


1、将单帧重建车道线编号,如s0、s1、s2、s3,同时将高精度地图车道线也进行编号,如h0、h1、h2、h3。这时可能匹配的组合就是(s0,h0)、(s0, h1)、(s0, h2)、(s0, h3) ... ... (s3, h3),共有16种组合,将其记为n0, n1, n2 ... n15,每一个组合都代表了一种匹配可能,我们就是要从中找到最符合实际情况的4对组合。

2、将n0, n1, ... n15也两两组合起来,如(n0, n0)、(n0, n1),..., (n15, n15),这样的组合共有225对,对每一对计算相似度

,记为score0-0,scpre0-1,....score15-15, 显然这里有些组合是不存在的,如(n0, n1)代表(s0, h0),(s0, h1)这样的匹配组合,s0不可能与h0,h1同时匹配,那就将(n0,n1)的相似度score0-1设为0,凡是不存在的组合相似度都设为0,对存在的组合计算相似度。


geometry_score = exp(-std::fabs((d2/s2 + d1/ s1) / 2.0 - 1.0));


double property_score = 0.0;if (l1.mark_type == r1.mark_type)property_score += 0.5;if (l2.mark_type == r2.mark_type)property_score += 0.5;

总得分:score = geometry_score + property_score

将(nk, np)与其他所有的组合进行相似度计算,并将相似度之和作为其总体的相似度scorek-p,对(n0, n0) , (n0, n1),...(n15, n15)每一对组合都如法炮制,最有可能的匹配组合就是他们之中的最大值。因此,最优匹配组合就选出来了。




double utils::Score(const DlLane3D &l1,const DlLane3D &l2,const hdmap_lane &r1,const hdmap_lane &r2)
{if (!geometry::IsOverlap(l1.geometry, l2.geometry))return 0.0;if (!geometry::IsOverlap(r1.geometry, r2.geometry))return 0.0;double head_disL, tail_disL, head_disR, tail_disR;geometry::GetHeadTailDistance(l1.geometry, l2.geometry, head_disL, tail_disL);geometry::GetHeadTailDistance(r1.geometry, r2.geometry, head_disR, tail_disR);double ratioL = std::fabs(head_disR) > EPS ? head_disL / head_disR : head_disL / EPS;if (std::fabs(head_disL - head_disR) > 2.0)return 0.0;double ratioR = std::fabs(tail_disR) > EPS ? tail_disL / tail_disR : tail_disL / EPS;if (std::fabs(tail_disL - tail_disR) > 2.0)return 0.0;double ratio = (ratioL + ratioR) / 2.0;double geometry_score = std::exp(-std::fabs(ratio - 1.0));double property_score = 0.0;if (l1.mark_type == r1.mark_type)property_score += 0.5;if (l2.mark_type == r2.mark_type)property_score += 0.5;return geometry_score + property_score;
}bool utils::Matching(const std::vector<DlLane3D> &dlLanes, const std::vector<hdmap_lane> &hdLanes, std::vector<match_pair> &match_results)
{std::vector<match_pair> candidate_match_pairs;for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dlLanes.size(); i++){for (std::size_t j = 0; j < hdLanes.size(); j++){if (geometry::IsOverlap(dlLanes[i].geometry, hdLanes[j].geometry)){candidate_match_pairs.emplace_back(i, j);}}}if (candidate_match_pairs.empty()){LOG("candidate_match_pairs is empty, match failed!") << std::endl;return false;}unsigned int dim = candidate_match_pairs.size();Eigen::MatrixXd affineMtx = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(dim, dim);for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)  {unsigned int idL1 = candidate_match_pairs[i].source;unsigned int idR1 = candidate_match_pairs[i].target;for (std::size_t j = i + 1; j < dim; j++){unsigned int idL2 = candidate_match_pairs[j].source;unsigned int idR2 = candidate_match_pairs[j].target;if ((idL1 == idL2) || (idR1 == idR2)){continue; //not satisfy the one to one match condition}DlLane3D l1 = dlLanes[idL1];DlLane3D l2 = dlLanes[idL2];hdmap_lane r1 = hdLanes[idR1];hdmap_lane r2 = hdLanes[idR2];affineMtx(i, j) = affineMtx(j, i) = Score(l1, l2, r1, r2);}}std::vector<unsigned int> match_array;auto is_exist = [&](unsigned int id) -> bool {for (size_t i = 0; i < match_array.size(); i++){if (match_array[i] == id)return true;}return false;};auto is_conflict = [&](unsigned int id) -> bool {for (size_t i = 0; i < match_array.size(); i++){if (candidate_match_pairs[match_array[i]].source == candidate_match_pairs[id].source || candidate_match_pairs[match_array[i]].target == candidate_match_pairs[id].target){return true;}}return false;};auto is_ambiguous = [&](const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, double>> &sort_candidates, double simility_delta) -> bool {unsigned int sId = sort_candidates[0].first;for (std::size_t i = 1; i < sort_candidates.size(); i++){match_pair match_point = candidate_match_pairs[sort_candidates[i].first];if (match_point.source == candidate_match_pairs[sId].source || match_point.target == candidate_match_pairs[sId].target){double score0 = sort_candidates[0].second;double score1 = sort_candidates[i].second;double score_delta = score0 - score1;if (score_delta < simility_delta){return true;}break;}}return false;};unsigned int num = 0;while (num < dim){std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, double>> sort_candidates;for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; i++){sort_candidates.emplace_back(i, 0.0);}for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; i++){if (!is_exist(i) && !is_conflict(i)){for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){if (!is_conflict(j) || is_exist(j)){sort_candidates[i].second += affineMtx(i, j);}}}}std::sort(sort_candidates.begin(), sort_candidates.end(),[=](const std::pair<unsigned int, double> &lhs, const std::pair<unsigned int, double> &rhs) {return lhs.second > rhs.second;});if (sort_candidates[0].second < EPS){break;}if (num == 0 && sort_candidates.size() > 1 && hdLanes.size() != dlLanes.size()){if (is_ambiguous(sort_candidates, 0.7)){LOG("the matching is ambiguous, matching failed!") << std::endl;return false;}}unsigned int sId = sort_candidates[0].first;match_array.push_back(sId);num++;}for (unsigned sId : match_array){match_results.push_back(candidate_match_pairs[sId]);}return true;

























