
Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock

Today, Microsoft showed off Android screen mirroring in Windows, Google gave away some Home Minis, Spotify offered Premium users free Hulu access, and a lot more. These are the top stories for March 12th, 2019.

今天,微软展示了Windows中的Android屏幕镜像,Google赠送了一些Home Mini,Spotify为Premium用户提供了免费的Hulu访问权限,等等。 这些是2019年3月12日的热门新闻。

Microsoft和Windows新闻 (Microsoft and Windows News)

Microsoft is still one of the most dominant forces in tech today, and the company is constantly trying to expand and modernize Windows. Here’s what happened today.

微软仍然是当今技术领域中最主要的力量之一,并且微软一直在努力扩展和现代化Windows。 这是今天发生的事情。

  • Build 19H1 came to the Slow Ring (but still didn’t fix the GSOD). [Thurrott]

    Build 19H1来到了Slow Ring(但仍然没有修复GSOD)。 [ 瑟罗特 ]

  • Windows 10 is getting Android screen mirroring…for a few phones. [The Verge]

    Windows 10正在为一些手机提供Android屏幕镜像。 [ 边缘 ]

  • The Snip & Sketch tool got an update. Yay? [MSPowerUser]

    截图和素描工具进行了更新。 好极了? [ MSPowerUser ]

  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18356 was announced in the Fast Ring. [Microsoft Blog]

    Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18356在Fast Ring中宣布。 [ Microsoft博客 ]

  • Seeing AI, Microsoft’s app for the visually impaired, got an update today that will help blind users experience images on their iPad by explaining parts of the photo when touched. [Engadget]

    看到针对视障人士的微软应用程序AI,今天得到了更新,该更新将通过解释被触摸时的部分照片来帮助盲人用户在iPad上体验图像。 [ Engadget ]

  • It’s Patch Tuesday! Tons of patches, a couple of zero-day fixes, and some other stuff. [Ask Woody]

    星期二是补丁! 大量的补丁程序,一些零日修复程序以及其他一些东西。 [ 问伍迪 ]

Google和Android新闻 (Google and Android News)

If you don’t keep a close eye on what Google is doing every single day, you’re undoubtedly going to miss something. It’s crazy.

如果您不密切关注Google 每天在做什么那么您无疑会错过一些事情。 这很疯狂。

  • Google is giving free Home Minis to users who subscribe to the Google One 2 TB plan. That’s sweet. [Android Police]

    Google向订阅Google One 2 TB计划的用户免费提供Home Mini。 那真好;那真甜。 [ Android警察 ]

  • Allo is dead. RIP. [Engadget]

    阿洛死了。 RIP。 [ Engadget ]

  • More Google Assistant speakers are getting phone call capabilities. [Android Police]

    更多的Google Assistant演讲者正在获得电话功能。 [ Android警察 ]

  • An update is rolling out the NVIDIA SHIELD TV that brings Xbox controller support and more. [9to5Google]

    NVIDIA SHIELD TV即将推出更新,该更新将带来对Xbox控制器的支持以及更多功能。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Google teased its upcoming game streaming service, which it will announce next week at GDC. Fun stuff! [Google on Twitter]

    Google嘲笑了即将推出的游戏流媒体服务,该服务将于下周在GDC上宣布。 好玩的东西! [ Twitter上的Google ]

  • Firefox’s experimental Fenix browser for Android saw light with a unique take on mobile browsing. [Techdows]

    Firefox的实验性Fenix Android浏览器在移动浏览方面独树一帜。 [ Techdows ]

  • Speaking of Firefox, the stable version got an update that blocks auto-playing audio by default. [Android Police]

    说到Firefox,稳定版进行了更新,默认情况下会阻止自动播放音频。 [ Android警察 ]

  • Google is gearing up to release Android Q with a new Beta feedback and feature request app. [9to5Google]

    Google正准备通过新的Beta反馈和功能请求应用发布AndroidQ。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • On-device real-time voice transcription is rolling out to Gboard on Pixel devices. Neat. [9to5Google]

    设备上的实时语音转录正在Pixel设备上推广到Gboard。 整齐。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • RED confused everyone with a statement on its Hydrogen One plans. I’m still not sure what’s really going on. [Android Police]

    RED对其“氢一号”计划的声明感到困惑。 我仍然不确定到底发生了什么。 [ Android警察 ]

  • Chrome 73 is rolling out today to the stable channel. Here’s what’s new.

    Chrome 73现已推出稳定版。 这是新内容 。

其他的东西 (Other Stuff)

Look, not everything is Google or Microsoft—there’s a lot of other stuff happening in this world too.


  • Netflix is planning more choose your own adventure-style shows after the success of Bandersnatch. [The Verge]

    班德尔斯纳奇(Ba​​ndersnatch)成功之后,Netflix计划更多选择自己的冒险风格的节目。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Mozilla launched Firefox Send for easy, encrypted, destructible file sharing. [Liliputing]

    Mozilla启动了Firefox Send,以实现轻松,加密和可破坏的文件共享。 [ Liliputing ]

  • Spotify Premium users can get Hulu for free…assuming they’re new users, anyway. [Spotify]

    Spotify Premium用户可以免费获得Hulu ...无论如何,假设他们是新用户。 [ Spotify ]

  • Alphabet-owned company Jigsaw released a fascinating new Chrome extension to let users control how much toxicity they see in comments. [Jigsaw on Medium]

    Alphabet拥有的公司Jigsaw发布了一个引人入胜的新Chrome扩展程序,使用户可以控制评论中看到的毒性。 [ 中型拼图 ]

  • A previously unknown wresting game for NES has surfaced after 30 years. So cool. [Ars Technica]

    30年后,NES出现了一个以前未知的摔角游戏。 非常酷。 [ Ars Technica ]

  • PUBG Mobile Beta got all sorts of new crap. [XDA Developers]

    PUBG Mobile Beta获得了各种各样的新功能。 [ XDA开发人员 ]

  • A new Fortnite update will let PS4 and Xbox One users kill each other. [Thurrott]

    新的Fortnite更新将使PS4和Xbox One用户互相杀死。 [ 瑟罗特 ]

  • The macOS Mojave 10.14.4 Beta has hidden code revealing the company’s rumored Apple News magazine subscription service, which is expected to be announced on March 25th. [MacRumors]

    macOS Mojave 10.14.4 Beta的隐藏代码揭示了该公司传闻中的Apple News杂志订阅服务,该服务预计将于3月25日宣布。 [ MacRumors ]

There you go: the biggest (or most interesting) stories from today, ready for your consumption. If you like this format or find it interesting, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment below or drop me a line to let me know what you think, what you’d like to see, or if you think there’s a way to improve what we’re doing here.

你去了:今天最大的(或最有趣的)故事,可供您消费。 如果您喜欢这种格式或觉得有趣,我很想听听您的想法! 在下面发表评论或给我留言,让我知道您的想法,想要看到的东西,或者如果您认为有办法改善我们在这里所做的事情。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/407424/daily-news-roundup-top-stories-from-march-12-2019/



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