


     //  This structure defines the commands that can be sent between threads.struct command_t{//  Object to process the command.class object_t *destination;enum type_t{stop,plug,own,attach,bind,activate_reader,activate_writer,pipe_term,pipe_term_ack,term_req,term,term_ack,reap,reaped,done} type;union {//  Sent to I/O thread to let it know that it should//  terminate itself.struct {} stop;//  Sent to I/O object to make it register with its I/O thread.struct {} plug;//  Sent to socket to let it know about the newly created object.struct {class own_t *object;} own;//  Attach the engine to the session. If engine is NULL, it informs//  session that the connection have failed.struct {struct i_engine *engine;unsigned char peer_identity_size;unsigned char *peer_identity;} attach;//  Sent from session to socket to establish pipe(s) between them.//  Caller have used inc_seqnum beforehand sending the command.struct {class reader_t *in_pipe;class writer_t *out_pipe;unsigned char peer_identity_size;unsigned char *peer_identity;} bind;//  Sent by pipe writer to inform dormant pipe reader that there//  are messages in the pipe.struct {} activate_reader;//  Sent by pipe reader to inform pipe writer about how many//  messages it has read so far.struct {uint64_t msgs_read;} activate_writer;//  Sent by pipe reader to pipe writer to ask it to terminate//  its end of the pipe.struct {} pipe_term;//  Pipe writer acknowledges pipe_term command.struct {} pipe_term_ack;//  Sent by I/O object ot the socket to request the shutdown of//  the I/O object.struct {class own_t *object;} term_req;//  Sent by socket to I/O object to start its shutdown.struct {int linger;} term;//  Sent by I/O object to the socket to acknowledge it has//  shut down.struct {} term_ack;//  Transfers the ownership of the closed socket//  to the reaper thread.struct {class socket_base_t *socket;} reap;//  Closed socket notifies the reaper that it's already deallocated.struct {} reaped;//  Sent by reaper thread to the term thread when all the sockets//  are successfully deallocated.struct {} done;} args;};



 //  Derived object can use these functions to send commands//  to other objects.void send_stop ();void send_plug (class own_t *destination_,bool inc_seqnum_ = true);void send_own (class own_t *destination_,class own_t *object_);void send_attach (class session_t *destination_,struct i_engine *engine_, const blob_t &peer_identity_,bool inc_seqnum_ = true);void send_bind (class own_t *destination_,class reader_t *in_pipe_, class writer_t *out_pipe_,const blob_t &peer_identity_, bool inc_seqnum_ = true);void send_activate_reader (class reader_t *destination_);void send_activate_writer (class writer_t *destination_,uint64_t msgs_read_);void send_pipe_term (class writer_t *destination_);void send_pipe_term_ack (class reader_t *destination_);void send_term_req (class own_t *destination_,class own_t *object_);void send_term (class own_t *destination_, int linger_);void send_term_ack (class own_t *destination_);void send_reap (class socket_base_t *socket_);void send_reaped ();void send_done ();
void zmq::object_t::send_command (command_t &cmd_)
{ctx->send_command (cmd_.destination->get_tid (), cmd_);
}void zmq::ctx_t::send_command (uint32_t tid_, const command_t &command_)
{slots [tid_]->send (command_);




zmq::mailbox_t::mailbox_t ()
#ifdef PIPE_BUF//  Make sure that command can be written to the socket in atomic fashion.//  If this wasn't guaranteed, commands from different threads would be//  interleaved.zmq_assert (sizeof (command_t) <= PIPE_BUF);
#endif//  Create the socketpair for signaling.int rc = make_socketpair (&r, &w);errno_assert (rc == 0);//  Set the writer to non-blocking mode.int flags = fcntl (w, F_GETFL, 0);errno_assert (flags >= 0);rc = fcntl (w, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);errno_assert (rc == 0);#ifndef MSG_DONTWAIT//  Set the reader to non-blocking mode.flags = fcntl (r, F_GETFL, 0);errno_assert (flags >= 0);rc = fcntl (r, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);errno_assert (rc == 0);



