
  • 1 常用的开源Structure-from-Motion软件
  • 2 OpenSfM的简易运行(基于Linux)
  • 3 OpenSfM的运行命令
  • 4 个性化OpenSfM
    • 4.1 使用自己的图片
    • 4.2 提供自己的相机内参
  • 5 运行结果
  • 6 运行经验
  • Reference

1 常用的开源Structure-from-Motion软件

  1. OpenMVG 3.5k⭐
  2. Colmap 2.9k⭐
  3. OpenSfM (Python) 2.1k⭐
  4. Bundler 1.3k⭐
  5. MVE 758⭐
  6. TheiaSfM 652⭐
  7. MICMAC 292⭐

上述7个软件,只有OpenSfM是用Python写的,其他软件语言均为C++。即使是OpenSfM也使用了Python binding。主要原因是OpenSfM也使用了C++的非线性优化包Ceres(基本上每个SfM、SLAM软件都离不开该库)。

2 OpenSfM的简易运行(基于Linux)



bin/opensfm_run_all data/berlin

实际上,该命令执行了根目录的bin文件夹中的opensfm_run_all data文件,该文件就是8个命令。

$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm extract_metadata $1
$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm detect_features $1
$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm match_features $1
$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm create_tracks $1
$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm reconstruct $1
$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm mesh $1
$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm undistort $1
$PYTHON $DIR/opensfm compute_depthmaps $1


├── config.yaml
├── images/
├── masks/
├── gcp_list.txt
├── exif/
├── camera_models.json
├── features/
├── matches/
├── tracks.csv
├── reconstruction.json
├── reconstruction.meshed.json
└── undistorted/├── images/├── masks/├── tracks.csv├── reconstruction.json└── depthmaps/└── merged.ply



// reconstruction.json: [RECONSTRUCTION, ...]RECONSTRUCTION: {"cameras": {CAMERA_ID: CAMERA,...},"shots": {SHOT_ID: SHOT,...},"points": {POINT_ID: POINT,...}
}CAMERA: {"projection_type": "perspective",  # Can be perspective, brown, fisheye or equirectangular"width": NUMBER,                   # Image width in pixels"height": NUMBER,                  # Image height in pixels# Depending on the projection type more parameters are stored.# These are the parameters of the perspective camera."focal": NUMBER,                   # Estimated focal length"k1": NUMBER,                      # Estimated distortion coefficient"k2": NUMBER,                      # Estimated distortion coefficient
}SHOT: {"camera": CAMERA_ID,"rotation": [X, Y, Z],      # Estimated rotation as an angle-axis vector"translation": [X, Y, Z],   # Estimated translation"gps_position": [X, Y, Z],  # GPS coordinates in the reconstruction reference frame"gps_dop": METERS,          # GPS accuracy in meters"orientation": NUMBER,      # EXIF orientation tag (can be 1, 3, 6 or 8)"capture_time": SECONDS     # Capture time as a UNIX timestamp
}POINT: {"coordinates": [X, Y, Z],      # Estimated position of the point"color": [R, G, B],            # Color of the point


3 OpenSfM的运行命令


    extract_metadata      # Extract metadata form images' EXIF tagdetect_features       # Compute features for all imagesmatch_features        # Match features between image pairscreate_tracks         # Link matches pair-wise matches into tracksreconstruct           # Compute the reconstructionmesh                  # Add delaunay meshes to the reconstructionundistort             # Save radially undistorted imagescompute_depthmaps     # Compute depthmapexport_ply            # Export reconstruction to PLY formatexport_openmvs        # Export reconstruction to openMVS formatexport_visualsfm      # Export reconstruction to NVM_V3 format from VisualSfM


bin/opensfm_run_all data/berlin

它们本质上都是执行了根目录下的opensfm/commands中的同名文件。举个例子, reconstruct命令就是运行了opensfm/commands/reconstruct.py文件。该文件内容是这样的:

import logging
import timefrom opensfm import dataset
from opensfm import io
from opensfm import reconstructionlogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)class Command:name = 'reconstruct'help = "Compute the reconstruction"def add_arguments(self, parser):parser.add_argument('dataset', help='dataset to process')def run(self, args):start = time.time()data = dataset.DataSet(args.dataset)tracks_manager = data.load_tracks_manager()report, reconstructions = reconstruction.\incremental_reconstruction(data, tracks_manager)end = time.time()with open(data.profile_log(), 'a') as fout:fout.write('reconstruct: {0}\n'.format(end - start))data.save_reconstruction(reconstructions)data.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), 'reconstruction.json')


