [];if (type.indexOf('-') > -1) {type = type.slice(type.indexOf('-') + 1);if (type !== 'string') fallback.push('string');fallback.push('key');fallback.push('error');}let tokul = {string: string,length: length,type: type,fallback: fallback};buffer.tokens_fallback.push(tokul);}function tokenFollowed() {const last = buffer.tokens_normalize.length - 1;if (last < 1) return false;for (var i = last; i >= 0; i--) {const previousToken = buffer.tokens_normalize[i];switch (previousToken.type) {case 'space':case 'linebreak':break;default:return previousToken;break;}}return false;}let buffer2 = {brackets: [],stringOpen: false,isValue: false};for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_fallback.length; i++) {let token = buffer.tokens_fallback[i];const type = token.type,string = token.string;let normalToken = {type: type,string: string};switch (type) {case 'symbol':case 'colon':if (buffer2.stringOpen) {if (buffer2.isValue) normalToken.type = 'string';else normalToken.type = 'key';break;}switch (string) {case '[':case '{':buffer2.brackets.push(string);buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';break;case ']':case '}':buffer2.brackets.pop();buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';break;case ',':if (tokenFollowed().type === 'colon') break;buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';break;case ':':normalToken.type = 'colon';buffer2.isValue = true;break;}break;case 'delimiter':if (buffer2.isValue) normalToken.type = 'string';else normalToken.type = 'key';if (!buffer2.stringOpen) {buffer2.stringOpen = string;break;}if (i > 0) {const previousToken = buffer.tokens_fallback[i - 1],_string = previousToken.string,_type = previousToken.type,_char = _string.charAt(_string.length - 1);if (_type === 'string' && _char === '\\') break;}if (buffer2.stringOpen === string) {buffer2.stringOpen = false;break;}break;case 'primitive':case 'string':if (['false', 'true', 'null', 'undefined'].indexOf(string) > -1) {const lastIndex = buffer.tokens_normalize.length - 1;if (lastIndex >= 0) {if (buffer.tokens_normalize[lastIndex].type !== 'string') {normalToken.type = 'primitive';break;}normalToken.type = 'string';break;}normalToken.type = 'primitive';break;}if (string === '\n') if (!buffer2.stringOpen) {normalToken.type = 'linebreak';break;}if (buffer2.isValue) normalToken.type = 'string';else normalToken.type = 'key';break;case 'space':if (buffer2.stringOpen) if (buffer2.isValue) normalToken.type = 'string';else normalToken.type = 'key';break;case 'number':if (buffer2.stringOpen) if (buffer2.isValue) normalToken.type = 'string';else normalToken.type = 'key';break;default:break;}buffer.tokens_normalize.push(normalToken);}for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_normalize.length; i++) {const token = buffer.tokens_normalize[i];let mergedToken = {string: token.string,type: token.type,tokens: [i]};if (['symbol', 'colon'].indexOf(token.type) === -1) if (i + 1 < buffer.tokens_normalize.length) {let count = 0;for (var u = i + 1; u < buffer.tokens_normalize.length; u++) {const nextToken = buffer.tokens_normalize[u];if (token.type !== nextToken.type) break;mergedToken.string += nextToken.string;mergedToken.tokens.push(u);count++;}i += count;}buffer.tokens_merge.push(mergedToken);}const quotes = '\'"',alphanumeric = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + '0123456789' + '_$';var error = false,line = buffer.tokens_merge.length > 0 ? 