Problem Description

The sequence of n − 1 consecutive composite numbers (positive integers that are not prime and not equal to 1) lying between two successive prime numbers p and p + n is called a prime gap of length n. For example, ‹24, 25, 26, 27, 28› between 23 and 29 is a prime gap of length 6.
Your mission is to write a program to calculate, for a given positive integer k, the length of the prime gap that contains k. For convenience, the length is considered 0 in case no prime gap contains k.


The input is a sequence of lines each of which contains a single positive integer. Each positive integer is greater than 1 and less than or equal to the 100000th prime number, which is 1299709. The end of the input is indicated by a line containing a single zero.


The output should be composed of lines each of which contains a single non-negative integer. It is the length of the prime gap that contains the corresponding positive integer in the input if it is a composite number, or 0 otherwise. No other characters should occur in the output.

Sample Input


Sample Output


题意:两个素数 a、b 之间的区间 (a,b] 称谓非素数区间,给出一个数 n,求 n 所在的非素数区间长度。

思路:先打表求素数,若 n 为素数,则长度为0,若 n 为合数,找出相邻两素数,长度为两素数差

Source Program

#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define PI acos(-1.0)
#define N 5000005
#define MOD 1e9+7
#define E 1e-6
#define LL long long
using namespace std;
LL prime[N],cnt;
bool bprime[N];
void make_prime()
{memset(bprime,true,sizeof(bprime));bprime[0]=false;bprime[1]=false;for(LL i=2;i<=N;i++){if(bprime[i]){prime[cnt++]=i;for(LL j=i*i;j<=N;j+=i)bprime[j]=false;}}
int main()
{make_prime();LL n;while(scanf("%lld",&n)!=EOF&&n){if(bprime[n])printf("0\n");else{for(LL i=0;i<cnt;i++)if(prime[i]<n&&prime[i+1]>n)printf("%lld\n",prime[i+1]-prime[i]);}}return 0;

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