



struct Pair {char *key;char *value;
};struct Bucket {unsigned int count;Pair *pairs;
};struct StrMap {unsigned int count;Bucket *buckets;

本小节主要是学习一下国外大牛是如何实现哈希表的。完整的代码,请看: 这里 ,一位圣安德鲁斯大学的讲师: KRISTENSSON 博客


#ifndef _STRMAP_H_
#define _STRMAP_H_#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>typedef struct StrMap StrMap;/** This callback function is called once per key-value when iterating over* all keys associated to values.** Parameters:** key: A pointer to a null-terminated C string. The string must not* be modified by the client.** value: A pointer to a null-terminated C string. The string must* not be modified by the client.** obj: A pointer to a client-specific object. This parameter may be* null.** Return value: None.*/
typedef void(*sm_enum_func)(const char *key, const char *value, const void *obj);/** Creates a string map.** Parameters:** capacity: The number of top-level slots this string map* should allocate. This parameter must be > 0.** Return value: A pointer to a string map object, * or null if a new string map could not be allocated.*/
StrMap * sm_new(unsigned int capacity);/** Releases all memory held by a string map object.** Parameters:** map: A pointer to a string map. This parameter cannot be null.* If the supplied string map has been previously released, the* behaviour of this function is undefined.** Return value: None.*/
void sm_delete(StrMap *map);/** Returns the value associated with the supplied key.** Parameters:** map: A pointer to a string map. This parameter cannot be null.** key: A pointer to a null-terminated C string. This parameter cannot* be null.** out_buf: A pointer to an output buffer which will contain the value,* if it exists and fits into the buffer.** n_out_buf: The size of the output buffer in bytes.** Return value: If out_buf is set to null and n_out_buf is set to 0 the return* value will be the number of bytes required to store the value (if it exists)* and its null-terminator. For all other parameter configurations the return value* is 1 if an associated value was found and completely copied into the output buffer,* 0 otherwise.*/
int sm_get(const StrMap *map, const char *key, char *out_buf, unsigned int n_out_buf);/** Queries the existence of a key.** Parameters:** map: A pointer to a string map. This parameter cannot be null.** key: A pointer to a null-terminated C string. This parameter cannot* be null.** Return value: 1 if the key exists, 0 otherwise.*/
int sm_exists(const StrMap *map, const char *key);/** Associates a value with the supplied key. If the key is already* associated with a value, the previous value is replaced.** Parameters:** map: A pointer to a string map. This parameter cannot be null.** key: A pointer to a null-terminated C string. This parameter* cannot be null. The string must have a string length > 0. The* string will be copied.** value: A pointer to a null-terminated C string. This parameter* cannot be null. The string must have a string length > 0. The* string will be copied.** Return value: 1 if the association succeeded, 0 otherwise.*/
int sm_put(StrMap *map, const char *key, const char *value);/** Returns the number of associations between keys and values.** Parameters:** map: A pointer to a string map. This parameter cannot be null.** Return value: The number of associations between keys and values.*/
int sm_get_count(const StrMap *map);/** An enumerator over all associations between keys and values.** Parameters:** map: A pointer to a string map. This parameter cannot be null.** enum_func: A pointer to a callback function that will be* called by this procedure once for every key associated* with a value. This parameter cannot be null.** obj: A pointer to a client-specific object. This parameter will be* passed back to the client's callback function. This parameter can* be null.** Return value: 1 if enumeration completed, 0 otherwise.*/
int sm_enum(const StrMap *map, sm_enum_func enum_func, const void *obj);#ifdef __cplusplus