1 : 0;buffer2 = {brackets: [],stringOpen: false,isValue: false};function setError(tokenID, reason, offset = 0) {error = {token: tokenID,line: line,reason: reason};buffer.tokens_merge[tokenID + offset].type = 'error';}function followedBySymbol(tokenID, options) {if (tokenID === undefined) console.error('tokenID argument must be an integer.');if (options === undefined) console.error('options argument must be an array.');if (tokenID === buffer.tokens_merge.length - 1) return false;for (var i = tokenID + 1; i < buffer.tokens_merge.length; i++) {const nextToken = buffer.tokens_merge[i];switch (nextToken.type) {case 'space':case 'linebreak':break;case 'symbol':case 'colon':if (options.indexOf(nextToken.string) > -1) return i;else return false;break;default:return false;break;}}return false;}function followsSymbol(tokenID, options) {if (tokenID === undefined) console.error('tokenID argument must be an integer.');if (options === undefined) console.error('options argument must be an array.');if (tokenID === 0) return false;for (var i = tokenID - 1; i >= 0; i--) {const previousToken = buffer.tokens_merge[i];switch (previousToken.type) {case 'space':case 'linebreak':break;case 'symbol':case 'colon':if (options.indexOf(previousToken.string) > -1) return true;return false;break;default:return false;break;}}return false;}function typeFollowed(tokenID) {if (tokenID === undefined) console.error('tokenID argument must be an integer.');if (tokenID === 0) return false;for (var i = tokenID - 1; i >= 0; i--) {const previousToken = buffer.tokens_merge[i];switch (previousToken.type) {case 'space':case 'linebreak':break;default:return previousToken.type;break;}}return false;}let bracketList = [];for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_merge.length; i++) {if (error) break;let token = buffer.tokens_merge[i],string = token.string,type = token.type,found = false;switch (type) {case 'space':break;case 'linebreak':line++;break;case 'symbol':switch (string) {case '{':case '[':found = followsSymbol(i, ['}', ']']);if (found) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.prohibited, {firstToken: buffer.tokens_merge[found].string,secondToken: string}));break;}if (string === '[' && i > 0) if (!followsSymbol(i, [':', '[', ','])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.permitted, {firstToken: "[",secondToken: [":", "[", ","]}));break;}if (string === '{') if (followsSymbol(i, ['{'])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.double, {token: "{"}));break;}buffer2.brackets.push(string);buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';bracketList.push({i: i,line: line,string: string});break;case '}':case ']':if (string === '}') if (buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] !== '{') {setError(i, format(locale.brace.curly.missingOpen));break;}if (string === '}') if (followsSymbol(i, [','])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.prohibited, {firstToken: ",",secondToken: "}"}));break;}if (string === ']') if (buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] !== '[') {setError(i, format(locale.brace.square.missingOpen));break;}if (string === ']') if (followsSymbol(i, [':'])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.prohibited, {firstToken: ":",secondToken: "]"}));break;}buffer2.brackets.pop();buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';bracketList.push({i: i,line: line,string: string});break;case ',':found = followsSymbol(i, ['{']);if (found) {if (followedBySymbol(i, ['}'])) {setError(i, format(locale.brace.curly.cannotWrap, {token: ","}));break;}setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.prohibited, {firstToken: "{",secondToken: ","}));break;}if (followedBySymbol(i, ['}', ',', ']'])) {setError(i, format(locale.noTrailingOrLeadingComma));break;}found = typeFollowed(i);switch (found) {case 'key':case 'colon':setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.termSequence.prohibited, {firstTerm: found === 'key' ? locale.types.key : locale.symbols.colon,secondTerm: locale.symbols.comma}));break;case 'symbol':if (followsSymbol(i, ['{'])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.prohibited, {firstToken: "{",secondToken: ","}));break;}break;default:break;}buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';break;default:break;}buffer.json += string;break;case 'colon':found = followsSymbol(i, ['[']);if (found && followedBySymbol(i, [']'])) {setError(i, format(locale.brace.square.cannotWrap, {token: ":"}));break;}if (found) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.prohibited, {firstToken: "[",secondToken: ":"}));break;}if (typeFollowed(i) !