4 个性化OpenSfM

4.1 使用自己的图片



# Metadata
use_exif_size: yes
default_focal_prior: 0.85# Params for features
feature_type: HAHOG           # Feature type (AKAZE, SURF, SIFT, HAHOG, ORB)
feature_root: 1               # If 1, apply square root mapping to features
feature_min_frames: 4000      # If fewer frames are detected, sift_peak_threshold/surf_hessian_threshold is reduced.
feature_process_size: 2048    # Resize the image if its size is larger than specified. Set to -1 for original size
feature_use_adaptive_suppression: no# Params for SIFT
sift_peak_threshold: 0.1     # Smaller value -> more features
sift_edge_threshold: 10       # See OpenCV doc# Params for SURF
surf_hessian_threshold: 3000  # Smaller value -> more features
surf_n_octaves: 4             # See OpenCV doc
surf_n_octavelayers: 2        # See OpenCV doc
surf_upright: 0               # See OpenCV doc# Params for AKAZE (See details in lib/src/third_party/akaze/AKAZEConfig.h)
akaze_omax: 4                      # Maximum octave evolution of the image 2^sigma (coarsest scale sigma units)
akaze_dthreshold: 0.001            # Detector response threshold to accept point
akaze_descriptor: MSURF            # Feature type
akaze_descriptor_size: 0           # Size of the descriptor in bits. 0->Full size
akaze_descriptor_channels: 3       # Number of feature channels (1,2,3)
akaze_kcontrast_percentile: 0.7
akaze_use_isotropic_diffusion: no# Params for HAHOG
hahog_peak_threshold: 0.00001
hahog_edge_threshold: 10
hahog_normalize_to_uchar: yes# Params for general matching
lowes_ratio: 0.8              # Ratio test for matches
matcher_type: FLANN           # FLANN, BRUTEFORCE, or WORDS
symmetric_matching: yes       # Match symmetricly or one-way# Params for FLANN matching
flann_branching: 8           # See OpenCV doc
flann_iterations: 10          # See OpenCV doc
flann_checks: 20             # Smaller -> Faster (but might lose good matches)# Params for BoW matching
bow_file: bow_hahog_root_uchar_10000.npz
bow_words_to_match: 50        # Number of words to explore per feature.
bow_num_checks: 20            # Number of matching features to check.
bow_matcher_type: FLANN       # Matcher type to assign words to features# Params for VLAD matching
vlad_file: bow_hahog_root_uchar_64.npz# Params for matching
matching_gps_distance: 150            # Maximum gps distance between two images for matching
matching_gps_neighbors: 0             # Number of images to match selected by GPS distance. Set to 0 to use no limit (or disable if matching_gps_distance is also 0)
matching_time_neighbors: 0            # Number of images to match selected by time taken. Set to 0 to disable
matching_order_neighbors: 0           # Number of images to match selected by image name. Set to 0 to disable
matching_bow_neighbors: 0             # Number of images to match selected by BoW distance. Set to 0 to disable
matching_bow_gps_distance: 0          # Maximum GPS distance for preempting images before using selection by BoW distance. Set to 0 to disable
matching_bow_gps_neighbors: 0         # Number of images (selected by GPS distance) to preempt before using selection by BoW distance. Set to 0 to use no limit (or disable if matching_bow_gps_distance is also 0)
matching_bow_other_cameras: False     # If True, BoW image selection will use N neighbors from the same camera + N neighbors from any different camera.
matching_vlad_neighbors: 0            # Number of images to match selected by VLAD distance. Set to 0 to disable
matching_vlad_gps_distance: 0         # Maximum GPS distance for preempting images before using selection by VLAD distance. Set to 0 to disable
matching_vlad_gps_neighbors: 0        # Number of images (selected by GPS distance) to preempt before using selection by VLAD distance. Set to 0 to use no limit (or disable if matching_vlad_gps_distance is also 0)
matching_vlad_other_cameras: False    # If True, VLAD image selection will use N neighbors from the same camera + N neighbors from any different camera.
matching_use_filters: False           # If True, removes static matches using ad-hoc heuristics# Params for geometric estimation
robust_matching_threshold: 0.004        # Outlier threshold for fundamental matrix estimation as portion of image width
robust_matching_calib_threshold: 0.004  # Outlier threshold for essential matrix estimation during matching in radians
robust_matching_min_match: 20           # Minimum number of matches to accept matches between two images
five_point_algo_threshold: 0.004        # Outlier threshold for essential matrix estimation during incremental reconstruction in radians
five_point_algo_min_inliers: 20         # Minimum number of inliers for considering a two view reconstruction valid
five_point_refine_match_iterations: 10  # Number of LM iterations to run when refining relative pose during matching
five_point_refine_rec_iterations: 1000  # Number of LM iterations to run when refining relative pose during reconstruction
triangulation_threshold: 0.006          # Outlier threshold for accepting a triangulated point in radians
triangulation_min_ray_angle: 1.0        # Minimum angle between views to accept a triangulated point
triangulation_type: FULL                # Triangulation type : either considering all rays (FULL), or sing a RANSAC variant (ROBUST)
resection_threshold: 0.004              # Outlier threshold for resection in radians
resection_min_inliers: 10               # Minimum number of resection inliers to accept it# Params for track creation
min_track_length: 2             # Minimum number of features/images per track# Params for bundle adjustment
loss_function: SoftLOneLoss     # Loss function for the ceres problem (see:
loss_function_threshold: 1      # Threshold on the squared residuals.  Usually cost is quadratic for smaller residuals and sub-quadratic above.