#include "strmap.h"typedef struct Pair Pair;typedef struct Bucket Bucket;struct Pair {char *key;char *value;
};struct Bucket {unsigned int count;Pair *pairs;
};struct StrMap {unsigned int count;Bucket *buckets;
};static Pair * get_pair(Bucket *bucket, const char *key);
static unsigned long hash(const char *str);StrMap * sm_new(unsigned int capacity)
{StrMap *map;map = malloc(sizeof(StrMap));if (map == NULL) {return NULL;}map->count = capacity;map->buckets = malloc(map->count * sizeof(Bucket));if (map->buckets == NULL) {free(map);return NULL;}memset(map->buckets, 0, map->count * sizeof(Bucket));return map;
}void sm_delete(StrMap *map)
{unsigned int i, j, n, m;Bucket *bucket;Pair *pair;if (map == NULL) {return;}n = map->count;bucket = map->buckets;i = 0;while (i < n) {m = bucket->count;pair = bucket->pairs;j = 0;while(j < m) {free(pair->key);free(pair->value);pair++;j++;}free(bucket->pairs);bucket++;i++;}free(map->buckets);free(map);
}int sm_get(const StrMap *map, const char *key, char *out_buf, unsigned int n_out_buf)
{unsigned int index;Bucket *bucket;Pair *pair;if (map == NULL) {return 0;}if (key == NULL) {return 0;}index = hash(key) % map->count;bucket = &(map->buckets[index]);pair = get_pair(bucket, key);if (pair == NULL) {return 0;}if (out_buf == NULL && n_out_buf == 0) {return strlen(pair->value) + 1;}if (out_buf == NULL) {return 0;}if (strlen(pair->value) >= n_out_buf) {return 0;}strcpy(out_buf, pair->value);return 1;
}int sm_exists(const StrMap *map, const char *key)
{unsigned int index;Bucket *bucket;Pair *pair;if (map == NULL) {return 0;}if (key == NULL) {return 0;}index = hash(key) % map->count;bucket = &(map->buckets[index]);pair = get_pair(bucket, key);if (pair == NULL) {return 0;}return 1;
}int sm_put(StrMap *map, const char *key, const char *value)
{unsigned int key_len, value_len, index;Bucket *bucket;Pair *tmp_pairs, *pair;char *tmp_value;char *new_key, *new_value;if (map == NULL) {return 0;}if (key == NULL || value == NULL) {return 0;}key_len = strlen(key);value_len = strlen(value);/* Get a pointer to the bucket the key string hashes to */index = hash(key) % map->count;bucket = &(map->buckets[index]);/* Check if we can handle insertion by simply replacing* an existing value in a key-value pair in the bucket.*/if ((pair = get_pair(bucket, key)) != NULL) {/* The bucket contains a pair that matches the provided key,* change the value for that pair to the new value.*/if (strlen(pair->value) < value_len) {/* If the new value is larger than the old value, re-allocate* space for the new larger value.*/tmp_value = realloc(pair->value, (value_len + 1) * sizeof(char));if (tmp_value == NULL) {return 0;}pair->value = tmp_value;}/* Copy the new value into the pair that matches the key */strcpy(pair->value, value);return 1;}/* Allocate space for a new key and value */new_key = malloc((key_len + 1) * sizeof(char));if (new_key == NULL) {return 0;}new_value = malloc((value_len + 1) * sizeof(char));if (new_value == NULL) {free(new_key);return 0;}/* Create a key-value pair */if (bucket->count == 0) {/* The bucket is empty, lazily allocate space for a single* key-value pair.*/bucket->pairs = malloc(sizeof(Pair));if (bucket->pairs == NULL) {free(new_key);free(new_value);return 0;}bucket->count = 1;}else {/* The bucket wasn't empty but no pair existed that matches the provided* key, so create a new key-value pair.*/tmp_pairs = realloc(bucket->pairs, (bucket->count + 1) * sizeof(Pair));if (tmp_pairs == NULL) {free(new_key);free(new_value);return 0;}bucket->pairs = tmp_pairs;bucket->count++;}/* Get the last pair in the chain for the bucket */pair = &(bucket->pairs[bucket->count - 1]);pair->key = new_key;pair->value = new_value;/* Copy the key and its value into the key-value pair */strcpy(pair->key, key);strcpy(pair->value, value);return 1;
}int sm_get_count(const StrMap *map)
{unsigned int i, j, n, m;unsigned int count;Bucket *bucket;Pair *pair;if (map == NULL) {return 0;}bucket = map->buckets;n = map->count;i = 0;count = 0;while (i < n) {pair = bucket->pairs;m = bucket->count;j = 0;while (j < m) {count++;pair++;j++;}bucket++;i++;}return count;
}int sm_enum(const StrMap *map, sm_enum_func enum_func, const void *obj)
{unsigned int i, j, n, m;Bucket *bucket;Pair *pair;if (map == NULL) {return 0;}if (enum_func == NULL) {return 0;}bucket = map->buckets;n = map->count;i = 0;while (i < n) {pair = bucket->pairs;m = bucket->count;j = 0;while (j < m) {enum_func(pair->key, pair->value, obj);pair++;j++;}bucket++;i++;}return 1;
}/** Returns a pair from the bucket that matches the provided key,* or null if no such pair exist.*/
static Pair * get_pair(Bucket *bucket, const char *key)
{unsigned int i, n;Pair *pair;n = bucket->count;if (n == 0) {return NULL;}pair = bucket->pairs;i = 0;while (i < n) {if (pair->key != NULL && pair->value != NULL) {if (strcmp(pair->key, key) == 0) {return pair;}}pair++;i++;}return NULL;
}/** Returns a hash code for the provided string.*/
static unsigned long hash(const char *str)
{unsigned long hash = 5381;int c;while (c = *str++) {hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;}return hash;





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