bool utils::Translate3d_3d_LM(const std::vector<accordance_pair> &match_points, Eigen::Matrix3d &R, Eigen::Vector3d &T, double& error)
{if (match_points.empty()){LOG("match_points is empty, translate failed!") << std::endl;return false;}int N = match_points.size();std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> q1(N), q2(N);for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){q1[i] = match_points[i].source;q2[i] = match_points[i].target;}double omga = .0, kappa = .0, t1 = .0, t2 = .0, t3 = .0;double stopThresholdLM = 0.0;double currentEro = 0.0;double currentLambda = 0.0;double ni = 2.0;//Generate init lamda{Eigen::MatrixXd H = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(5, 5);Eigen::MatrixXd g = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(5, 1);for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){Eigen::Vector3d trans = geometry::RotationAroundY(omga) * geometry::RotationAroundZ(kappa) * Eigen::Vector3d(q1[i].x(), q1[i].y(), q1[i].z()) + Eigen::Vector3d(t1, t2, t3);Eigen::Vector3d residual = trans - q2[i];currentEro += residual.transpose() * residual;double x = trans.x();double y = trans.y();double z = trans.z();Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 5> J_aux;J_aux << (t3 - z), -std::cos(omga) * (y - t2), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.0, (std::cos(omga) * (x - t1) + std::sin(omga) * (z - t3)), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,(x - t1), -std::sin(omga) * (y - t2), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;H += J_aux.transpose() * J_aux;g -= J_aux.transpose() * residual;}stopThresholdLM = 1e-6 * currentEro;double maxDiagonal = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){maxDiagonal = std::max(std::fabs(H(i, i)), maxDiagonal);}double tau = 1e-5;currentLambda = tau * maxDiagonal;}auto robustWeightCauchy = [=](double norm_res) -> double {return std::sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 + norm_res * norm_res));};int iter = 0;bool stop = false;while (!stop && iter < 30){bool oneStepSuccess = false;int false_cnt = 0;while (!oneStepSuccess){Eigen::MatrixXd H = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(5, 5);Eigen::MatrixXd g = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(5, 1);for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){Eigen::Vector3d trans = geometry::RotationAroundY(omga) * geometry::RotationAroundZ(kappa) * Eigen::Vector3d(q1[i].x(), q1[i].y(), q1[i].z()) + Eigen::Vector3d(t1, t2, t3);double x = trans.x();double y = trans.y();double z = trans.z();double err_i_norm = (trans - q2[i]).norm();double weight = robustWeightCauchy(err_i_norm);Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 5> J_aux;J_aux << (t3 - z), -std::cos(omga) * (y - t2), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.0, (std::cos(omga) * (x - t1) + std::sin(omga) * (z - t3)), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,(x - t1), -std::sin(omga) * (y - t2), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;H += J_aux.transpose() * J_aux * weight;g -= J_aux.transpose() * (trans - q2[i]) * weight;}for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){H(i, i) += currentLambda;}Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 1> delta = H.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(g);if ((delta.head(2).squaredNorm() < EPS && delta.tail(3).squaredNorm() < EPS) || false_cnt > 10){stop = true;break;}omga += delta[0];kappa += delta[1];t1 += delta[2];t2 += delta[3];t3 += delta[4];double scale = 0;scale = delta.transpose() * (currentLambda * delta + g);scale += 1e-3;double temp_err = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){Eigen::Vector3d trans = geometry::RotationAroundY(omga) * geometry::RotationAroundZ(kappa) * Eigen::Vector3d(q1[i].x(), q1[i].y(), q1[i].z()) + Eigen::Vector3d(t1, t2, t3);Eigen::Vector3d residual = trans - q2[i];temp_err += residual.transpose() * residual;}double rho = (currentEro - temp_err) / scale;if (rho > 0 && std::isfinite(temp_err)) // last step was good{double alpha = 1.0 - pow((2 * rho - 1), 3);alpha = std::min(alpha, 2. / 3.);double scaleFactor = (std::max)(1. / 3., alpha);currentLambda *= scaleFactor;ni = 2;currentEro = temp_err;oneStepSuccess = true;}else{currentLambda *= ni;ni *= 2;oneStepSuccess = false;}if(!oneStepSuccess){omga -= delta[0];kappa -= delta[1];t1 -= delta[2];t2 -= delta[3];t3 -= delta[4];false_cnt++;}else{false_cnt = 0;}}iter++;if (sqrt(currentEro) <= stopThresholdLM)stop = true;}R = geometry::RotationAroundY(omga) * geometry::RotationAroundZ(kappa);T = Eigen::Vector3d(t1, t2, t3);error = std::sqrt(currentEro / N);return true;



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