
In this tutorial, we will learn about the Python time module. Python Variable is discussed in our previous tutorial. Python time module is helpful when your work needs synchronization with system time.

在本教程中,我们将学习Python时间模块。 我们之前的教程中讨论了Python变量 。 当您的工作需要与系统时间同步时,Python时间模块非常有用。

Python时间模块 (Python time Module)

When you work for a real time project, you may need to synchronize your task with system time. For example, when it’s 8 o’clock, your program should send a message to a group of people. For that purpose, you should know how to get system time using python code.

当您从事实时项目时,您可能需要将任务与系统时间同步。 例如,在8点钟时,您的程序应向一群人发送一条消息。 为此,您应该知道如何使用python代码获取系统时间。

To do so, you need to import Python time module. To get the current time we need to use localtime() function from the time module. The function gets input from time() function. The following code will help you to print current time in python.

为此,您需要导入Python时间模块。 要获取当前时间,我们需要使用时间模块中的localtime()函数。 该函数从time()函数获取输入。 以下代码将帮助您在python中打印当前时间。

# import the module
import time# get the current clock ticks from the time() function
seconds = time.time()currentTime = time.localtime(seconds)# print the currentTime variable to know about it
print(currentTime,'\n')# use current time to show current time in formatted string
print('Current System time is :', time.asctime(currentTime))

And your output will be similar to this


Python时间格式 (Python time format)

We can use strftime function to format the time.


print('Python Time Formatted is :', time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y", currentTime))

The output produced will be like below.


Python Time Formatted is : 23/08/2017

日历模块 (Calendar Module)

In the previous section, we talked about Python’s time module. We can get current time using python time module and then format it as we require.

在上一节中,我们讨论了Python的时间模块。 我们可以使用python时间模块获取当前时间,然后根据需要设置其格式。

In this section, we will use Python’s calendar module to get information about calendars. The following example code will show us some functions of the calendar module.

在本节中,我们将使用Python的日历模块来获取有关日历的信息。 以下示例代码将向我们展示日历模块的一些功能。

# import the module
import calendar# print the current month
print('The month of August is:\n', calendar.month(2018, 8))# set the first day of the week as sunday
calendar.setfirstweekday(6)# re print the calender
print('The month of August is:\n', calendar.month(2018, 8))# print if a year is leap year
print('Is 2017 a leap year? Ans:', calendar.isleap(2017))
print('Is 2016 a leap year? Ans:', calendar.isleap(2016))

The output of the following code will be


The month of August is:August 2018
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su1  2  3  4  56  7  8  9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31The month of August is:August 2018
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1  2  3  45  6  7  8  9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31Is 2017 a leap year? Ans: False
Is 2016 a leap year? Ans: True

There are other modules other than time and calendar. For example, datetime module, dateutil module.

除了时间和日历,还有其他模块。 例如, datetime模块, dateutil模块。

If you get some time, consider reading Pythons Official Reference for more information.

如果有时间,请考虑阅读《 Pythons官方参考》以获取更多信息。




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