1. 惯例;常规;例行公事

A routine is the usual series of things that you do at a particular time. A routine is also the practice of regularly doing things in a fixed order.

e.g.The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle...


e.g.They include the floor exercises as a regular part of their fitness routine...


2. 例行的;常规的;惯常的

You use routine to describe activities that are done as a normal part of a job or process.


e.g....a series of routine medical tests...


e.g.The operator has to be able to carry out routine maintenance of the machine.


3. 普通的;平常的;一般的;乏味的

A routine situation, action, or event is one which seems completely ordinary, rather than interesting, exciting, or different.

e.g.So many days are routine and uninteresting, especially in winter.


e.g....this routine thriller about a CIA man and a KGB operative.


4. 一成不变;平淡乏味

You use routine to refer to a way of life that is uninteresting and ordinary, or hardly ever changes.

e.g....the mundane routine of her life...


e.g.Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.


5. 例行程序

A routine is a computer program, or part of a program, that performs a specific function.

e.g.... an installation routine.


6. (演出中的)一组笑话(或谈话等),一套动作

A routine is a short sequence of jokes, remarks, actions, or movements that forms part of a longer performance.

e.g.... like a Marx Brothers routine.


e.g....an athletic dance routine.


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