reprojection_error_sd: 0.004    # The standard deviation of the reprojection error
exif_focal_sd: 0.01             # The standard deviation of the exif focal length in log-scale
principal_point_sd: 0.01        # The standard deviation of the principal point coordinates
radial_distorsion_k1_sd: 0.01   # The standard deviation of the first radial distortion parameter
radial_distorsion_k2_sd: 0.01   # The standard deviation of the second radial distortion parameter
radial_distorsion_k3_sd: 0.01   # The standard deviation of the third radial distortion parameter
radial_distorsion_p1_sd: 0.01   # The standard deviation of the first tangential distortion parameter
radial_distorsion_p2_sd: 0.01   # The standard deviation of the second tangential distortion parameter
bundle_outlier_filtering_type: FIXED    # Type of threshold for filtering outlier : either fixed value (FIXED) or based on actual distribution (AUTO)
bundle_outlier_auto_ratio: 3.0          # For AUTO filtering type, projections with larger reprojection than ratio-times-mean, are removed
bundle_outlier_fixed_threshold: 0.006   # For FIXED filtering type, projections with larger reprojection error after bundle adjustment are removed
optimize_camera_parameters: yes         # Optimize internal camera parameters during bundle
bundle_max_iterations: 100      # Maximum optimizer iterations.retriangulation: yes                # Retriangulate all points from time to time
retriangulation_ratio: 1.2          # Retriangulate when the number of points grows by this ratio
bundle_interval: 999999             # Bundle after adding 'bundle_interval' cameras
bundle_new_points_ratio: 1.2        # Bundle when the number of points grows by this ratio
local_bundle_radius: 3              # Max image graph distance for images to be included in local bundle adjustment
local_bundle_min_common_points: 20  # Minimum number of common points betwenn images to be considered neighbors
local_bundle_max_shots: 30          # Max number of shots to optimize during local bundle adjustmentsave_partial_reconstructions: no    # Save reconstructions at every iteration# Params for GPS alignment
use_altitude_tag: no                  # Use or ignore EXIF altitude tag
align_method: orientation_prior       # orientation_prior or naive
align_orientation_prior: horizontal   # horizontal, vertical or no_roll
bundle_use_gps: yes                   # Enforce GPS position in bundle adjustment
bundle_use_gcp: no                    # Enforce Ground Control Point position in bundle adjustment# Params for navigation graph
nav_min_distance: 0.01                # Minimum distance for a possible edge between two nodes
nav_step_pref_distance: 6             # Preferred distance between camera centers
nav_step_max_distance: 20             # Maximum distance for a possible step edge between two nodes
nav_turn_max_distance: 15             # Maximum distance for a possible turn edge between two nodes
nav_step_forward_view_threshold: 15   # Maximum difference of angles in degrees between viewing directions for forward steps
nav_step_view_threshold: 30           # Maximum difference of angles in degrees between viewing directions for other steps
nav_step_drift_threshold: 36          # Maximum motion drift with respect to step directions for steps in degrees
nav_turn_view_threshold: 40           # Maximum difference of angles in degrees with respect to turn directions
nav_vertical_threshold: 20            # Maximum vertical angle difference in motion and viewing direction in degrees
nav_rotation_threshold: 30            # Maximum general rotation in degrees between cameras for steps# Params for image undistortion
undistorted_image_format: jpg         # Format in which to save the undistorted images
undistorted_image_max_size: 100000    # Max width and height of the undistorted image# Params for depth estimation
depthmap_method: PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE   # Raw depthmap computation algorithm (PATCH_MATCH, BRUTE_FORCE, PATCH_MATCH_SAMPLE)
depthmap_resolution: 640              # Resolution of the depth maps
depthmap_num_neighbors: 10            # Number of neighboring views
depthmap_num_matching_views: 6        # Number of neighboring views used for each depthmaps
depthmap_min_depth: 0                 # Minimum depth in meters.  Set to 0 to auto-infer from the reconstruction.
depthmap_max_depth: 0                 # Maximum depth in meters.  Set to 0 to auto-infer from the reconstruction.
depthmap_patchmatch_iterations: 3     # Number of PatchMatch iterations to run
depthmap_patch_size: 7                # Size of the correlation patch
depthmap_min_patch_sd: 1.0            # Patches with lower standard deviation are ignored
depthmap_min_correlation_score: 0.1   # Minimum correlation score to accept a depth value
depthmap_same_depth_threshold: 0.01   # Threshold to measure depth closeness
depthmap_min_consistent_views: 3      # Min number of views that should reconstruct a point for it to be valid
depthmap_save_debug_files: no         # Save debug files with partial reconstruction results# Other params
processes: 1                  # Number of threads to use# Params for submodel split and merge
submodel_size: 80                                                    # Average number of images per submodel
submodel_overlap: 30.0                                               # Radius of the overlapping region between submodels
submodels_relpath: "submodels"                                       # Relative path to the submodels directory
submodel_relpath_template: "submodels/submodel_%04d"                 # Template to generate the relative path to a submodel directory
submodel_images_relpath_template: "submodels/submodel_%04d/images"   # Template to generate the relative path to a submodel images directory


