1. The image's width and height are altered. Even if this is only by one pixel, it can make a big difference at small pixel sizes.


2. Many papersare devoted to this area. Beyond certain distance, a target looks like a point source. it occupies only one pixel in the image obtained by the detector and has not any shape characteristics.


3. Groups of 278- by 8-pixel compressed blocks are gathered into macroblocks for recording. VAUX data includes recording date and time, lens aperture, shutter speed, color balance, and other camera setting data.


4. Based on the theory of splitting block in DCT domain, the method realizes the same effect in DCT domain as in pixel domain. It extracts dominant colors of image and construct MPEG7 descriptor. New method can determine thresholds automatically, not determined by experience.


5. In computer graphics a buffer that stores the contents of an image pixel by pixel.


6. pixel by pixel.在线翻译

6. At last, obtain ultimate image by synthesizing every pixel`s contributions.


7. The research above indicates that many kinds of foreign materials could be effectively identified from tobacco by using the following three features—the hue of pixel, the first order central distance of gray scale in discrimination unit.


8. Yes, I know, it had all kinds of off-by-one bugs, but I knew all the off-by-one bugs and compensated by always dragging the selection one pixel to the right of where I thought it should be.

我知道,这软件到处都是算错边界的bug,但是我知道所有的这些bug -我每次都把选中的那部分图片向右移一个像素来补偿一下,这样就可以消除这个bug了。

9. Each piece of trash functions as a picture element on the screen or a pixel to render an image of what's seen by a video camera that's mounted and hidden in the center of the object.


10. By the data in the images from the two frequency grating projector, the absolute phase at each pixel is then unwrapped by comparing the two wrapped phases and it is suit for the great craggedness of the measurement object.


11. The model viviCam 6385u - 6mega-pixel, 3- by multiple optical zoom.

该模型viviCam 6385u -6万像素,3 -由多个光学变焦。

12. There is no active components on each pixel, the grid matrix activates the driving signal directly by scanning the cross part of electrode and data electrode to the according pixel or dot.


13. Then the series of images can be connected into a whole one by using the technique of image mapping. The real size of the flaw feature values can be calculated by scaling the pixel on the spot.


14. In diffuse areas where every pixel has a different color than its neighbors, variations by hidden bits are hard to detect, but most pictures also contain areas with smooth colors.


15. The pixel area ratio of yolk to the whole egg, the ratio of air room height to major axis length were selected as characteristic parameters, and the correlations between the two parameters and freshness were developed, and test results show that the correct rates to distinguish freshness are 91% and 93%, respectively by the correlations.


16. Machine vision system is machine vision products (that is, image uptaking device, CMOS and CCD image of two) by multi-fingered to, and then set the image transmitted to the unit through digital processing, distribution and according to the pixel brightness, color, and so on, for size, shape, color, and so discnmination.


17. pixel by pixel.

17. This novelmethod learns a distribution for local pixel energy of the tone. With the constraint of the gradient variation on theHDR image, an energy distribution is set up based on the similarity between the gradient variation on the HDR andthe LDR image. The probabilistic framework for the tone mapping operation is formulated into an energyminimization process by a Maximum A posteriori deduction.

分别对局部像素的色调能量分布与HDR/LDR间梯度变化约束建立概率统计模型,通过求解最大后验概率(maximum a posteriori,简称MAP)将整个色调映射过程转化为一个能量最小化问题。

18. pixel by pixel.

18. The other pixels than the target pixel are supplied with an excessive current and hence, the individual gradation levels of the pixels are lowered by correcting the image signal for driving the pixel with the deteriorated light emitting element on as-needed basis, the correction of the image signal made by comparing the accumulation of the sensed values of each of the other pixels with a previously stored data on a time-varying luminance characteristic of the light emitting element.


19. The positions determined for brighter objects will generally not vary by more than a small fraction of a pixel from one image to the next, but you may want to set a larger value to accept more variation for fainter sources.


20. In this example just choose the default PSP Normal Quality which is a 480 by 272 pixel mp4 format file.

在这个例子中只选择默认的PSP正常的质量,这是480 ,由272像素的MP4格式文件。

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