== 'key') {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.termSequence.permitted, {firstTerm: locale.symbols.colon,secondTerm: locale.types.key}));break;}if (followedBySymbol(i, ['}', ']'])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.termSequence.permitted, {firstTerm: locale.symbols.colon,secondTerm: locale.types.vOrigin}));break;}buffer2.isValue = true;buffer.json += string;break;case 'key':case 'string':let firstChar = string.charAt(0),lastChar = string.charAt(string.length - 1),quote_primary = quotes.indexOf(firstChar);if (quotes.indexOf(firstChar) === -1) if (quotes.indexOf(lastChar) !== -1) {setError(i, format(locale.string.missingOpen, {quote: firstChar}));break;}if (quotes.indexOf(lastChar) === -1) if (quotes.indexOf(firstChar) !== -1) {setError(i, format(locale.string.missingClose, {quote: firstChar}));break;}if (quotes.indexOf(firstChar) > -1) if (firstChar !== lastChar) {setError(i, format(locale.string.missingClose, {quote: firstChar}));break;}if ('string' === type) if (quotes.indexOf(firstChar) === -1 && quotes.indexOf(lastChar) === -1) {setError(i, format(locale.string.mustBeWrappedByQuotes));break;}if ('key' === type) if (followedBySymbol(i, ['}', ']'])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.termSequence.permitted, {firstTerm: locale.types.key,secondTerm: locale.symbols.colon}));}if (quotes.indexOf(firstChar) === -1 && quotes.indexOf(lastChar) === -1) for (var h = 0; h < string.length; h++) {if (error) break;const c = string.charAt(h);if (alphanumeric.indexOf(c) === -1) {setError(i, format(locale.string.nonAlphanumeric, {token: c}));break;}}if (firstChar === "'") string = '"' + string.slice(1, -1) + '"';else if (firstChar !== '"') string = '"' + string + '"';if ('key' === type) if ('key' === typeFollowed(i)) {if (i > 0) if (!isNaN(buffer.tokens_merge[i - 1])) {buffer.tokens_merge[i - 1] += buffer.tokens_merge[i];setError(i, format(locale.key.numberAndLetterMissingQuotes));break;}setError(i, format(locale.key.spaceMissingQuotes));break;}if ('key' === type) if (!followsSymbol(i, ['{', ','])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.permitted, {firstToken: type,secondToken: ["{", ","]}));break;}if ('string' === type) if (!followsSymbol(i, ['[', ':', ','])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.permitted, {firstToken: type,secondToken: ["[", ":", ","]}));break;}if ('key' === type) if (buffer2.isValue) {setError(i, format(locale.string.unexpectedKey));break;}if ('string' === type) if (!buffer2.isValue) {setError(i, format(locale.key.unexpectedString));break;}buffer.json += string;break;case 'number':case 'primitive':if (followsSymbol(i, ['{'])) {buffer.tokens_merge[i].type = 'key';type = buffer.tokens_merge[i].type;string = '"' + string + '"';} else if (typeFollowed(i) === 'key') {buffer.tokens_merge[i].type = 'key';type = buffer.tokens_merge[i].type;} else if (!followsSymbol(i, ['[', ':', ','])) {setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.tokenSequence.permitted, {firstToken: type,secondToken: ["[", ":", ","]}));break;}if (type !== 'key') if (!buffer2.isValue) {buffer.tokens_merge[i].type = 'key';type = buffer.tokens_merge[i].type;string = '"' + string + '"';}if (type === 'primitive') if (string === 'undefined') setError(i, format(locale.invalidToken.useInstead, {badToken: "undefined",goodToken: "null"}));buffer.json += string;break;}}let noEscapedSingleQuote = '';for (var i = 0; i < buffer.json.length; i++) {let current = buffer.json.charAt(i),next = '';if (i + 1 < buffer.json.length) {next = buffer.json.charAt(i + 1);if (current === '\\' && next === "'") {noEscapedSingleQuote += next;i++;continue;}}noEscapedSingleQuote += current;}buffer.json = noEscapedSingleQuote;if (!error) {const maxIterations = Math.ceil(bracketList.length / 2);let round = 0,delta = false;function removePair(index) {bracketList.splice(index + 1, 1);bracketList.splice(index, 1);if (!delta) delta = true;}while (bracketList.length > 0) {delta = false;for (var tokenCount = 0; tokenCount < bracketList.length - 1; tokenCount++) {const pair = bracketList[tokenCount].string + bracketList[tokenCount + 1].string;if (['[]', '{}'].indexOf(pair) > -1) removePair(tokenCount);}round++;if (!delta) break;if (round >= maxIterations) break;}if (bracketList.length > 0) {const _tokenString = bracketList[0].string,_tokenPosition = bracketList[0].i,_closingBracketType = _tokenString === '[' ? ']' : '}';line = bracketList[0].line;setError(_tokenPosition, format(locale.brace[_closingBracketType === ']' ? 'square' : 'curly'].missingClose));}}if (!error) if ([undefined, ''].indexOf(buffer.json) === -1) try {buffer.jsObject = JSON.parse(buffer.json);} catch (err) {const errorMessage = err.message,subsMark = errorMessage.indexOf('position');if (subsMark === -1) throw new Error('Error parsing failed');const errPositionStr = errorMessage.substring(subsMark + 9, errorMessage.length),errPosition = parseInt(errPositionStr);let charTotal = 0,tokenIndex = 0,token = false,_line = 1,exitWhile = false;while (charTotal < errPosition && !exitWhile) {token = buffer.tokens_merge[tokenIndex];if ('linebreak' === token.type) _line++;if (['space', 'linebreak'].indexOf(token.type) === -1) charTotal += token.string.length;if (charTotal >= errPosition) break;tokenIndex++;if (!buffer.tokens_merge[tokenIndex + 1]) exitWhile = true;}line = _line;let backslashCount = 0;for (let i = 0; i < token.string.length; i++) {const char = token.string.charAt(i);if (char === '\\') backslashCount = backslashCount > 0 ? backslashCount + 1 : 1;else {if (backslashCount % 2 !== 0 || backslashCount === 0) if ('\'"bfnrt'.indexOf(char) === -1) {setError(tokenIndex, format(locale.invalidToken.unexpected, {token: '\\'}));}backslashCount = 0;}}if (!error) setError(tokenIndex, format(locale.invalidToken.unexpected, {token: token.string}));}let _line = 1,_depth = 0;function newIndent() {var space = [];for (var i = 0; i < _depth * 2; i++) space.push('&nbsp;');return space.join('');}function newLineBreak(byPass = false) {_line++;if (_depth > 0 || byPass) {return '<br>';}return '';}function newLineBreakAndIndent(byPass = false) {return newLineBreak(byPass) + newIndent();};if (!error) for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_merge.length; i++) {const token = buffer.tokens_merge[i],string = token.string,type = token.type;switch (type) {case 'space':case 'linebreak':break;case 'string':case 'number':case 'primitive':case 'error':buffer.markup += (followsSymbol(i, [',', '[']) ? newLineBreakAndIndent() : '') + newSpan(i, token, _depth);break;case 'key':// console.log(newLineBreakAndIndent() + newSpan(i, token, _depth))buffer.markup += newLineBreakAndIndent() + newSpan(i, token, _depth);break;case 'colon':buffer.markup += newSpan(i, token, _depth) + '&nbsp;';break;case 'symbol':switch (string) {case '[':case '{':buffer.markup += (!followsSymbol(i, [':']) ? newLineBreakAndIndent() : '') + newSpan(i, token, _depth);_depth++;break;case ']':case '}':_depth--;const islastToken = i === buffer.tokens_merge.length - 1,_adjustment = i > 0 ? ['[', '{'].indexOf(buffer.tokens_merge[i - 1].string) > -1 ? '' : newLineBreakAndIndent(islastToken) : '';buffer.markup += _adjustment + newSpan(i, token, _depth);break;case ',':buffer.markup += newSpan(i, token, _depth);break;}break;}}if (error) {let _line_fallback = 1;function countCarrigeReturn(string) {let count = 0;for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {if (['\n', '\r'].indexOf(string[i]) > -1) count++;}return count;}_line = 1;for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_merge.length; i++) {const token = buffer.tokens_merge[i],type = token.type,string = token.string;if (type === 'linebreak') _line++;buffer.markup += newSpan(i, token, _depth);_line_fallback += countCarrigeReturn(string);}_line++;_line_fallback++;if (_line < _line_fallback) _line = _line_fallback;}for (var i = 0; i < buffer.tokens_merge.length; i++) {let token = buffer.tokens_merge[i];buffer.indented += token.string;if (['space', 'linebreak'].indexOf(token.type) === -1) buffer.tokens_plainText += token.string;}if (error) {function isFunction(functionToCheck) {return functionToCheck && {} === '[object Function]';}if ('modifyErrorText' in this.props) if (isFunction(this.props.modifyErrorText)) error.reason = this.props.modifyErrorText(error.reason);}return {tokens: buffer.tokens_merge,noSpaces: buffer.tokens_plainText,indented: buffer.indented,json: buffer.json,jsObject: buffer.jsObject,markup: buffer.markup,lines: _line,error: error};};/***     JS OBJECTS || PLACEHOLDER*/if (!('nodeType' in something)) {let buffer = {inputText: JSON.stringify(something),position: 0,currentChar: '',tokenPrimary: '',tokenSecondary: '',brackets: [],isValue: false,stringOpen: false,stringStart: 0,tokens: []};function escape_character() {if (buffer.currentChar !== '\\') return false;buffer.inputText = deleteCharAt(buffer.inputText, buffer.position);return true;}function deleteCharAt(string, position) {return string.slice(0, position) + string.slice(position + 1);}function determine_string() {if ('\'"'.indexOf(buffer.currentChar) === -1) return false;if (!buffer.stringOpen) {add_tokenSecondary();buffer.stringStart = buffer.position;buffer.stringOpen = buffer.currentChar;return true;}if (buffer.stringOpen === buffer.currentChar) {add_tokenSecondary();const stringToken = buffer.inputText.substring(buffer.stringStart, buffer.position + 1);add_tokenPrimary(stringToken);buffer.stringOpen = false;return true;}return false;}function determine_value() {if (':,{}[]'.indexOf(buffer.currentChar) === -1) return false;if (buffer.stringOpen) return false;add_tokenSecondary();add_tokenPrimary(buffer.currentChar);switch (buffer.currentChar) {case ':':buffer.isValue = true;return true;break;case '{':case '[':buffer.brackets.push(buffer.currentChar);break;case '}':case ']':buffer.brackets.pop();break;}if (buffer.currentChar !== ':') buffer.isValue = buffer.brackets[buffer.brackets.length - 1] === '[';return true;}function add_tokenSecondary() {if (buffer.tokenSecondary.length === 0) return false;buffer.tokens.push(buffer.tokenSecondary);buffer.tokenSecondary = '';return true;}function add_tokenPrimary(vOrigin) {if (vOrigin.length === 0) return false;buffer.tokens.push(vOrigin);return true;}for (var i = 0; i < buffer.inputText.length; i++) {buffer.position = i;buffer.currentChar = buffer.inputText.charAt(buffer.position);const a = determine_value(),b = determine_string(),c = escape_character();if (!a && !b && !c) if (!buffer.stringOpen) buffer.tokenSecondary += buffer.currentChar;}let buffer2 = {brackets: [],isValue: false,tokens: []};buffer2.tokens = => {let type = '',string = '',vOrigin = '';switch (token) {case ',':type = 'symbol';string = token;vOrigin = token;buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';break;case ':':type = 'symbol';string = token;vOrigin = token;buffer2.isValue = true;break;case '{':case '[':type = 'symbol';string = token;vOrigin = token;buffer2.brackets.push(token);buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';break;case '}':case ']':type = 'symbol';string = token;vOrigin = token;buffer2.brackets.pop();buffer2.isValue = buffer2.brackets[buffer2.brackets.length - 1] === '[';break;case 'undefined':type = 'primitive';string = token;vOrigin = undefined;break;case 'null':type = 'primitive';string = token;vOrigin = null;break;case 'false':type = 'primitive';string = token;vOrigin = false;break;case 'true':type = 'primitive';string = token;vOrigin = true;break;default:const C = token.charAt(0);function stripQuotesFromKey(text) {if (text.length === 0) return text;if (['""', "''"].indexOf(text) > -1) return "''";let wrappedInQuotes = false;for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {if ([text.charAt(0), text.charAt(text.length - 1)].indexOf(['"', "'"][i]) > -1) {wrappedInQuotes = true;break;}}if (wrappedInQuotes && text.length >= 2) text = text.slice(1, -1);const nonAlphaNumeric = text.replace(/\w/g, ''),alphaNumeric = text.replace(/\W+/g, ''),mayRemoveQuotes = ((nonAlphaNumeric, text) => {let numberAndLetter = false;for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {if (i === 0) if (isNaN(text.charAt(i))) break;if (isNaN(text.charAt(i))) {numberAndLetter = true;break;}}return !