
  • Word Preparation
    • this way, ...:这样
    • pick someone up:(开车)接某人
    • pay for the ride:付车费
    • Do you know how I might get a taxi ...? 你知道我怎样能打着车吗?
    • All you have to do is download this taxi app. 你只需要下载这个打车的应用软件。
    • With this app, you can even ...:有了这个应用软件,你甚至可以...
  • Grammar
    • Finding other ways to book a taxi 用不同方式叫车

Word Preparation

this way, …:这样

Please enter your username into this box. This way, you can write comments for the passage you are reading.

Please write down your name and phone number. This way, you can get a discount for some of our products.

pick someone up:(开车)接某人

Will you go and pick your sister up at the airport?

Please come to my office and pick me up before 6 o’clock.

pay for the ride:付车费

How would you like to pay for the ride, in cash or on you phone?

It’s your turn to pay for the ride since I paid for the last several times.

Do you know how I might get a taxi …? 你知道我怎样能打着车吗?

Do you know how I might get a taxi from here to the airport?

Do you know how I might get a taxi home after 11 o’clock from here?

All you have to do is download this taxi app. 你只需要下载这个打车的应用软件。

All you have to do is download this taxi app, and then you can book a taxi at any time.

It’s not complicated at all. All you have to do is download this taxi app.

With this app, you can even …:有了这个应用软件,你甚至可以…

With this app, you can even get constant updates on the weather.

With this app, you can even make an international call for free.


Finding other ways to book a taxi 用不同方式叫车

除了Do you know how I might get a taxi …?,还可以说:

  • Is there a way for me to …?
  • What are some other ways that I can …?
  • How should I … if I can’t …?
  • What are other ways to …, except …?
  • Is there a way for me to book a taxi in advance?
  • What are some other ways that I can order a taxi from here?
  • How should I book a taxi 5 hours in advance if I can’t use this app?
  • What are other ways to book a taxi, except calling the taxi company?

【英语学习】【Daily English】U12 E-World L02 All you have to do is download this taxi app相关推荐

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