• 拍照,监控等场景,由于玻璃的反射和折射,滤光膜等因素,图像质量大大降低,那么我们可以通过什么手段去除,降低这种影响,从而提升图像质量以获取更多场景本身的信息?


  • Single image reflection removal beyond linearity
  • 一些想法
  • Single Image Reflection Separation with Perceptual Losses
  • A Generic Deep Architecture for Single Image Reflection Removal and Image Smoothing
  • Single-image reflection removal: from computational imaging to deep learning
  • Benchmarking Evaluation Dataset for Reflection Removal Methods
  • Separating reflections from a single image using local features
  • Sparsity based reflection removal by using external patch search
  • Region-Aware Reflection Removal with Unified Content and Gradient Priors

Single image reflection removal beyond linearity


  • 摘要
  1. 数据仿真
  2. 网络结构,训练的设计

  • reflection removal formulation
    S=αT+(1−α)(K⊗R)S=\alpha T+(1-\alpha)(K\otimes R)S=αT+(1−α)(K⊗R)
    α∈(0.5,1)\alpha \in(0.5,1)α∈(0.5,1)
    S∈[0,1]m×n×3S\in[0,1]^{m\times n\times 3}S∈[0,1]m×n×3 reflection image 反射图像
    T∈[0,1]m×n×3T\in[0,1]^{m\times n\times 3}T∈[0,1]m×n×3 transmission layer 都不知道怎么翻译了,这里的layer就是指图像,只不过这里他作为反射图像的一层嵌入在其中
    R∈[0,1]m×n×3R\in[0,1]^{m\times n\times 3}R∈[0,1]m×n×3 reflection layer
    KKK 高斯模糊

  • 反射的分类
  1. focused reflection

When the object behind the glass and the reflected object are in the same focal plane, the reflection layer will be as sharp as the transmission layer in the reflection image. In this case, the kernel K is considered as a one-pulse kernel

  1. defocused reflection

In most reflection images, they are captured from a certain distance to the camera, and therefore the reflected objects are usually out of focus when the object behind the glass is in the focal plane. In this case, the reflection layer is blurry and smoother than the transmission layer. Most linear blending methods [29, 31, 2] model this type of reflection images by setting the kernel K as a Gaussian kernel to simulate the blurry reflection

  1. and ghosting reflection

For the two above types, we assume the thickness of the medium, such as a glass, is thin enough to regard it as single-surface. However, when the thickness is non-negligible, we should take the refraction into consideration, as it will cause the quadric reflection with shifting. To model this ghosting reflection, Shih et al. [18] set the kernel K as a two-pulse kernel which is called the ghosting kernel

  • SynNet
    预测一个alpha mask,由用户决定使用何种反射方式(K)
    S=W∘T+(1−α)∘(K⊗R)S=W\circ T+(1-\alpha)\circ(K\otimes R)S=W∘T+(1−α)∘(K⊗R)
    ∘\circ∘ element-wise
    KKK 由玻璃的厚度和光线和表面的角度决定
  • Architecture

    输入:原图 + K(反射图);
    卷积:3 x encoder + 9 x resBlocks + 3 x decoder (InstanceNorm+Relu)
    输出:3层alpha mask
  • Loss
  1. Adversarial Loss

  2. Smoothness Loss

We add a smoothness loss Lsmooth as an augmented loss to avoid the value mutation in the alpha blending mask, which will cause the unexpected color change in the synthetic image

  • RmNet
  1. predicting the reflection layer
  2. transmission layer
  3. alpha blend mask —side output
  • Architecture
  • Loss
  1. Pixel Loss
  2. Gradient Loss
  3. Reconstruction Loss

  • Training
    epoch 130
    batchsize 10
    optimizer Adam
    lr 0.0002

  • Dataset
    Zhang et al.[31] and SIR^2 datasets [24]

  • 对比方法
    CEILNet [2], Zhang et al.[31], and BDN[29]

  • 反射图像评价/评价仿真图像真实性
    inception score[16]

