
You probably know you can create and edit documents with Google Docs, but you can edit more than just .doc files. Google Drive can also convert any PDF, JPG, PNG, or GIF into a document with fully editable text. Here’s how.

您可能知道可以使用Google文档创建和编辑文档,但是您不仅可以编辑.doc文件。 Google云端硬盘还可以将任何PDF,JPG,PNG或GIF转换为带有完全可编辑文本的文档。 这是如何做。

遵循最佳结果的基本准则 (Basic Guidelines to Follow for Best Results)

The process for converting PDFs and images to text is really easy, but good results depend on good source material, so here are some basic guidelines to follow:


  • The text in your PDF or image should be a minimum of 10 pixels high.PDF或图像中的文本高度至少应为10像素。
  • Documents must be oriented right-side up. If they are turned left or right, make sure you rotate them first.文件必须朝上。 如果将它们向左或向右旋转,请确保先旋转它们。
  • This works best if your file contains common fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman.如果文件包含常用字体(例如Arial或Times New Roman),则此方法效果最佳。
  • Images should be sharp and evenly lit with strong contrast. If they are too dark or blurry, you won’t get very good results.图像应清晰鲜明,并具有强烈​​的对比度。 如果它们太暗或太模糊,您将不会获得很好的效果。
  • The maximum size for any image or PDF is 2 MB.任何图像或PDF的最大大小为2 MB。

The more complicated the image or PDF, the more trouble Google Drive may have converting it properly. It probably won’t have problems with font styles like bold and italics, but other things like lists, tables, and footnotes may not be retained.

图片或PDF越复杂,Google云端硬盘对其进行正确转换的麻烦就越大。 粗体和斜体等字体样式可能不会出现问题,但列表,表格和脚注等其他内容可能不会保留。

如何使用Google云端硬盘将图像转换为文本 (How to Use Google Drive to Convert Images into Text)

In our example, we’ll convert a PDF file to editable text. First, open a web browser and log in to your Google Drive account (sadly, this only works on desktop, not mobile). Then, drag the PDF file you want to convert into your Google Drive account on the browser window.

在我们的示例中,我们将PDF文件转换为可编辑的文本。 首先,打开网络浏览器并登录到您的Google云端硬盘帐户(遗憾的是,这仅适用于台式机,不适用于移动设备)。 然后,将要转换的PDF文件拖到浏览器窗口中的Google云端硬盘帐户中。

A dialog box displays the progress of the upload and when the upload is complete. Click the “X” on the dialog box to close it.

一个对话框显示上载进度以及上载完成时间。 单击对话框上的“ X”将其关闭。

Right-click on the PDF file in the file list and select Open With > Google Docs.

右键单击文件列表中的PDF文件,然后选择“打开方式”>“ Google文档”。

The PDF file is converted to a Google Doc containing editable text.


Notice that the Google Docs version of the file still has the .pdf extension on it, so the files have the same name in the list. However, the Google Docs file has a different icon than the PDF file.

请注意,该文件的Google Docs版本仍然具有.pdf扩展名,因此文件在列表中具有相同的名称。 但是,Google Docs文件与PDF文件具有不同的图标。

You can then convert the Google Doc to a Microsoft Word file that you can download or continue to work with online in your Google Drive account.

然后,您可以将Google Doc转换为Microsoft Word文件,您可以在Google Drive帐户中下载该文件或继续在线使用该文件。

You can convert an image file containing text the same way. You’ll end up with a Google Docs file containing the image at the beginning, followed by the text extracted from the image in an editable form. The results of conversions from images files are generally not as good as from PDF files, though.

您可以用相同的方式转换包含文本的图像文件。 最后,您将获得一个Google Docs文件,该文件的开头包含图片,然后是从图片中以可编辑形式提取的文本。 但是,图像文件的转换结果通常不如PDF文件好。

Whether you’re converting a PDF file or an image file, the layout is not preserved well. Notice that the Section 1 heading from our original file becomes part of the first paragraph in both the PDF file and image file examples. The quality of your source document goes a long way—the lower the quality or the more complex the image, the more you’ll probably have to edit things to get them looking good. But it’s a lot easier than transcribing them from scratch.

无论您要转换PDF文件还是图像文件,都无法很好地保留布局。 请注意,原始文件的第1节标题成为PDF文件和图像文件示例中第一段的一部分。 源文档的质量有很长的路要走–质量越低或图像越复杂,您可能需要编辑越多的东西才能使它们看起来更好。 但这比从头开始转录它们要容易得多。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/269776/how-to-convert-pdf-files-and-images-into-google-docs-documents/



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