void zmq::mailbox_t::send (const command_t &cmd_)
{//  Attempt to write an entire command without blocking.ssize_t nbytes;do {nbytes = ::send (w, &cmd_, sizeof (command_t), 0);} while (nbytes == -1 && errno == EINTR);//  Attempt to increase mailbox SNDBUF if the send failed.if (nbytes == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {int old_sndbuf, new_sndbuf;socklen_t sndbuf_size = sizeof old_sndbuf;//  Retrieve current send buffer size.int rc = getsockopt (w, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &old_sndbuf,&sndbuf_size);errno_assert (rc == 0);new_sndbuf = old_sndbuf * 2;//  Double the new send buffer size.rc = setsockopt (w, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &new_sndbuf, sndbuf_size);errno_assert (rc == 0);//  Verify that the OS actually honored the request.rc = getsockopt (w, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &new_sndbuf, &sndbuf_size);errno_assert (rc == 0);zmq_assert (new_sndbuf > old_sndbuf);//  Retry the sending operation; at this point it must succeed.do {nbytes = ::send (w, &cmd_, sizeof (command_t), 0);} while (nbytes == -1 && errno == EINTR);}errno_assert (nbytes != -1);//  This should never happen as we've already checked that command size is//  less than PIPE_BUF.zmq_assert (nbytes == sizeof (command_t));

发送command,这边利用writer句柄调用send(4) syscall进行发送command。先尝试写,如果被中断则继续循环写。如果返回错误EAGAIN,由于是非阻塞模式写我们就会增加SND_BUF继续写,最后验证一下是否成功。

int zmq::mailbox_t::recv (command_t *cmd_, bool block_)
#ifdef MSG_DONTWAIT//  Attempt to read an entire command. Returns EAGAIN if non-blocking//  mode is requested and a command is not available.ssize_t nbytes = ::recv (r, cmd_, sizeof (command_t),block_ ? 0 : MSG_DONTWAIT);if (nbytes == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR))return -1;
#else//  If required, set the reader to blocking mode.if (block_) {int flags = fcntl (r, F_GETFL, 0);errno_assert (flags >= 0);int rc = fcntl (r, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);errno_assert (rc == 0);}//  Attempt to read an entire command. Returns EAGAIN if non-blocking//  and a command is not available. Save value of errno if we wish to pass//  it to caller.int err = 0;ssize_t nbytes = ::recv (r, cmd_, sizeof (command_t), 0);if (nbytes == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR))err = errno;//  Re-set the reader to non-blocking mode.if (block_) {int flags = fcntl (r, F_GETFL, 0);errno_assert (flags >= 0);int rc = fcntl (r, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);errno_assert (rc == 0);}//  If the recv failed, return with the saved errno if set.if (err != 0) {errno = err;return -1;}#endif//  Sanity check for success.errno_assert (nbytes != -1);//  Check whether we haven't got half of command.zmq_assert (nbytes == sizeof (command_t));return 0;


    ssize_t nbytes = ::recv (r, cmd_, sizeof (command_t), 0);




void zmq::io_thread_t::in_event ()
{//  TODO: Do we want to limit number of commands I/O thread can//  process in a single go?while (true) {//  Get the next command. If there is none, exit.command_t cmd;int rc = mailbox.recv (&cmd, false);if (rc != 0 && errno == EINTR)continue;if (rc != 0 && errno == EAGAIN)break;errno_assert (rc == 0);//  Process the command.cmd.destination->process_command (cmd);}


//  These handlers can be overloaded by the derived objects. They are//  called when command arrives from another thread.virtual void process_stop ();virtual void process_plug ();virtual void process_own (class own_t *object_);virtual void process_attach (struct i_engine *engine_,const blob_t &peer_identity_);virtual void process_bind (class reader_t *in_pipe_,class writer_t *out_pipe_, const blob_t &peer_identity_);virtual void process_activate_reader ();virtual void process_activate_writer (uint64_t msgs_read_);virtual void process_pipe_term ();virtual void process_pipe_term_ack ();virtual void process_term_req (class own_t *object_);virtual void process_term (int linger_);virtual void process_term_ack ();virtual void process_reap (class socket_base_t *socket_);virtual void process_reaped ();void zmq::object_t::process_command (command_t &cmd_)
{switch (cmd_.type) {case command_t::activate_reader:process_activate_reader ();break;case command_t::activate_writer:process_activate_writer (cmd_.args.activate_writer.msgs_read);break;case command_t::stop:process_stop ();break;case command_t::plug:process_plug ();process_seqnum ();return;...


下一篇文章会介绍zmq_msg_t以及相关的函数,敬请期待。希望有兴趣的朋友可以和我联系,一起学习。 kaka11.chen@gmail.com


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