  • reflection removal 评价
  1. PSNR & SSIM
  2. User

  • Ablation


  • ImagePool
class ImagePool():"""Notes: 关于参数的解释option中这样写道 the size of image buffer that stores previously generated images没看懂,看下代码就知道了,他提供了一个image pool 图像池,最大可以容纳pool size 个图像,这里特别的只容纳mixAB,也只在更新D时使用,防止某一个batch过小或者某一次生成的结果不好影响梯度的反向传播。当self.images 里面存满了图像后,后面每次新生成的图像都有50%的概率替代图像池中某一个图像,所以若干次后,每次D 的反向传播都使用pool size 这么多个图像计算loss,这样做 1. 使得以前的loss又可以传播 2. 训练时利用了更多的信息 但是 3. 这样做就没有坏处吗"""def __init__(self, pool_size):self.pool_size = pool_sizeif self.pool_size > 0:self.num_imgs = 0self.images = []def query(self, images):if self.pool_size == 0:return Variable(images)return_images = []for image in images:  # 遍历每个batch中的数据1xhxwimage = torch.unsqueeze(image, 0)  # 现在变为1x1xhxw了if self.num_imgs < self.pool_size:  # 0self.num_imgs = self.num_imgs + 1 # 1self.images.append(image)  # hxw的数据加入列表return_images.append(image)  ##else:p = random.uniform(0, 1)if p > 0.5:random_id = random.randint(0, self.pool_size - 1)tmp = self.images[random_id].clone()self.images[random_id] = imagereturn_images.append(tmp)else:return_images.append(image)return_images = Variable(torch.cat(return_images, 0))return return_images


Single Image Reflection Separation with Perceptual Losses

zoom-to-learn的作者UCB的作者xueer zhang

  • Abstruction
  1. end-to-end with loss exploit low-level and high-level image infomation
  2. two perception loss: feature loss(perceptin network) + GANLoss of transmission layer
  3. pixel-level loss: noval exclusion loss in the gradient domain
  4. real-world dataset, reflection image with ground-truth transmission layer

文章竟然说到了这个 ,和我的想法差不多,看下他后面怎么说

Our trained model on reflection separation can be directly applied to two other image enhancement tasks, flare removal and dehazing

  1. CEILNet
  2. pix2pix
  • Architecture
    输入为1472 + 3
  • loss


  • Dataset
    5000个仿真数据+500真实数据(extract form 90 real-world)
    batch sie = 1
    random resize keeping the original aspect ratio
    Adam lr=10e-4 250epoch

  • Synthetic data
    pairs: one outdoor & one indoor
    他们随机选择一个作为T, R使用3-17的高斯核
    composition approach 和引文[5]相似,

  • but remove gamma correction from the images and operate in linear space to better approximate the physical formation of images

  • Instead of fixing the intensity decay on R, we apply variation to the intensity decay since we observe that reflection in real images could have comparable or higher intensity level than the transmission layer.

  • We apply slight vignette centered at random position in the reflection layer, which simulates the scenario when camera views the reflection from oblique angles


A Generic Deep Architecture for Single Image Reflection Removal and Image Smoothing

  • CEILNet

exploits edge information in addressing representative low-level vision tasks such as layer separation and image filtering

Single-image reflection removal: from computational imaging to deep learning

renjie wan, 一个南洋理工大学博士的论文,他在这个领域发了N篇文章,拜读一下

  • instruction

different from other layer separation problems (e.g., haze removal and rain streak removal) with significant difference between the layer to be recovered and the layer to be removed, the similarities between the properties of the background and reflections make it more difficult to simultaneously remove the reflections and restore the contents in the background.

开篇介绍了,rr和其他layer separation(dehaze, derain)问题的区别, transmission layer 和reflection layer 特征上更具与相似性,所以在移除反射layer的同时恢复transmission的内容更困难

1 分别预测 2 预测重叠部分 3 图1为主图和图2为主体?其实就是表示不同的分解方式。。。

  1. T,F梯度平滑约束
  2. ghosting effects
  3. so on

  • related work



  1. single image
  • 反射物理模型
  1. 模型一 focused

    上图 objects behind the glass and reflections are approximately in the same focal plane, k 退化为one-pulse kernel
  2. 模型二—defocused


kernel k depends on the point spread function of thecamera which is parameterized by a 2D Gaussian function denoted as h

  • 模型三— ghosting effect


light rays from the objects in front of the glass are partially reflected on the outside facet of the glass, and the remaining rays penetrate the glass and are reflected again from the inside facet of the glass

