print(city.string + u'\nAQI指数:' + aqi.string+ u'\nPM2.5浓度:' + pm25.string + pm25danwei.string + u'\n空气质量:' + quality.string + space.sub("",replacechar.sub('',str(result))).encode('utf-8'))
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str


import urllib.request
import threading
from time import ctime
import bs4    #besutifulsoup的第三版
import redef getPM25(cityname):site = '' + cityname + '.html'html = urllib.request.urlopen(site)soup =bs4.BeautifulSoup(html)city = soup.find("span",{"class":"city_name"})  # 城市名称aqi = soup.find("a",{"class":"cbol_aqi_num"})   # AQI指数pm25 = soup.find("span",{"class":"cbol_nongdu_num_1"})   # pm25指数pm25danwei = soup.find("span",{"class":"cbol_nongdu_num_2"})   # pm25指数单位quality = soup.find("span",{"class":re.compile('cbor_gauge_level\d$')})  # 空气质量等级result = soup.find("div",{"class":'cbor_tips'})   # 空气质量描述replacechar = re.compile("<.*?>")  #为了将<>全部替换成空space = re.compile(" ")print(city.string + u'\nAQI指数:' + aqi.string+ u'\nPM2.5浓度:' + pm25.string + pm25danwei.string + u'\n空气质量:' + quality.string + space.sub("",replacechar.sub('',str(result))).encode('utf-8'))print('*'*20 + ctime() + '*'*20)def one_thread(cityname1):   # 单线程print('One_thread Start: ' + ctime() + '\n')getPM25(cityname1)def two_thread():   # 多线程print('Two_thread Start: ' + ctime() + '\n')threads = []t1 = threading.Thread(target=getPM25,args=('beijing',))threads.append(t1)t2 = threading.Thread(target=getPM25,args=('shenyang',))threads.append(t2)for t in threads:# t.setDaemon(True)t.start()if __name__ == '__main__':print("*"*20+"welcome to 京东放养的爬虫"+"*"*20)while True:cityname1 = input("请输入想要查看的城市名称:(例如:beijing)")if cityname1 == 'quit':breakone_thread(cityname1)

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