Create an offline installation of Visual Studio 2017 RC


In this article

  • Create a layout
  • Install from a layout
  • Update an installation layout
  • Troubleshoot an installation layout
  • See Also

Create a layout

If you want to install Visual Studio 2017 RC on another machine that doesn't have internet access, you can do so by first creating an offline installation layout that contains all the Visual Studio files and components you need.

You can then install Visual Studio to the target machine by using the offline installation layout that you created.


Currently, the Android SDK does not support an offline installation experience. If you install Android SDK Setup items on a computer that is not connected to the internet, the installation might fail. For more information about this, go to the Troubleshoot an offline installation section in this topic.

To create an offline installation layout of Visual Studio

  1. Download the Visual Studio setup executable file to a drive on your local machine. For example, download the vs_enterprise.exe file.

  1. Run vs_enterprise.exe with the following arguments (switches) from a command prompt:

    a. Add --layout <path>, where <path> is the location where you want the layout to download to. Note that relative paths (e.g. ..\vs2017) are not supported at present. By default, all languages are downloaded. (See Example A.)


    Currently, an offline installation of Visual Studio 2017 RC will silently fail to install if the layout location is a root directory (for example, D:\). This is very common when an offline installation layout is created at the root of an ISO image. To work around this issue, please use a directory for the layout location. For example, use D:\VS2017.

    b. Restrict the download to a subset of the available languages by providing the --lang <language> argument, where <language> is one or more of the ISO country codes.  (See Example B and Example C.)


Example A: Install all languages

vs_enterprise.exe --layout C:\vs2017

Example B: Install one language

vs_enterprise.exe --layout C:\vs2017 --lang en-US

Example C: Install multiple languages

vs_enterprise.exe --layout C:\vs2017 --lang en-US de-DE ja-JP

Country codes

ISO Code Language
cs-CZ Czech
de-DE German
en-US English
es-ES Spanish
fr-FR French
it-IT Italian
ja-JP Japanese
ko-KR Korean
pl-PL Polish
pt-BR Portuguese - Brazil
ru-RU Russian
tr-TR Turkish
zh-CN Chinese - Simplified
zh-TW Chinese - Traditional

Install from a layout

To install Visual Studio from an offline installation layout

  1. On the target machine, navigate to the Certificates folder, which is in the Layout folder.
  2. Right-click and install each certificate in the Certificates folder.

    (If you are prompted for a password after you install a certificate, click Continue.)

  3. Run vs_enterprise.exe from the Layout folder.

The offline installation layout currently creates some files with restricted permissions (ACLs) that prevent access by all users.  Make sure that you adjust the permissions (ACLs) so that they grant Read access to other users  before  you share the offline install.

Update an installation layout

As updates become available for Visual Studio 2017 RC, you can run the --layout command again, pointing to the same layout folder, to ensure that the folder contains the latest components. Only those components that have been updated since the last time --layout was run will be downloaded.

Troubleshoot an installation layout

When you install offline from your offline install cache, you might see warning messages about not being able to install some components and packages. The following table includes possible solutions for these scenarios.

Component or Package Solution
Android SDK Setup (API Level) You must have an internet connection to install Android SDK (API Level) packages. If you are on a restricted network, you must allow access to the following URLs when you install Visual Studio:
- -   -*
For more information about how to resolve possible issues with proxy settings, see the Visual Studio install failures (Android SDK Setup) behind a Proxy blog post.

While Visual Studio 2017 RC in general is supported for use in a production environment, those workloads and components that are marked "Preview" in the installation UI are not supported for use in a production environment.

See Also

  • Install Visual Studio
  • Use command-line parameters to install Visual Studio
  • Report a problem with Visual Studio


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