# Params for features
feature_type: SIFT           # Feature type (AKAZE, SURF, SIFT, HAHOG, ORB)

4.2 提供自己的相机内参


{"all": {"projection_type": "perspective","width": 1920,"height": 1080,"focal": 0.9,"k1": 0.0,"k2": 0.0,}

5 运行结果

我运行过的效果最好的一组图片是网站的Model House。一共10张图片,用默认参数跑,重建出了3378个三维点。

6 运行经验


  1. 自己输入的相机内参没有在Bundle Adjustment中被当作不变量。当我给OpenSfM提供自己的相机内参后运行,重建完成后,在reconstruction.json中可以发现相机内参变了。原因应该是:我们写在camera_models_overrides.json的内参只是作为初值提供给OpenSfM,当OpenSfM在运行中进行Bundle Adjustment仍会把相机内参作为变量一同进行非线性优化。所以,在camera_models_overrides.json写入内参的意义其实是“提供初值”,如果不提供内参,程序就使用自己的默认初值,如此而已。

  2. 使用过多的图片输入有可能导致程序中道崩殂,给出以下报错而退出:

  3. 使用连续、变化跨度不大的视频的帧,间隔地取用/全部图片部分图片,重建结果只有边界有少量区别。我使用了Meshlab软件计算104张全部图片、54张部分图片的重建结果对比,可以可视化两点云的差别。具体是使用了“Sampling”中的“Hausdorff Distance”功能,再进行可视化“Color Creation and Processing”-“Colorize By Vertex Quality”得到的。Meshlab具体操作步骤参见另一篇博文。


Hausdorff Distance computed
Sampled 1601604 pts (rng: 0) on merged(1).ply searched closest on merged.ply
min : 0.000538 max 1.193911 mean : 0.238936 RMS : 0.276795
Values w.r.t. BBox Diag (14.006348)
min : 0.000038 max 0.085241 mean : 0.017059 RMS : 0.019762
Applied filter Hausdorff Distance in 26137 msec
Quality Range: 0.000538 1.193911; Used (0.000538 1.190000)
Applied filter Colorize by vertex Quality in 129 msec
  1. 如果需要提高OpenSfM的运行速度,且输入数据是连续的视频的帧(large linear dataset),可以尝试在config.yaml文件中加上以下两句话:
local_bundle_radius: 1          # Max image graph distance for images to be included in local bundle adjustment
bundle_interval: 9999999        # Bundle after adding 'bundle_interval' cameras

第一句的意思是增量式SfM逐张图片进行Bundle Adjustment做非线性优化时,每次添加一张新的图片只对新的图片和与其直接相邻的前一张图片做Bundle Adjustment。第二句的意思是全局的大Bundle Adjustment只在所有图片均录入后进行,而不在每次添加图片后都对当前的所有图片做Bundle Adjustment。




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