

  • 常见词根与词缀


词根/词缀 含义 示例 词源
nephr(o)- kidney 肾 nephritis 肾炎
nephrotoxin 肾毒素
from Greek nephros ‘kidney’
epitheli(o)- epithelium 上皮 epithelioma 上皮瘤
epitheliomuscular 上皮肌的
mid 18th century: modern Latin, from epi- ‘above’ + Greek thēlē ‘teat 乳头,小突’.
pyel(o) renal pelvis 肾盂 pyelonephritis 肾盂肾炎
pyelopathy 肾盂病
from Greek puelos ‘trough, basin’
glomerul(o)- glomerulus [ɡləˈmeryələs] 肾小球 glomerulitis 肾小球炎
glomerulosclerosis 肾小球硬化症
mid 19th century: modern Latin, diminutive of Latin glomus, glomer- ‘ball of thread’.
erythr(o)- red 红 erythrocyte 红细胞
erythrotoxin 红细胞毒素
from Greek eruthros ‘red’
end(o)- inside 内 endocyte 细胞内含物
endocellular 细胞内的
endocrine 内分泌
from Greek endon ‘within’.
para- beside 旁
second 副
abnormal 异常
paranephric 肾旁的

parathyroid 甲状旁腺
parahemoglobin 变性血红蛋白

from Greek para ‘beside’;
peri- around, about 周边,周围 perinephric 肾周炎
periurethral 尿道周的
from Greek peri ‘about, around’
-itis inflammation 发炎 neuritis 神经炎
epithelitis 上皮炎
from Greek feminine form of adjectives ending in -itēs (combined with nosos ‘disease’ implied).
-oma tumor 肿瘤 nephroma 肾瘤
neuroma 神经瘤
carcinoma 癌
use as “morbid growth, tumor,” based on sarcoma, carcinoma
-ology study of …学 hemocytology 血细胞学
nephrology 肾病学
word-forming element indicating “branch of knowledge, science”
-cyte cell 细胞 pericyte 周皮细胞
neurocyte 神经细胞
word-forming element used in modern science to mean “of a cell,” from Latinized form of Greek kytos “a hollow, receptacle, basket”
-uria disease about urine 尿症 erythrouria 红尿症
proteinuria 蛋白尿
modern Latin, from Greek -ouria, from ouron ‘urine’.
-toxin toxin 毒素 hemotoxin 溶血毒素
endotoxin 内毒素
late 19th century: from toxic (“poisonous”) + -in

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