

  • 概述
  • 使用
  • DataStore 本地数据
  • 查看DataStore 文件
  • Key 的枚举
  • 同步API
  • 清除内容
  • 包含key
  • SharedPreferences 数据迁移
  • DataStore 源码



Jetpack DataStore 是一种数据存储解决方案,允许您使用协议缓冲区存储键值对或类型化对象。DataStore 使用 Kotlin 协程和 Flow 以异步、一致的事务方式存储数据。



implementation "androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences:1.0.0"


val Context.dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> by preferencesDataStore(name = "user_info")//定义key
val keyName = stringPreferencesKey("name")
val keyAge = intPreferencesKey("age")


import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import androidx.datastore.preferences.core.edit
import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launchclass MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)lifecycleScope.launch {saveData("zhaoyanjun", 18)}}//dataStore保存数据suspend fun saveData(name: String, age: Int) {dataStore.edit {it[keyName] = name //保存字符串it[keyAge] = age //保存int}}}


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)lifecycleScope.launch {getData()}}//dataStore获取数据,collect 是一个挂起函数,所以会一直挂起,只要name的值发起变更,collect 就会回调suspend fun getData() {val nameFlow = dataStore.data.map {it[keyName]}nameFlow.collect { name ->Log.d("getData ", "name $name")}}

dataStore.data 是一个 Flow 对象,使用一个 collect 操作符 可以接受 值的变化,一旦值发生变化,collect { } 就会回调,可以实现数据驱动 UI 的效果。

DataStore 本地数据

DataStore 文件在 files/datastore/ 目录,完整路径是


查看DataStore 文件

双击 user_info.preferences_pb 在 AS 里打开


点击右键把 user_info.preferences_pb 导出到桌面

在 mac appStore 下载安装 Protobuf Viewer

Protobuf Viewer 打开我们导出的 pb 文件

Key 的枚举



除此之外,DataStore 还提供了其他类型的 Key

public fun intPreferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<Int> = Preferences.Key(name)@JvmName("doubleKey")
public fun doublePreferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<Double> = Preferences.Key(name)@JvmName("stringKey")
public fun stringPreferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<String> = Preferences.Key(name)@JvmName("booleanKey")
public fun booleanPreferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<Boolean> = Preferences.Key(name)@JvmName("floatKey")
public fun floatPreferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<Float> = Preferences.Key(name)@JvmName("longKey")
public fun longPreferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<Long> = Preferences.Key(name)@JvmName("stringSetKey")
public fun stringSetPreferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<Set<String>> =Preferences.Key(name)


在上面的演示过程中,我们使用 Flowcollect { } 操作符 , 但是 collect { } 会一直处于挂起状态,只要值发生变化,我们就会收到通知,符合数据驱动 UI 的设计模式。

但是在现实开发中,我们往往需要一个同步 api , 仅仅获取当前一次值,我们只关注本次的值是什么,至于以后得值变化,我们不关心。DataStore 提供了 同步api 来供我们使用 。

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)lifecycleScope.launch {//同步apival first = dataStore.data.first()val name = first[keyName]val age = first[keyAge]Log.d("getData ", "name $name")Log.d("getData ", "age $age")}}

如果是 pb 文件里面没有值,那么就会返回 null

com.zyj.exoplayerdemo D/getData: name null
com.zyj.exoplayerdemo D/getData: age null


suspend fun getNameData(): String? {val nameFlow = dataStore.data.map {it[keyName]}return nameFlow.first()



val keyName = stringPreferencesKey("name")suspend fun clear() {dataStore.edit {it.remove(keyName)}


   suspend fun clear() {dataStore.edit {it.clear()}}


suspend fun contains() {dataStore.edit {//是否包含某个keyvar result =  it.contains(keyName)}

SharedPreferences 数据迁移

如果你原来是用 SharedPreferences , 想换到 DataStore 上,DataStore 提供了一键迁移,就一行代码就搞定了。

val Context.dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> by preferencesDataStore(name = "user_info",produceMigrations = { context ->listOf(SharedPreferencesMigration(context, "sp_file_name"))})

DataStore 源码

DataStore 是一个接口

public interface DataStore<T> {/*** Provides efficient, cached (when possible) access to the latest durably persisted state.* The flow will always either emit a value or throw an exception encountered when attempting* to read from disk. If an exception is encountered, collecting again will attempt to read the* data again.** Do not layer a cache on top of this API: it will be be impossible to guarantee consistency.* Instead, use data.first() to access a single snapshot.** @return a flow representing the current state of the data* @throws IOException when an exception is encountered when reading data*/public val data: Flow<T>/*** Updates the data transactionally in an atomic read-modify-write operation. All operations* are serialized, and the transform itself is a coroutine so it can perform heavy work* such as RPCs.** The coroutine completes when the data has been persisted durably to disk (after which* [data] will reflect the update). If the transform or write to disk fails, the* transaction is aborted and an exception is thrown.** @return the snapshot returned by the transform* @throws IOException when an exception is encountered when writing data to disk* @throws Exception when thrown by the transform function*/public suspend fun updateData(transform: suspend (t: T) -> T): T

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