
FSRNet: End-to-End Learning Face Super-Resolution with Facial Priors

文章地址:FSRNet: End-to-End Learning Face Super-Resolution With Facial Priors (thecvf.com)



我们提出了一种新型的深端到端可训练人脸超分辨率网络(FSRNet),它利用了几何先验知识,即。facial landmark heatmaps和parsing maps,用于超分辨率极低分辨率(LR)人脸图像,无需对齐要求。

We present a novel deep end-to-end trainable Face Super-Resolution Network (FSRNet), which makes use of the geometry prior, i.e., facial landmark heatmaps and parsing maps, to superresolve very low-resolution (LR) face images without wellaligned requirement.


Specifically, we first construct a coarse SR network to recover a coarse high-resolution (HR) image. Then, the coarse HR image is sent to two branches: a fine SR encoder and a prior information estimation network, whichextractstheimagefeatures, andestimateslandmark heatmaps/parsing maps respectively. Both image features and prior information are sent to a fine SR decoder to recover the HR image. To generate realistic faces, we also propose the Face Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (FSRGAN) to incorporate the adversarial loss into FSRNet.


Further, we introduce two related tasks, face alignment and parsing, as the new evaluation metrics for face SR, which address the inconsistency of classic metrics w.r.t. visual perception. Extensive experiments show that FSRNet and FSRGAN significantly outperforms state of the arts for very LR face SR, both quantitatively and qualitatively.


本文基于深度卷积神经网络(CNN),提出了一种新的端到端可训练人脸超分辨率网络(FSRNet),该网络在训练过程中估计facial landmark heatmaps和parsing maps,然后利用这些先验信息更好地超分辨率非常低的人脸图像。

Based on deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), in this work, we propose a novelend-to-end trainable Face Super-Resolution Network (FSRNet), which estimates facial landmark heatmaps and parsing maps during training, and then uses these prior information to better super-resolve very LR face images.



  1. 第一个提出用人脸几何先验的知识进行端到端学习的人脸超分辨率方法。
  2. 同时引入了两种几何先验,facial landmark heatmaps 和parsing maps。
  3. 提出的FSRnet在模糊未对齐和非常低的分辨率的图像,通过8倍放大,是目前最好的水平。同时用FSRnetGAN网络可以进一步生成更加逼真的images。
  4. 采用人脸对齐和解析作为新的人脸超分辨率评价指标。进一步证明,该方法可以解决传统的视觉感知度量方法的不一致性。

3. Face Super-Resolution Network

3.1.Overview of FSRnet


Our basic FSRNet F consists of four parts:coarse SR network,fine SR encoder,prior estimation networkand finally afine SR decoder. Denotexas the low-resolution input image,Y and P as the recovered high-resolution image and estimated prior information by FSRNet.

1.极低分辨率的输入图像对于先验估计可能过于模糊,我们首先构造coarse SR网络来恢复coarse SR图像:

2.将coarse SR images送入特征提取和先验估计网络中:


将f,p送入解码器网络去恢复SR images.




3.2. Details inside FSRNet

它由一个coarse SR网络和一个fine SR网络组成。

其中fine SR包括prior estimation network, fine SR encoder and fine SR decoder.

We now present the details of our FSRNet, which consists of a coarse and a fine SR network, where the fine SR network contains three parts: a prior estimation network, a fine SR encoder and a fine SR decoder.


Coarse SR network:


It starts with a 3×3 convolution followed by 3 residual blocks. Then another 3×3 convolutional layer is used to reconstruct the coarse HR image.


in the following fine SR network, the coarse HR image is sent to two branches, prior estimation network and fine encoder network, to estimate facial priors and extract features, respectively. Then the decoder jointly uses results of both branches to recover the fine HR image.

Prior Estimation Network:

我们采用沙漏(HG)结构来估计我们先验估计网络中的facial landmark heatmaps 和 parsing maps。

we adopt the HourGlass (HG) structure to estimate facial landmark heatmaps and parsing maps in our prior estimation network.

为了有效地整合跨比例的特征并保留不同比例的空间信息,沙漏块在对称层之间使用了跳过连接机制。随后使用1×1卷积层对获得的特征进行后处理。最后,将共享沙漏特征连接到两个分离的1×1卷积层,生成landmark heatmaps 和 the parsing maps。

To effectively consolidate features across scales and preserve spatial information in different scales, the hourglass block uses a skip connection mechanism between symmetrical layers. An1×1 convolution layer follows to post-process the obtained features. Finally, the shared hourglass feature is connected to two separate 1×1 convolution layers to generate the landmark heatmaps and the parsing maps.

Fine SR Encoder:


we utilize the residual blocks for feature extraction. Considering the computation cost, the size of our prior features is down-sampled to 64×64. To make the feature size consistent, the fine SR encoder starts with a 3×3 convolutional layer of stride 2 to down-sample the feature map to 64×64. Then the ResNet structure is utilized to extract image features.

Fine SR Decoder:


The fine SR decoder jointly uses the features and priors to recover the final fine HR image. First, the prior featurepand image featurefare concatenated as the input of the decoder. Then a 3×3 convolutional layer reduces the number of feature maps to 64. A 4×4 deconvolutional layer is utilized to up-sample the feature map to size 128×128. Then 3 residual blocks are used to decode the features. Finally, a 3×3 convolutional layer is used to recover the fine HR image.



The key idea is to use a discriminative network to distinguish the super-resolved images and the real high-resolution images, and to train the SR network to deceive the discriminator.







4. Prior Knowledge for Face Super-Resolution、



(2) 不同的面部先验知识能带来多大的改善?

把先验信息估计网络移除以后,构建了一个 Baseline 网络。基于 Baseline 网络,引入 ground truth 人脸先验信息(landmark heatmap 和解析图)到拼接层,得到一个新的网络。


  1. 解析图比 landmark heatmap 含有更多人脸图像超分辨的信息,带来的提升更大;
  2. 全局的解析图比局部的解析图更有用;
  3. landmark 数量增加所带来的提升很小

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