(nonAlphaNumeric.length > 0 || numberAndLetter);})(nonAlphaNumeric, text),hasQuotes = (string => {for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {if (["'", '"'].indexOf(string.charAt(i)) > -1) return true;}return false;})(nonAlphaNumeric);if (hasQuotes) {let newText = '';const charList = text.split('');for (var ii = 0; ii < charList.length; ii++) {let char = charList[ii];if (["'", '"'].indexOf(char) > -1) char = '\\' + char;newText += char;}text = newText;}if (!mayRemoveQuotes) return "'" + text + "'";else return text;}if ('\'"'.indexOf(C) > -1) {if (buffer2.isValue) type = 'string';else type = 'key';if (type === 'key') string = stripQuotesFromKey(token);if (type === 'string') {string = '';const charList2 = token.slice(1, -1).split('');for (var ii = 0; ii < charList2.length; ii++) {let char = charList2[ii];if ('\'\"'.indexOf(char) > -1) char = '\\' + char;string += char;}string = "'" + string + "'";}vOrigin = string;break;}if (!isNaN(token)) {type = 'number';string = token;vOrigin = Number(token);break;}if (token.length > 0) if (!buffer2.isValue) {type = 'key';string = token;if (string.indexOf(' ') > -1) string = "'" + string + "'";vOrigin = string;break;}}return {type: type,string: string,vOrigin: vOrigin,depth: buffer2.brackets.length};});let clean = '';for (var i = 0; i < buffer2.tokens.length; i++) {let token = buffer2.tokens[i];clean += token.string;}function indent(number) {var space = [];for (var i = 0; i < number * 2; i++) space.push(' ');return (number > 0 ? '\n' : '') + space.join('');};let indentation = '';for (var i = 0; i < buffer2.tokens.length; i++) {let token = buffer2.tokens[i];switch (token.string) {case '[':case '{':const nextToken = i < buffer2.tokens.length - 1 - 1 ? buffer2.tokens[i + 1] : '';if ('}]'.indexOf(nextToken.string) === -1) indentation += token.string + indent(token.depth);else indentation += token.string;break;case ']':case '}':const prevToken = i > 0 ? buffer2.tokens[i - 1] : '';if ('[{'.indexOf(prevToken.string) === -1) indentation += indent(token.depth) + token.string;else indentation += token.string;break;case ':':indentation += token.string + ' ';break;case ',':indentation += token.string + indent(token.depth);break;default:indentation += token.string;break;}}let lines = 1;function indentII(number) {var space = [];if (number > 0) lines++;for (var i = 0; i < number * 2; i++) space.push('&nbsp;');return (number > 0 ? '<br>' : '') + space.join('');};let markup = '';const lastIndex = buffer2.tokens.length - 1;for (var i = 0; i < buffer2.tokens.length; i++) {let token = buffer2.tokens[i];let span = newSpan(i, token, token.depth);switch (token.string) {case '{':case '[':const nextToken = i < buffer2.tokens.length - 1 - 1 ? buffer2.tokens[i + 1] : '';if ('}]'.indexOf(nextToken.string) === -1) markup += span + indentII(token.depth);else markup += span;break;case '}':case ']':const prevToken = i > 0 ? buffer2.tokens[i - 1] : '';if ('[{'.indexOf(prevToken.string) === -1) markup += indentII(token.depth) + (lastIndex === i ? '<br>' : '') + span;else markup += span;break;case ':':markup += span + ' ';break;case ',':markup += span + indentII(token.depth);break;default:markup += span;break;}}lines += 2;return {tokens: buffer2.tokens,noSpaces: clean,indented: indentation,json: JSON.stringify(something),jsObject: something,markup: markup,lines: lines};}}}export default JSONInput;




