
在看 idarling 源码中,经常出现如下代码:

import sys

import ida_funcs

import ida_kernwin

from PyQt5.QtCore import ( # noqa: I202






from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QStyledItemDelegate, QWidget

import sip

from .widget import StatusWidget

if sys.version_info > (3,):

long = int

class Painter(QObject):

class ProxyItemDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):

def __init__(self, delegate, model, parent=None):

super(Painter.ProxyItemDelegate, self).__init__(parent)

self._delegate = delegate

self._model = model

def paint(self, painter, option, index):

index = self._model.index(index.row(), index.column())

self._delegate.paint(painter, option, index)

class ProxyItemModel(QAbstractItemModel):

def __init__(self, model, plugin, parent=None):

super(Painter.ProxyItemModel, self).__init__(parent)

self._model = model

self._plugin = plugin

def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()):

return self.createIndex(row, column)

def parent(self, index):

index = self._model.index(index.row(), index.column())

return self._model.parent(index)

def rowCount(self): # noqa: N802

return self._model.rowCount()

def columnCount(self): # noqa: N802

return self._model.columnCount()

def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):

# Check if disabled by the user

cursors = self._plugin.config["cursors"]

if role == Qt.BackgroundRole and cursors["funcs"]:

func_ea = int(index.sibling(index.row(), 2).data(), 16)

func = ida_funcs.get_func(func_ea)

for user in self._plugin.core.get_users().values():

if ida_funcs.func_contains(func, user["ea"]):

r, g, b = StatusWidget.ida_to_python(user["color"])

return QColor(StatusWidget.python_to_qt(r, g, b))

index = self._model.index(index.row(), index.column())

return self._model.data(index, role)

def __init__(self, plugin):

super(Painter, self).__init__()

self._plugin = plugin

self._ida_nav_colorizer = None

self._nbytes = 0

def nav_colorizer(self, ea, nbytes):

"""This is the custom nav colorizer used by the painter."""

self._nbytes = nbytes

# There is a bug in IDA: with a huge number of segments, all the navbar

# is colored with the user color. This will be resolved in IDA 7.2.

cursors = self._plugin.config["cursors"]

if cursors["navbar"]:

for user in self._plugin.core.get_users().values():

# Cursor color

if ea - nbytes * 2 <= user["ea"] <= ea + nbytes * 2:

return long(user["color"])

# Cursor borders

if ea - nbytes * 4 <= user["ea"] <= ea + nbytes * 4:

return long(0)

orig = ida_kernwin.call_nav_colorizer(

self._ida_nav_colorizer, ea, nbytes


return long(orig)

def ready_to_run(self):

# The default nav colorized can only be recovered once!

ida_nav_colorizer = ida_kernwin.set_nav_colorizer(self.nav_colorizer)

if ida_nav_colorizer is not None:

self._ida_nav_colorizer = ida_nav_colorizer


def get_ea_hint(self, ea):

cursors = self._plugin.config["cursors"]

if not cursors["navbar"]:

return None

for name, user in self._plugin.core.get_users().items():

start_ea = user["ea"] - self._nbytes * 4

end_ea = user["ea"] + self._nbytes * 4

# Check if the navbar range contains the user's address

if start_ea <= ea <= end_ea:

return str(name)

def get_bg_color(self, ea):

# Check if disabled by the user

cursors = self._plugin.config["cursors"]

if not cursors["disasm"]:

return None

for user in self._plugin.core.get_users().values():

if ea == user["ea"]:

return user["color"]

return None

def widget_visible(self, twidget):

widget = sip.wrapinstance(long(twidget), QWidget)

if widget.windowTitle() != "Functions window":


table = widget.layout().itemAt(0).widget()

# Replace the table's item delegate

model = Painter.ProxyItemModel(table.model(), self._plugin, self)

old_deleg = table.itemDelegate()

new_deleg = Painter.ProxyItemDelegate(old_deleg, model, self)


def refresh(self):




能够看到 类中 又定义了 类 ,这种情况我们称之为嵌套类 。给一个简单 demo 来认识嵌套类 。

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, sys

class parent:

def __init__(self):

self.name = 'parent'

def getName(self):

print self.name

class child:

def __init__(self):

self.name = 'child'

def getName(self):

print self.name

if __name__ == '__main__':

child = parent.child()


zhangji16@zhangji16vm:/tmp$ python tmp2.py


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