
1. ipa-client-install安装失败


[root@hdp140 log]# ipa-client-install
... ...
Attempting to get host TGT...
Please make sure the following ports are opened in the firewall settings:TCP: 80, 88, 389UDP: 88 (at least one of TCP/UDP ports 88 has to be open)
Also note that following ports are necessary for ipa-client working properly after enrollment:TCP: 464UDP: 464, 123 (if NTP enabled)
Failed to obtain host TGT.
Installation failed. Rolling back changes.
IPA client is not configured on this system.


2017-11-08T05:55:19Z DEBUG Attempt 4/5 failed.
2017-11-08T05:55:20Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab host/ipa140.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM
2017-11-08T05:55:20Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-11-08T05:55:20Z DEBUG stderr=kinit: Keytab contains no suitable keys for host/ipa140.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM while getting initial credentials2017-11-08T05:55:20Z DEBUG Attempt 5/5 failed.
2017-11-08T05:55:20Z INFO Please make sure the following ports are opened in the firewall settings:TCP: 80, 88, 389UDP: 88 (at least one of TCP/UDP ports 88 has to be open)
Also note that following ports are necessary for ipa-client working properly after enrollment:TCP: 464UDP: 464, 123 (if NTP enabled)
2017-11-08T05:55:20Z ERROR Failed to obtain host TGT.
2017-11-08T05:55:20Z ERROR Installation failed. Rolling back changes.
2017-11-08T05:55:20Z ERROR IPA client is not configured on this system.



[realms]EXAMPLE.COM = {kdc = kerberos.example.com  <---这个地方没有被修改admin_server = kerberos.example.com}

/etc/krb5.conf是在安装ipa client之后出现的。在执行ipa-client-install的时候会将它修改。而现在没有修改。而再次查看日志发现本机的IP是不正确的

2017-11-08T05:55:20Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab host/ipa140.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM


[root@localhost named]# cat 1.168.192.file ... ...
140     IN PTR  ipa140.example.com.
141     IN PTR  ipa141.example.com.
142     IN PTR  ipa142.example.com.


2. ipa-client安装失败后,再次重装报Host is already joined



[root@hdp140 log]# ipa-client-install --uninstall
IPA client is not configured on this system.
[root@hdp140 log]# ipa-client-install
... ...
Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM:
Joining realm failed: Host is already joined.Installation failed. Rolling back changes.
IPA client is not configured on this system.


在FreeIPA Server节点上执行如下命令:
先执行ipa host-find命令:

[root@localhost log]# ipa host-find
3 hosts matched
  Host name: hdp140.example.com
  Principal name: host/hdp140.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM
  Password: False
  Keytab: True
  Managed by: hdp140.example.com


[root@localhost log]# ipa host-del hdp140.example.com
Deleted host "hdp140.example.com"

3. 通过从节点的web 创建的用户,在主节点的web上面无法查找到



sasl_io_recv failed to decode packet for connection....




  1. 创建一个配置文件
[root@ipa110 /]# cat package.ldif
dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsslapd-sasl-max-buffer-size
nsslapd-sasl-max-buffer-size: 2097152
  1. 执行修改这个文件
[root@ipa110 /]# ldapmodify -h localhost -D "cn=directory manager" -w hadoop123 -f package.ldif -ZZ


4. ipa -client安装失败



Unexpected error - see /var/log/ipareplica-install.log for details:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'replman' referenced before assignment


[root@ipa111 /]# vi /usr/sbin/ipa-replica-installldapuri = 'ldaps://%s' % ipautil.format_netloc(config.master_host_name)replman = None   ----------增加这一行try:conn = ldap2(shared_instance=False, ldap_uri=ldapuri, base_dn='')conn.connect(bind_dn=DN(('cn', 'directory manager')),bind_pw=config.dirman_password,tls_cacertfile=CACERT)replman = ReplicationManager(config.realm_name, config.master_host_name,config.dirman_password)found = Falsetry:entry = conn.find_entries(u'fqdn=%s' % host, ['dn', 'fqdn'], DN(api.env.container_host, api.env.basedn))print "The host %s already exists on the master server.\nYou should remove it before proceeding:" % hostprint "    %% ipa host-del %s" % hostfound = Trueexcept errors.NotFound:


5. ipa-client-install重新安装是报错


[root@ysbdh03 tls]# ipa-client-install
DNS discovery failed to determine your DNS domain
Provide the domain name of your IPA server (ex: example.com): gdbd.com
Provide your IPA server name (ex: ipa.example.com): ysbdh06.gdbd.com
LDAP Error: Connect error: TLS error -8054:You are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer/serial as an existing cert, but that is not the same cert.
Failed to verify that ysbdh06.gdbd.com is an IPA Server.
This may mean that the remote server is not up or is not reachable due to network or firewall settings.
Please make sure the following ports are opened in the firewall settings:TCP: 80, 88, 389UDP: 88 (at least one of TCP/UDP ports 88 has to be open)
Also note that following ports are necessary for ipa-client working properly after enrollment:TCP: 464UDP: 464, 123 (if NTP enabled)
Installation failed. Rolling back changes.
IPA client is not configured on this system.


ipa client是重新安装的,原来的部分配置信息没有清理干净。而对于这个问题,就将/etc/ipa/ca.crt 这个配置文件干掉

6. FreeIPA Web创建的页面,在client节点无法登录


在freeipa上面创建了用户之后,发现在client无法使用此用户登录。查看sssd的日志(在/var/log/ssssd/ ldap_child.log):

(Wed Jul 12 12:09:15 2017) [[sssd[ldap_child[11108]]]] [ldap_child_get_tgt_sync] (0x0010): Failed to init credentials: Decrypt integrity check failed



[root@hdfs142 sssd]# vi /etc/sssd/sssd.conf [domain/example.com]cache_credentials = True
debug_level = 9    ---修改这个值然后重启sssd


[root@hdfs142 sssd]# service sssd restart
Stopping sssd:                                             [  OK  ]
Starting sssd:                                             [  OK  ]
[root@hdfs142 sssd]

执行su – user01,查看ldap_child.log日志

(Wed Jul 12 12:09:15 2017) [[sssd[ldap_child[11108]]]] [sss_child_krb5_trace_cb] (0x4000): [11108] 1499886555.112026: Received error from KDC: -1765328353/Decrypt integrity check failed(Wed Jul 12 12:09:15 2017) [[sssd[ldap_child[11108]]]] [ldap_child_get_tgt_sync] (0x0010): Failed to init credentials: Decrypt integrity check failed
(Wed Jul 12 12:09:15 2017) [[sssd[ldap_child[11108]]]] [main] (0x0020): ldap_child_get_tgt_sync failed.


Jul 12 12:09:14 freeipa138.example.com krb5kdc[15053](info): AS_REQ (4 etypes {18 17 16 23}) NEEDED_PREAUTH: host/hdfs142.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM for krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM, Additional pre-authentication required
Jul 12 12:09:14 freeipa138.example.com krb5kdc[15052](info): preauth (encrypted_timestamp) verify failure: Decrypt integrity check failed
Jul 12 12:09:14 freeipa138.example.com krb5kdc[15052](info): AS_REQ (4 etypes {18 17 16 23}) PREAUTH_FAILED: host/hdfs142.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM for krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM, Decrypt integrity check failed



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