5.写文献综述时,阐述他人的研究或结果时应该使用过去时态。(proof给的意见是:You should use the past tense, as you are reporting the results of others (their studies have been conducted, written, and published in the past) and the events you are referring to also happened in the past.)
6.section的标题不能用缩写,即使前面定义过缩写了,然后图表需要重新定义缩写。proof给的解释是:Figure and table captions also have to define acronyms so that readers who start with looking at the figures or tables (which many do) also understand what is shown and will continue reading.
8.proof提到复合图要把每个图的标题都写在一起,不要分开写,但是我上一篇文章就是分开写的,好像这两种写法都有,第一种就是每个子图写一个小标题,最后复合图下写一个总标题;第二种是总标题和子标题都写在复合图的下面,写在一起。(给的意见是:Please note that in such compound figures, the captions of the panels should all be presented together with the main caption and the lower-case letters a, b, c, and d have to be inserted into the relevant panels.)。关于第二种方式具体方法。
9.Please always refer to the figure or table specifically, using the correct numbering. This is important because the final layout of the target journal might place your figure or table somewhere else than you intended it (due to spacing issues, etc.). Consequently, a reader might be confused with a descriptive term such as “the following figure” or “the table below”.
10.Please insert a single space on both sides of a mathematical operator.
11.You may either use “()” or “/” to indicate the unit. Brackets are preferable, but the combination of both does not work.
12.Acronyms should not be defined in titles but text.
13.The entire caption should be on the same page.
15.Equations that are part of sentences should be punctuated as regular text.
16.It is not recommended to express what has been done in the previous section at the beginning of a section.


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