
Question 5: Scale price Condition

I have a fixed amount discount condition type, which I need to

establish a constant discount for all possible values. For a value

of $100, a discount of $3. For a value of $200, a discount of $6.

For a value of $300, a discount of $9 and so on. The problem is

that I cannot maintain this scale at VK11 for all possible high

values. I need to determine that for each $100 there is a $3

discount. How do I configure this?

A: Follow these steps: (1) new routine in VOFM

-> Formulas -> Condition value. There

you divide quantity by 100, and multiply the integer part of result

by 3. (2) new condition - calculate type - G-formula. (3) Input

condition in your pricing procedure and input AltCTy (Condition

formula for alternative calculation type) - new formula.



回答:请遵循以下步骤:(1)在VOFM -> Formulas

-> Condition

value中创建新的routine。在那里你把数量除以100,对商的整数部分乘以3。(2) 新的条件 - 计算类型 -

G-公式。(3) 在你的定价过程中输入条件,并输入AltCTy(可替换计算类型的条件公式)。

Question 6: VpRS Not Copied to Billing Document

I have two condition types for cost. One is customized and the

other is VpRS. Their values are determined correctly in sales

order. A problem arises when I create the d/o and billing document.

The condition type VpRS is incorrect with value \0,\ while the

customized one is correct. What is the cause of this?

A: The VpRS is a valuation condition, normally the cost

of goods sold. If it comes from the material master record, it is a

standard valuation price. However, if it comes from the information

record, it is the very cost of goods sold. You may have a

difference from the price you valued your material at and the real

cost of purchase. Check if you have a standard value in your master

record or if you have a relevant info record. Another possibility

is your customized condition is undoing the VpRS.




Question 7: Serial Numbers in a Delivery Document

Which report will show the serial number assigned in a delivery


A: Take a look at function modules with

SERIAL_*.For example, ERIAL_LS_pRINT.



回答:看看以SERIAL_*开头的Function Module。比如,SERIAL_LS_pRINT。

Question 8: Condition Type and pricing procedure

I received the error message, \"Condition type Z928 is not in

procedure ZCS928 AV.\" How do I include the condition type Z928 in

pricing procedure ZCS928?

A: Follow pathway:

SpRO ->Sales and Distribution

->Basic Functions ->pricing

->pricing Control -> Define and

Assign pricing procedures

From here select \"Maintain pricing procedures.\" Next, select

procedure ZCS928, then “Control Data.” Add Z928 to your





SpRO ->Sales and Distribution

->Basic Functions ->pricing

->pricing Control -> Define and

Assign pricing procedures

从这里选择“Maintain pricing procedures”,接下来,选择定价过程,然后选择“Control


Question 9: Using Transaction MASS to Create Sales


Is it possible to use transaction MASS to assign a sales

representative as a partner?

A: Yes. Using the MASS transaction, select object KNA1.

Then select table name KNVp.


Question 10: Serial Numbers

Where in the sale order would you enter the serial numbers for


A: Serial numbers are entered on the delivery document

and not a sale order, as this allows for multiple serial numbers to

be entered for a single line. For example, you may have 10 serial

numbers for a quantity of 10.





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