react jsoneditor 的学习使用相关推荐

  1. react黑马前端学习笔记

    React 一.React概述 1.1简介 react是一个用于构建用户界面的js库 用户界面:HTML页面 React主要用来写HTML页面或者构建Web应用 如果从MVC的角度来看,React仅仅 ...

  2. 前端react基础基础学习 (一)

    前端react基础基础学习 (一) 1.安装 npm i -g create-react-app 2.创建项目骨架 create-react-app react 组件创建方式 1.箭头函数的方式 / ...

  3. 从Facebook的React框架事件学习一下开源协议

    前言 前一阵子由于Facebook BSD+PATENTS License的原因,Apache项目禁止使用带该license的代码,引人注目的就是Facebook的React前端框架. 后来在知乎上看 ...

  4. react native的学习

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 在第一次接触到react native的时候,就下定决心一定要学会他,毕竟是一个,learn more,write anywh ...

  5. React Native开发学习笔记——常用命令

    学习RN开发的过程中,有许多需要命令操作的功能,对涉及到的命令进行总结. 搭建环境阶段    首先需要使用命令行下载安装 Chocolatey.python 2 .node.js.Yarn.详情:Re ...

  6. React基础语法学习

    React主要有如下3个特点: 作为UI(Just the UI) 虚拟DOM(Virtual DOM):这是亮点 是React最重要的一个特性 放进内存 最小更新的视图,差异部分更新 diff算法 ...

  7. Redux 进阶 - react 全家桶学习笔记(二)

    注:这篇是17年1月的文章,搬运自本人 blog... 零.前言 在上一篇中介绍了 Redux 的各项基础 api.接着一步一步地介绍 ...

  8. react native进一步学习(NavigatorIOS 学习)

    特别申明:本人代码不作为任何商业的用途,只是个人学习的一些心得,为了使得后来的更多的程序员少走一些弯路.*(如若侵犯你的版权还望见谅)*. 开发工具:WebStorm,xcode 1. rn的创建的时 ...

  9. 【学习笔记】React+React全家桶学习笔记

    文章目录 1 为什么要使用React 2 React的定义 3 React的三大特性 4 React入门 4.1 hello_react 4.2 虚拟DOM的创建 4.3 JSX 4.4 模块与组件, ...

  10. 歌谣学前端之react笔记之学习日历样式的设置

    前言 我是歌谣 我有个兄弟 巅峰的时候排名c站总榜19 叫前端小歌谣 曾经我花了三年的时间创作了他 现在我要用五年的时间超越他 今天又是接近兄弟的一天人生难免坎坷 大不了从头再来 歌谣的意志是永恒的 ...


  1. 关于equals与hashcode的重写
  2. Docker 镜像优化:从 1.16GB 到 22.4MB
  3. 虚拟机生命周期八招巧管理
  4. 学习笔记(20):Python网络编程并发编程-互斥锁与join的区别
  5. 1042 mysql57_一次处理DB2宕机的实战经历(SQL1042C )
  6. c++ 获得linux进程内存大小,C/C++获取进程常驻内存大小(get the process resident set size )...
  7. java 创建存储过程_如何在pl/sql中创建及调用JAVA存储过程 | 学步园
  8. 深度学习理论 10集课程视频(斯坦福 STATS 385)
  9. 开发这么久你真知道for循环内部执行顺序吗?
  10. 数学基础加强2---概率论与贝叶斯先验
  11. Illustrator 教程,如何在 Illustrator 文档中缩放和平移?
  12. C\C++中函数后面加const
  13. establish connection
  14. Linux平台下快速搭建FTP服务器
  15. vue项目-添加商品的多规格
  16. 石溪分校 计算机研究生专业,纽约州立大学石溪分校计算机科学硕士入学条件.pdf...
  17. 解决IEEE会议模板引用bib文件时出现Bibliography not compatible with author-year citations
  18. [ZJOI2004]沼泽鳄鱼
  19. 关于线宽与PCB过孔铺铜的一点经验
  20. sklearn Gaussian Processes(高斯过程)


  1. 【离散数学】欧拉图与哈密顿图的区别
  2. java中将json字符串转换成map_Java中Json转Map方法
  3. 维修电工技师技能实训考核装置QY-W05
  4. Linux7(CentOs7.5)安装ssh、和修改ssh端口号
  5. 地球上最厉害的字体:Helvetica
  6. Oracle、plsql安装以及使用教程
  7. 三体第一部(13到22节)
  8. 【英语学习工具】学习英语硬背硬记太难了, 在这里解说 LeHoCat 提供免费的 视频集 工具的使用方法, 看视频学英语的工具, 制作英语教学课件的工具, 帮助自学英语(详细图文)第2版
  9. 关于Android直接连MySQL获取数据的真机测试的一些坑
  10. 在线答题小程序一站式开发(现源码)