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[32]C. Liu, T. Bian, and A. Zhou, Multiobjective multiple features fusion: A case study in image segmentation,Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 60:100792, 2021. (accepted)

[31]M. Yang, A. Zhou, X. Yao, and C. Li, An efficient recursive differential grouping for large-scale continuous problems,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 25(1):159-171,2021.

[30]H. Hao, J. Zhang, X. Lu, and A. Zhou, Binary relation learning and classifying for preselection in evolutionary algorithms,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,24(6):1125-1139,2020.

[29]F. Wang, Y. Li, A. Zhou, and K. Tang, An estimation of distribution algorithm for mixed-variable Newsvendor problems,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,24(3):479-493, 2020.

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[26]M. Yang, A. Zhou, C. Li, J. Guan, and X. Yan, CCFR2: A more efficient cooperative co-evolutionary framework for large-scale global optimization,Information Sciences, 512:64-79, 2020.

[25]H. Zhang, A. Zhou, and X. Lin. Interpretable policy derivation for reinforcement learning based on evolutionary feature synthesis,Complex & Intelligent Systems,6 (3):741-753, 2020.

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[23]A. Zhou, J. Zhang, J. Sun, and G. Zhang, Fuzzy-classification assisted solution preselectionin evolutionary optimization, inAAAI, pp. 2403-2410, 2019.

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[21]J. Sun, H. Zhang, A. Zhou, Q. Zhang, and K. Zhang, A new learning-based adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm,Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 44:304-319, 2019.

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