  • type-I: gradient sparsity prior


  • minimal corners and edges [22] or gradients
  • labeling the gradients for background and reflection


  • Type-II: Layer smoothness analysis
    基于物理模型二,人们使用了[9]的pipleline,但是其实两个图像的分布P_1, P_2是不一样

    引文[3] l_0 gradient sparsity prior based on a Laplacian data fidelity term,克服亮度颜色偏移

  • Trpe-III: ghosting effect

  • 深度学习
    [28] [10] 学习反射图的边缘特征

  1. mutil image
  • Type-I: motion cues between T&F

the multipleimage methods use multiple images taken with different conditions (e.g., illuminations, viewpoints, different focuses, or varied polarizer angles)


  • Type-II: linear conbination if T&F


  • Type-III

takes a set of images under special conditions and camera settings
flash, focus

  • our contributions

We first introduce three methods on the basis of the non-learning framework and a benchmark evaluation dataset.
At last, we introduce a data-driven method based on the deep learning framework

  1. Depth of field guided reflection removal
  2. Benchmarking Evaluation Dataset for Reflection Removal Methods
  • 数据的看下,下面会讲到
  1. Sparsity based reflection removal by using external patch search
    combining the sparsity prior and the nonlocal image prior into a unified framework
  2. Region-aware reflection removal by using content prior
  • 这篇文章看下基于区域的,先检测反射和非反射区域,基于反射regional恢复反射缺失的部分,基于global的梯度和颜色分离两个layer
  1. Deep learning based reflection removal
    Concurrent Reflection Removal Network (CRRN)

integrates image appearance information and multi-scale gradient information with human perception inspired loss functions and is trained on a new dataset with 3250 reflection images taken under diverse real-world scenes

  • 看下

Benchmarking Evaluation Dataset for Reflection Removal Methods

SIR2SIR^2SIR2 1500 images, 1726 × 1234
we use three steps to capture a triplet of images:

  1. The mixture image is first captured through the glass;
  2. we capture the ground truth of the reflection R with a sheet of black paper behind the glass; and
  3. finally the ground truth of the background B is taken by removing the glass
  • image aligment
    We first extract SURF feature points [55] from two images, and then estimate the homographic transformation matrix by using the RANSAC algorithm. Finally, the mixture image is aligned to the ground truth of background with the estimated transformation

Separating reflections from a single image using local features

上面的引文,基于边缘和拐角的local feature

Given a single image as input, the algorithm searches for a decomposition into two images that minimize the total amount of edges and corners
还是不太理解minimize the total amount edges and corners

edges due to shading and edges due to reflectance have different statistics. e.g. shading edges tend to be monochromatic
引文[13, 4]在分离阴影时利用了一张图像可以用来分解为T和R的原因是他们的边缘统计是不同的,例如T的边缘通常是单色的,但是在reflection 两者是i相同的

high level knowledge would know to prefer the good decomposition
这篇文章使用single image without high level konwledge

  • 由上图可知,一张图片可以有无数种分解。我们现在要做的就是在解空间中寻找到最合适的分解方法—二这个解文章称为the perceptually “correct” decomposition 视觉正确的分解

  • two decisions
    (1) what operators to use for edge and corner detectors and
    (2) what mathematical form to give the cost.

    1. gradient magnitude ∣∇I(x,y)∣|\nabla I(x,y)|∣∇I(x,y)∣ as edge operator
    2. a Harris-like operator c(x,y)c(x,y)c(x,y) as a corner operator



Sparsity based reflection removal by using external patch search

combining the sparsity prior and the non-local image prior into a unified framework
这种思想和上面那篇文章的做法很相似,同时恢复出T和F, 做更好的分解

  • sparse representation


  • non-local priors
    第一眼想到BM3D—patch based denoising
    nonlocally centralized sparse representation (NCSR) model


Region-Aware Reflection Removal with Unified Content and Gradient Priors

全局处理反射图会使得没有反射的地方图像质量退化,文章detect reflection region,并且基于上面的方法使用self-similarity without external dataset
文章认为我们的mixture image 会受到外界干扰,所以修改了reflection image的公式

  • framework

    that the regional part focuses on removing the reflections and the global part keeps the consistency of the color and gradient information. We integrate both the content and gradient priors

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