
There are a few things to consider when buying your first projector. Price range and the space you have are important, but you should also consider lamp technology. This will affect both the price and image quality of the projector.

购买第一台投影机时,需要考虑一些事项。 价格范围和拥有的空间很重要,但是您还应该考虑灯泡技术。 这将同时影响投影机的价格和图像质量。

Most of the projectors you see on the market will be lamp projectors. The lamps typically last thousands of hours, meaning you can get years of use before you need to purchase a new lamp. And since you can replace the lamp yourself, you can get even more time out of your projector by spending less than $100 on a new lamp.

您在市场上看到的大多数投影仪都是灯泡投影仪。 这些灯通常会持续数千小时,这意味着您可以在购买新灯之前使用数年。 而且,由于您可以自己更换灯泡,因此花费不到100美元购买新灯泡,就可以腾出更多的时间在投影机上。

Laser projectors are a bit of a different beast. They’re more expensive, but they get brighter and last much longer: typically over 20,000 hours. That means if you use one for four hours each day, your projector’s laser will last over 13 years.

激光投影仪有点不同。 它们更昂贵,但是它们变得更亮并且使用寿命更长:通常超过20,000小时。 这意味着,如果您每天使用一个,持续四个小时,则投影机的激光将持续13年以上。

投影灯如何工作? (How Do Lamp Projectors Work?)

Lamp projectors are by far the most common you’ll see when you research for your home theater. At this point, they’re an established technology, and cheap enough to manufacture that they’ve just become the default.

到目前为止,投影灯是您在研究家庭影院时最常见的投影仪。 在这一点上,它们是一种成熟的技术,而且价格便宜,足以制造它们,它们已经成为默认设置。

The lamps inside a projector work the same way other light sources do: an electrical signal passes through semiconducting materials. This signal activates electrons in the semiconducting materials to produce photons, which are particles of light visible to the human eye.

投影仪内的灯的工作 方式与其他光源相同 :电信号通过半导体材料。 该信号激活半导体材料中的电子以产生光子,光子是人眼可见的光粒子。

When it comes to projectors, TVs, and other displays, there are red, blue, and green pixels inside the display. These combine into all the colors you see onscreen. Inside the projectors, you’ll see one of two things. Projectors with a Digital Light Processing (DLP) chip will reflect the light off an array of tiny mirrors, while those with Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) layers pass the light through these LCD layers the same way a TV does.

对于投影仪,电视和其他显示器,显示器内部有红色,蓝色和绿色像素。 这些组合成您在屏幕上看到的所有颜色。 在投影仪内部,您将看到两件事之一。 具有数字光处理(DLP)芯片的投影仪将从一面微小的反射镜反射光,而具有液晶显示器(LCD)层的投影仪则将光像电视机一样通过这些LCD层。

投影灯的优点和缺点是什么? (What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Lamp Projectors?)

As mentioned above, lamp projectors have been around for a while. LEDs are now cheap enough to be used in projectors that are about $100, and in specialty projectors like night lights that are even cheaper. The lamp in most home theater projectors is replaceable, and they typically last for a few thousand hours of playback. I have a ViewSonic PX800HD, which has a rated lamp life of 3000 hours in normal mode. If you use the projector for four hours a day, the bulb will last 750 days—or just over two years. And at the end of those two years, I’ll be able to get a replacement bulb to make the projector last even longer.

如上所述,投影灯已经存在了一段时间。 现在,LED的价格已经足够便宜,可以用在约100美元的投影仪中,也可以用在更便宜的夜灯等专用投影仪中。 大多数家庭影院投影机中的灯泡都是可更换的,它们通常可以持续播放数千小时。 我有一台ViewSonic PX800HD,在正常模式下其额定灯泡寿命为3000小时。 如果您每天使用投影机四个小时,则灯泡将持续750天(或仅仅两年)。 在这两年结束时,我将能够获得替换灯泡 ,使投影机的使用寿命更长。

The only real disadvantage with lamp projectors is they take a few minutes to warm up to their full brightness. This isn’t a big deal: when you’re at home, just wait a little bit longer to start your movie night. If you’re using the projector in a venue, turn it on five-ten minutes before you want to use it.

