
I published Round, With Ties to Even a couple of days ago. Steve Eddins and Daniel Dolan immediately had substantive comments. Here is my reaction to their comments.ContentsTwo MoreSampleScalingroundTwo MoreThe four choices that I describe

The web app I'm working on manipulates a set of MAT files and lets me switch between them. Occasionally I will forget to save changes to a MAT file before I load a new one. So here, I want to add a check that will alert me and stop it from

Today's blog features a Q&A with Thomas Hayden. Thomas is a Mechanical engineering student at Northeastern university and winner of 2020 Simulink Student Challenge.



At the beginning of this year, we completed the 2020 S

A MATLAB user recently contacted MathWorks tech support to ask why the output of fft did not meet their expectations, and tech support asked the MATLAB Math Team for assistance. Fellow Georgia Tech graduate Chris Turnes wrote a detailed res

We are considering a MATLAB Enhancement Request to support options for round(x) when x is exactly halfway between two integers.ContentsClassic roundroundoffflintsroundtest roundcitiesIEEE 754Which?Classic roundThe Classic MATLAB calculator

I was talking to my long-time colleague, Mike Croucher, who joined MathWorks team recently (yay!). About a bunch of interesting topics, some of which could be good fodder for a blog post. Today I want to talk about for-loops. Table of Co

Recently, I have been writing short Q&A columns on deep learning. I'm excited to share the latest article with you today: All About Pretrained Models. In this post, I'll walk through the first of 3 questions answered in the column, with

Vita Inclinata has been driven by its mission since its inception; “to ensure a lack of technology, will never be the difference between life and death.” Inspired by the tragic outcome of a failed helicopter rescue and sparked out of a conv

The Live Editor combines code, output, and formatted text in a single executable notebook. Last year, we introduced this notebook-y (notebook-esque?) goodness in the MATLAB Mobile app on your iPhone or iPad. This post is a primer on what yo

Sean's pick this week is The Matrix lab has you by Mathworlds.

I discovered this after reading Brett's post a couple weeks ago. It's a fun submission that you guys can run yourself - I won't spoil it. This submiss

2021-02-19 - Hans on IoT

First, I would like to introduce the new ThingSpeak Community hosted at MathWorks. The community will moderated and curated by Christopher Stapels, product marketing manager for ThingSpeak and IoT engineer extraordinaire.

What is ThingSpea

Today’s blog is written by Jennifer Rebbin, Jennifer is an Application Support Engineer with the Engineering Development Group at MathWorks. In this blog, she shares some important concepts that will help get you up to speed with using MATL

It was a dark and stormy night. The dedicated engineer careened across the rain and mud to deliver her critical package through the challenging terrain of the notorious Pipeline Traverse. She had a delivery of the utmost importance and t

Jiro's Pick this week is 2-axis CNC ILC cutting machine by Bartlomiej Ufnalski.

This example is about a particular type of controller (ILC) for controlling a CNC cutting machine. This itself is an interesting example showing how the trace

What to do? It's nearly February 14th, and what, oh what will you get your sweet one? Your very own osculating curve? The one who rounds you up every day? Who's always acute even when you're obtuse?

Don't worry, my friends! The MATLAB Comm

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