
Color profiles define the colors we capture with our cameras and see on our displays. They control what colors are used and help provide consistency between devices.

颜色配置文件定义了我们用相机捕获的颜色并在显示屏上看到。 它们控制使用什么颜色,并帮助确保设备之间的一致性。

Color is a pretty complex subject when it comes to photography. Your eyes can see far more colors than your camera can capture or your monitor (or even a piece of printed paper) can display. This means we need some way to define the subset of colors that cameras can capture and monitors can display. We also need a way to keep colors consistent between the two. A certain shade of red that your camera captures should look the same shade of red on your monitor. This is where color spaces and color profiles come in.

在摄影方面,色彩是相当复杂的主题。 您的眼睛所看到的颜色远远超过相机或监视器(甚至一张打印纸)所能显示的颜色。 这意味着我们需要某种方法来定义摄像机可以捕获和监视器可以显示的颜色子集。 我们还需要一种使两者之间的颜色保持一致的方法。 相机捕获的某种红色阴影在监视器上应该看起来与红色相同。 这是颜色空间和颜色配置文件进入的地方。

我们如何代表数字色彩 (How We Represent Digital Colors)

While there are essentially infinite possible colors, cameras and monitors can’t distinguish between them all. Instead, they use the RGB color model. They can represent any color just by combining different values of red, green, and blue—hence the name RGB.

尽管实际上有无限可能的颜色,但相机和监视器无法将它们全部区分开。 而是使用RGB颜色模型。 它们可以通过组合红色,绿色和蓝色的不同值来表示任何颜色,因此命名为RGB。

In the image above, you can see how purple, turquoise, a light red, and yellow are created by combining different amounts of red, green, and blue. Outside of niche professional uses, most RGB colors are given in an 8-bit per channel format. This means there are 256 possible values (0 to 255) for each of the red, green, and blue channels, providing a total of 16,777,216 possible colors.

在上图中,您可以看到如何通过组合不同数量的红色,绿色和蓝色来创建紫色,绿松石,浅红色和黄色。 除专业用途外,大多数RGB颜色以每通道8位的格式给出。 这意味着红色,绿色和蓝色通道的每个都有256个可能的值(0到255),总共提供了16,777,216种可能的颜色。

RGB isn’t the only color space, but it’s the one used for digital applications. If you have a high end printer, or work with designers, you might occasionally run into the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Keyline) color model as well. That color space works essentially the same, but combines four colors instead of three. A deep dive is a little beyond the scope of this article, but if you want to learn more, check out our intro to image channels.

RGB不是唯一的色彩空间,但它是用于数字应用程序的色彩空间。 如果您有高端打印机或与设计师合作,则有时可能还会遇到CMYK(青色,品红色,黄色,键线)颜色模型。 该色彩空间的工作原理基本相同,但是组合了四种颜色而不是三种。 深入探讨超出了本文的范围,但是如果您想了解更多信息,请查看我们的图像频道介绍 。

什么是色彩配置文件? (What Are Color Profiles?)

With the RGB color model, we can display (or capture) 16.7 million colors. But the question is, which 16.7 million colors to use? This is where a color profile comes in.

使用RGB颜色模型,我们可以显示(或捕获)1670万种颜色。 但是问题是,要使用哪种1670万种颜色? 这是颜色配置文件的来源。

Monitors are still a long way off from displaying the full visual spectrum (although modern cameras are a lot closer to being able to capture it). This means some trade offs have to be made with the 16.7 million colors we represent. Different color profiles make different tradeoff decisions in the colors they include.

监视器距离显示完整的光谱还有很长的路要走(尽管现代相机距离捕获光谱要近得多)。 这意味着必须权衡我们代表的1670万种颜色。 不同的颜色配置文件对它们包括的颜色做出不同的折衷决定。


sRGB is the color profile used by 99% of the images you encounter. Most monitors are designed to display a significant portion of that profile. It’s also the standard profile used on the web. In other words, unless you’re getting into specialized uses, sRGB is likely the only color profile you’re going to run into.

sRGB是您遇到的99%图像使用的颜色配置文件。 大多数监视器旨在显示该配置文件的很大一部分。 这也是网络上使用的标准配置文件。 换句话说,除非您进入特殊用途,否则sRGB可能是您要遇到的唯一颜色配置文件。

The triangle in this image represents the portion of the visible spectrum that sRGB covers.


The DCI-P3 color profile has been used for decades by the film industry, and is starting to crop up in consumer products. DCI-P3 has a wider color gamut (which means it can display a wider variety of shades of color) than sRGB. The iPhone 7, 8, and X all have a screen that can support the DCI-P3 color gamut. It’s also the profile used by a lot of HDR 4K TVs.

DCI-P3色彩配置文件已在电影业中使用了数十年,并开始在消费产品中出现。 与sRGB相比,DCI-P3具有更宽的色域(这意味着它可以显示更多种颜色的阴影)。 iPhone 7、8和X的屏幕均可以支持DCI-P3色域。 这也是许多HDR 4K电视使用的配置文件。

The triangle shows the portion of the visible spectrum covered by DCI-P3.

Adobe RGB (Adobe RGB)

The Adobe RGB color profile is designed to display a wider range of the visual spectrum than sRGB. It’s mainly used by professional photographers and videographers. While most high-end cameras can capture Adobe RGB, only very expensive monitors can display a large portion of it.

Adobe RGB颜色配置文件旨在显示比sRGB更大的视觉光谱范围。 它主要由专业摄影师和摄像师使用。 尽管大多数高端相机都可以捕获Adobe RGB,但只有非常昂贵的监视器才能显示其中的很大一部分。

The triangle shows the portion of the visible spectrum covered by Adobe RGB.
三角形显示了Adobe RGB覆盖的可见光谱部分。

ProPhoto RGB (ProPhoto RGB)

ProPhoto RGB is another wide gamut color profile. It contains even more colors than Adobe RGB. Again, though, ProPhoto RGB is limited to professional and scientific uses for the time being. It’s actually so large that you need to use 16-bits per channel—or 65,536 different values per channel—for it to work properly.

ProPhoto RGB是另一种宽色域色彩配置文件。 它包含比Adobe RGB还要多的颜色。 同样,ProPhoto RGB暂时仅限于专业和科学用途。 实际上,它太大了,您需要为每个通道使用16位(或每个通道65,536个不同的值)才能正常工作。

The triangle shows the portion of the visible spectrum covered by ProPhoto RGB.
三角形显示了ProPhoto RGB覆盖的可见光谱部分。

There are other color profiles out there, but realistically, if you’re in a position to encounter them, you probably already know what you’re doing and don’t need a basic explainer like this!


Color profiles are one of those things that work in the background and that most people don’t ever really have to think about. Still, they are worth knowing about, especially if you’re interested in photography or videography.

颜色配置文件是在后台运行的事情之一,大多数人从来没有真正考虑过。 尽管如此,他们还是值得了解的,尤其是如果您对摄影或摄像感兴趣。

Image Credits: Spigget via Wikipedia, Wikipedia, CIExy1931.svg via Wikipedia, Fred the Oyster via Wikipedia.

图片来源:通过Wikipedia的Spigget,通过Wikipedia的Wikipedia , CIExy1931.svg,通过Wikipedia的Fred Oyster 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/343900/what-is-a-color-profile/



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