投影仪的唯一真正缺点是它们需要花费几分钟的时间才能预热到其全部亮度。 这没什么大不了的:当您在家时,只需稍等片刻即可开始您的电影之夜。 如果在场所使用投影机,则在使用前五分钟将其打开。

激光投影仪如何工作? (How Do Laser Projectors Work?)

Laser projectors are relatively new. The first models shipped in 2008 and were super expensive:  even into 2014, the Epson LS10000 retailed for about $8,000.  Laser projectors are just now getting down to reasonable prices for most consumers, with the Xiaomi Mi Laser Projector retailing for $2,000. The lasers inside projectors work the same way as lasers in any other application: an electrical current excites electrons inside atoms of specific gasses, glasses, or crystal. The excited electrons then move from low-orbit to high-orbit around the atom’s nucleus. Once the electrons move back down to their normal state, they give off light photons that our eyes can see.

激光投影仪相对较新。 首批机型于2008年上市 ,价格非常昂贵:即使到2014年, 爱普生LS10000的零售价也仅为8,000美元左右。 对于大多数消费者来说,激光投影仪现在才降到合理的价格, 小米Mi激光投影仪的零售价为2,000美元。 投影仪内部的激光器的工作方式与任何其他应用程序中的激光器相同:电流会激发特定气体,玻璃或晶体的原子内部的电子。 被激发的电子然后围绕原子核从低轨道移动到高轨道。 一旦电子移回正常状态,它们就会发出我们的眼睛可以看到的光子。

Just like with lamp projectors, the Laser lights pass through a set of mirrors and DLP chips until they get to the final projection lens. This lens is what determines how much space you need between the projector and its screen, and how expensive the final projector will be.

就像投影机一样,激光束穿过一组镜子和DLP芯片,直到到达最终的投影镜头。 该镜头决定 了投影仪与其屏幕之间需要多少空间 ,以及最终投影仪的价格。

激光投影仪的优缺点是什么? (What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Projectors?)

The main advantage of laser projectors is they last much, much longer than lamp projectors. The Xiaomi Mi Laser Projector has a rated life of 25,000 hours. If you use the projector for four hours a day, you’ll be able to use it for more than 17 years before needing to buy another projector.

激光投影仪的主要优点是使用寿命比灯泡投影仪长很多。 小米Mi激光投影仪的额定寿命为25,000小时。 如果您每天使用投影机四个小时,那么在购买另一台投影机之前,可以使用超过17年。

You will need to replace the entire projector, though: you can’t just replace the laser inside like you can a lamp. That’s probably not a huge deal since there will surely be other technological improvements over the years that you own the projector, making a new upgrade well worth it.

但是,您将需要更换整个投影机:您不能像灯泡一样只更换内部的激光器。 这可能不是什么大问题,因为您拥有投影机的这些年肯定会进行其他技术改进,因此值得进行新的升级。

Lasers are more expensive to produce than lamps, though they have gotten a bit cheaper: that Xiaomi projector comes in at $2,000, just a few hundred more than comparable ultra-short throw projectors using lamps.


The last advantage of laser projectors is they turn on to full brightness as soon as you press the power button since they don’t need to warm up for a few minutes like lamp projectors do. Whether you use the projector at home or on the road, that’ll definitely be nice to have.

激光投影仪的最后一个优点是,一旦按下电源按钮,它们便会立即打开全亮度,因为它们不需要像投影仪那样预热几分钟。 无论您是在家中还是在道路上使用投影机,都一定会很高兴。

哪个最适合您? (Which Is Best For You?)

Neither of these is a bad choice per se, but if you have the extra room in your budget, you’ll likely be happier with a laser projector. The much longer life means your money goes farther, and not needing to wait for the projector to warm up is nice.

这些都不是一个错误的选择,但是如果您在预算中有多余的空间,那么使用激光投影仪可能会更快乐。 更长的寿命意味着您的钱可以花得更多,无需等待投影机预热就很好了。

But, there’s also nothing wrong with saving the money now and getting a lamp projector. By the time your first bulb wears out, laser projectors will likely be less expensive than they are right now.

但是,现在省钱并购买投影机也没有错。 等到您的第一个灯泡用完时,激光投影仪的价格可能会比现在便宜。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/402227/how-do-laser-and-led-projectors-work-and-which-is-right-for-you/



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